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Corrado Calendar 2014...

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Good Morning Fellow Corrado'ers !


So it is most definitely long past that time of year again where we all get together and bombard my inbox with pictures of our Corrado's in the hope of making it into the bespoke Corrado Forum Calendar!


So - I wont waste time with reasons for my late arrival this year, or anything else relating to it - that will undoubtedly come later on. I will get on with the info:


The bit you need to know:

I am starting this late, reasons for which are detailed above. Due to this I expect calendars to probably land at your door around Mid January. (I would love to get this done in time for Christmas but it purely depends on photo entries). So please, make sure you are happy with this before getting too excited. That being said... CORRADO CALENDAR!!!! :cheers:


How do I get my rado featured?

Simply Send me an email with your photo's zipped up if possible, in the highest resolution you have. For those that are unsure, any pictures less than 1mb in size are probably not high enough quality. I was intending to put a live page up this year for people to upload their images online but basically I have not got time. So we will do it this way again for one last year! The email again is calendar at methdesignz dot co dot uk - PM me if this does not make sense to you and you want to send me your photo.


How much will it cost?

No idea as of yet, my guess will be about £16 posted 1st class.


My request from you

Please make sure you dont send me a picture that has already been featured in one of the previous 3 years calendars. It makes my job so much easier, but more than that it helps me get through this stage of the process a lot quicker which in turn means they land on your doorsteps much faster.


When can I buy one?

Purchases will not commence until I have a calendar that I am happy with. So, you cannot buy one until we have something to buy :)


Will you be donating to the forum again?

Of course. So by purchasing a calendar you are giving back to the community that help make it!


Can we be friends?

If you knew me, you would probably not ask this. But as you did, Yes we can.


Is this the end of the thread?

Not quite.




Get those photo's sent!


Now it is.

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Wish I'd whacked some dressing on my tyres when I took me pics last week now :(

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Pics sent, Though I was lucky enough to get in last year I hope to get in again ,but if not it's a great calendar & will be ordering one again this year

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Thousand island?


Well played sir :D


Sod it - I'm sending it anyway. You never know your luck...

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Feel free to give him a nudge ;)


Im sure we had an awesome engine bay pic last year / year before - Its definitely nice to get some "different" pictures through from time to time - I do have an awesome photo for this year's already from the rolling road day! Definitely a different "angle" for sure!

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