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Everything posted by rado-steve

  1. Apparantly I'm in it????? Muchos confused!!! Anyone post a pic up if they have it...ta Steve
  2. It's a Powerflow one! Tailpipe design is spot on, but the exhaust itself is a bag of poo! Gonna save some cash and pay a Visit to either Tony Law in Leeds or Pipeworx!
  3. rado-steve

    20v turbo

    Who Me or Trevor????
  4. A Few Rolling Shots on the way back from Inters, Cheers to Skez from Section 5 for these: And My Fave:
  5. I Still Think they Look Cool :lol:
  6. rado-steve

    20v turbo

    How Long is a piece of String??????? Whichever ones you want, easiest upgrade is to G60 280mm, then theres late VR6 Golf/Corrado 288mm but you'll need to change the hubs, Leon/TT 312mm, brembo 305mm or the Cupra R Brembo's, Get some off a Porsche etc etc etc The decision is yours!
  7. rado-steve

    20v turbo

    Well I know of 3 20VT Nugget Yellow Corrado's now!It's all good I spose :)
  8. rado-steve

    20v turbo

    Trevor, didn't know it was Nugget Yellow! Bloody Hell Thats 3 Nugget Yellow 20VT converted Corrado's I know about Now!!! Gonna Sell mine and start again with a blackberry Pearl Mettallic :(
  9. Is this not the dodgy Jimmi if so the cars not coming back and already been sold to 15 people. Oops! dodgy comment alert.......you're not trevb in disguise are you???
  10. Martin Also sorted my insurance out too :) Cheers Fella!
  11. Waheeyyyy! Good Stuff! Sorry If you thought I was telling you off :lol: Just know how frustrating it can be! Glad it all seems to be getting sorted! Did you ask Admarial on what basis they were going Knock for Knock????
  12. Think They Look pretty good to me :) Steve
  13. You are fully Comp Yes? Well you won't have to pay the Hire Car charges then! If you paid for the legal expenses policy on your insurance, nows the time to dust it off and get on the phone to the solictors that are paid for by your policy! The reason your policy was cancelled was because your car is a total loss! Any claim regardless of blame will result in loss of NCB untill it is resolved! If you had 3 years NCB at policy inception you will only lose 2 years, giving you 1 years, but if you were coming up for 3 years at this renewal then you will lose it all I'm afraid! As I mentioned above, The exact same thing happened to me.......took 3 years to sort out :shock: Tomorrow get on the phone to Admarial Claims line and tell them that you are not prepared to accept knock for knock and ask them on what evidence from the other side they are basing it on! You have an independant witness too! And tell them you want to sue withy the help of your legal expenses policy! HTH Helps, Don't worry it looks crap now, but it will be resolved in your favour!
  14. BTW I have a G60 Timing Belt and Tensioner That I have spare! Saves you buying one from the Shops! £10 plus postage any good to ya???? BTW pic of the bits in For Sale Section!They are Brand Spanking New :D
  15. rado-steve

    20v turbo

    thanks for your reply . any idea of cost ? About 45 of your english pounds I think! Have one on mine, works a treat!
  16. People are Tw@ts mate! If it has to go to a Judge 'cos neither side can agree who's to blame it could be a year upwards! Shouldn't be though If you have a good witness! He's just chancing his arm, Don't understand how he can say that you pulled out on him though, If you did the impact would be past the junction! Not at it or even just before!
  17. Yep! I got knocker off my scooter about 3 years ago! Guy hit me in stationary traffic! Pushed the bike over with me still attached :shock: Anyway The police were involved, took statements etc! Since I was TPFT had to Sue him through my Legal Expenses Policy, He turns around and says I dropped my bike (mmmmm Don't think so) Even though i had an independant witness who saw him hit me! So...fast forward 3 WHOLE YEARS! Finally goes to a judge to setlle! My favour Thank You, Judge basically Bollocks his Insurance company for wasting his (For a day) and my time for 3 years when they know that a rear end shunt is automatically the person who shunted'd fault! Don't worry Grimmy! It may take 3 years to recover your NCB but it'll settle in your favour!!!
  18. Neither did I! I Said Owned! Bit of A difference! Thats Fine, I'm glad you hate them, Make me feel even more Smug for Owning one :)
  19. I bloody Well Do :D And yes there is :lol: What I meant was you can't really slate something unless you've really tried it! But I agree with you about Madonna 8)
  20. Have to Join CCGB and then Cough up £14 for advance inters tickets, If you PM tempest He'll be able to sort you out the details, You may even be able to join on the day?????
  21. Don't think you have too for boggo std things!!!!
  22. Just got these fitted Yesterday! Cheers Murph! Now I can stop properly as the 280mm's wern't up to hauling it down from 140mph+ :oops: Had it on Awesome's Rollers On Sat too! Result = 195bhp at the flywheel and 179 at the wheels! Made up with that! Means I should see at leat 230-240 from a custom map 8) :lol:
  23. Italy????? Ahh Well! All alone again :(
  24. Nahhh Man :) Dark wheels on Yella cars look ace 8)
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