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Everything posted by rado-steve

  1. Cool! Another Nugget for the Forum! Looks nice Yan!
  2. Alls Fair IMO! He deserves it more than Kimi Raikkonen does!
  3. Just watched the News!!!!! Apparantly BMW are being investigated for Fuel Irregularities! They may be Disqualified! As they finished 5th and 6th, Hamilton would be promoted to 5th place and the championship would be his!!!!!! Fingers Crossed!!!
  4. Bunch of Arse! Only got himself to blame I spose! Glad that Spoilt Brat Alonso Didn't win though!
  5. I live in Canada and Live in the Province of British Columbia :D Same Difference! :lol: Terence and Philip Rock 8)
  6. Ahhhh Poverty Spec! :lol:
  7. If you laquer them , the laquer lifts and they start to corrode underneath :( It always always happens!
  8. Man! I wished I lived in the States! BTW you'll need shades with those centres.....Fooking Nora!!!
  9. Them Ronal-T's loking good! Another Nugget! Superb! Bit scary about your inlet manifold like! Here's a pic of mine when it was a valver: Mmmmmmm :lol:
  10. Cheers for the nice comments guys! Have bought a GT28RS to go on as a winter project, so I should get to UD quicker next Year :lol:
  11. Not at all! Go For your life 8) BTW Where is the stickers thread???? :lol:
  12. Toad.......The Fecal Fetishist?????? :lol: Hehehehehehehehehehehe Yep. Mate, you'd be welcome to my car, but there's too much rust on it right now for any self respecting young lady to use, but, the plan is to rebuild it this winter and try spraying it myself if I have time. If it's finished and clean enough I'll bring it up for you. TBH, I have offered it to someone else for a very similar purpose, and I'd like to have it sorted for them too... Cheers Mate! That would be champion!
  13. York Raceway or at the Pod on VW Festival, Best places to race against other VW's IMO!
  14. Cheers Guys! Just fitted my Corrado Forum Stickers! Woo Hoo!!!! Now I is a Proper Member! :lol:
  15. Man that was Heavy Going :lol:
  16. Hi Guys, Hope one of you chaps can help me 8) I'm getting married next year (August) and as my girlfriend Loves corrado's too she suggested a white corrado as the wedding car! Now I thought that was cool (Thats why I love her), but as my C isn't white I have a request: Is their anyone on here who would be willing to lend me (well us) them and their White Corrado for the day???? Taking the bride to the Venue, Photo's etc etc I will of course pay you expenses etc! The wedding is in the Hull Area so a Local owner would be a bonus! Can anyone help????????? BTW not bothered what engine is in it, just so long as it's White and Tidy :wink: Cheers Guys Steve
  17. Some More Pics! My mate snapped these......Twat! :lol:
  18. You can , but try getting BBS to forge some is another matter!
  19. Doubt you'll find LM's in 17" in 5 x 100 PCD! IIRC mine are specially made for the BMW 1/2 series!
  20. Pretty sure you'll need fuel lines and tank! also the PD engines run a fuel heater aswell for cold days!
  21. There was a nasty skyrocket for sale at Mud Jam that looked like a C! Had a 1.8T under the bonnet too! Was shocking though and he wanted £6K for it :lol:
  22. No Idea Mate, without going to my car and measuring the thing!
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