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Everything posted by Andy665

  1. Whats with all the z's - perhaps your keyboard is playing up :D , or should that be keyboardzzzzz
  2. Welcome on board Vick N - a lovely car you've acquired, nice to see a nice car in the ownership of a real VW nut, looking forward to see how it evolves
  3. I'm definitely up for an early heater control setup once you're ready to accept orders
  4. We don't all have your depth of knowledge though Kev - I do enjoy reading the technical threads though
  5. Give John Mitchell a call - he is a Milltek agent and will probably be able to help you - 07974 020031
  6. There are certainly a small number of cars that are seen as being so much the current owners car that they will always be associated with no one but that owner - I think to buy such a car you have to be one of two types of people: 1. You intend to keep the car as it is - therefore attracting no criticism 2. You don't care what other people think - its your car now and you'll do what you want with it
  7. I wouldn't want it.......since it was first sold it has always been known as "Renshaws old car" - seems like people who have owned it since have been given a hard time (not so much on here as on other forums) for daring to change anything about it - I couldn't put up with all the criticism to be honest
  8. Sold to someone on E38 - wonder what the future holds for it now
  9. EVO had one, V6 from memory that they progressively tweaked and used it for a lot of their track days - seem to remember that they rated it quite highly
  10. I don't think Max would tell you, best to ask one of his sons, apparently Dino, Enzo and little Daytona are nice blokes
  11. ADZ_VR6 - that would be a great way to spend 5k :D :D Maybe this would be slightly less tiring http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/716012.htm Or this http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/653032.htm
  12. Super-G - lots of trial and error involved in finding a combination of products that have given me a finish I'm happy with (for now), hope to improve it further over the winter - just time now rather than money
  13. Neil - Volkswagen paintwork is amongst the hardest paint there is, especially compared to Japanese paint that is generally very soft
  14. The new TT has done wonders for the appeal of the first model, much prefer the earlier version, a much purer shape
  15. Was staggered to hear that they gave the contract for the floodlights at the race to an Italian electrical company - talk about high risk :D
  16. Was staggered to nhear that they gave the contract for nthe floodlights at the race to an Italian electrical company - talk about high risk
  17. Corozin - Consistency and FIA in the same sentence - thats just too much to ask for. Great drive from Alonso and a good race overall, the pace car seemed to genuinely mix things up, Alonso got lucky and a masterstroke of forward planning by the Red Bull team. Had to laugh at Massa's misfortune - adds credibility to the thinking that "what goes around comes around" When Massa is in front hes an awesome driver but when he has a setback he just seems to throw the towel in, not what you'd expect from someone fighting for the championship. Though Hamilton was off the pace, I expected more from him but may just be playing the percentage game
  18. Anyone else heard the rumour that Ferrari have appealed against Massas drive through penalty - they claim the ruling was inconsistent with the punishment received last time - stewards have upheld the claim and given Massa a 3 min time rebate - he has therefore been declared as the winner of the GP. McLaren have been given a 10 place grid penalty for both cars at the next race for being unsporting behaviour for laughing at the Ferrari pit crew when they were running down the pit lane to retrieve the refuelling line
  19. Looks like I'm on a bit of a roll :D 1 ANDY665 Mr Williams * 898 2 THE MONOTONES Mr Owen 873 3 SONIC08 Miss Elliman 864 4 SANDMAN68 Mr Lowdell 843 5 DAIMATT Mr Wilde 820 6 FORCE VR6 Mr Smart 818 7 BEEP BEEP VROOOOOM! Mr Wood 756 8 RIGHTLINE Mr Line 735 9 FINAL STORM Mr Beddows 724 10 TEAM SCIROCCORRADO Mr Bromley 723 11 JUNKIES Mr Watkins 705 12 RAT RACING Mr Kennedy 695 13 CRANWORTH Mr Finlay 695 14 JAZZDEVIL F1 TEAM Mr Fielder 675 15 JAY2-710VW Mr Furniss 665 16 MINCYS HEROES Mr Cole 664 17 BEN16V Mr Pegler 656 18 SHEEETSPEEEED Mr Kennedy 648 19 THE HUB Mr McCurry 630 20 CHOCOLATE SPEEDWAY RACERS Mr Tulloch 554
  20. I have heard from several sources that there were only 19 RHD G60's imported - I have no way of being able to confirm it - I would imagine a fair few more valvers were sold though
  21. Good to see you back The car cover has done a great job - well worth spending a bit extra to get a good quality one
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