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Everything posted by Geeba

  1. Sorry Dox yes calipers... unfortunately no carriers...
  2. Still collecting parts for my VR... a friend of mine has offered me some MK4 TDI130 - which apparently fit over 288mm disks - will these fit the Corrado does anyone know?
  3. Geeba

    3.65 Diff for VR

    Anyone got one or could recommened where to pick one up?
  4. mine only seems to work at full speed?... is this a known issue?
  5. Gesss you of flogged me a set! lol Yeah I remember when they were really thick and heavy... maybe these are really old stock, I'm sure they will be fine... not that I'll use them! ;) You need another hobby dude! - trying to build a corrado from parts in your loft is crazy! drink beer instead ;)
  6. Oooopps... got some cheap ones, they're not bad but for a set of decent ones it would be £40, so genuine VW ones for £60 is cool Ahhh its just come back a VW dealer thats selling them... http://www.hadwinsvolkswagen.co.uk/ - so not a bad deal I guess... and if it was sammys salvage I would of paid £150 for worn out ones! LOL!
  7. Just checked mine.... 3 slat all open, air-con model.
  8. Pretty naff job to do... I went for a genuine one from the main dealer as I didn't want to have to do it again... just a thought
  9. Sams up to his old trix... lol 200 notes for a fog light anyone? Suppose its not broken for a change! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/272672578856?ul_noapp=true
  10. LOL! I'd just left the wonders of Mandeville School... TR7 was my first car ;)
  11. Yeah - doubt you get much change from a fiver now... 1988... gesss feels like a long time ago, Corrado was a thing of dreams and I was running a TR7 :(
  12. What a coincidence! Found in a pile of old magazines... was just about to grace the recycling bin! Might be a complete anorack and keep this one! :D
  13. Cool! - yep I think I'm going to grab one ;)
  14. Is it this one Adrian? http://www.halfords.com/motoring/car-accessories/car-covers-tarpaulins/halfords-advanced-all-seasons-car-cover-medium Once I get the car inside the gates I'm going to cover it up... Mrs wasn't keen on a covered car on the front of the house...
  15. Hmmm sounds ok.... wonder if its boomy in the car... blackrs2000custom - would you be happy to curior to Bucks?
  16. not something you could look at yourself? - if it is the bearing they're pretty cheap, depending on how old your clutch is thou it could be worth putting a new one in... I waited for one of Dox's GSF codes and got a Sachs clutch to my door for under £90 ;)
  17. Non resonated...? is it noisy?
  18. Just had a look round ebay... my word! people asking a LOT of money for them. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1995-VW-CORRADO-2-9-VR6-Candy-White-Manual-FUTURE-CLASSIC-COLLECTOR-CAR/112368794095?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D43781%26meid%3D0bcf5ed7f39341feafc029890a68e16e%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D222496254723
  19. holy cow! 4100 notes!!! reads a bit like mine did when I got it... certainly wasn't that much cash!
  20. My youngest (3) calls mine 'The Old Banger' :(
  21. Gesss be a shame to bin them.... I'm not down your way or I would happily swing by for them :(
  22. LOL! Yep I just need a gearbox, clutch, flywheel, pedal box, disks, pads, shocks, tyres and a wheel refurb and that switch is going to look AWESOME!:D
  23. Just run in and ready to become a taxi in the Costa Blanca! :D - they're all half a million miles!
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