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Everything posted by vornwend

  1. Thats bad luck Fay :( Same thing happened to me last year. The said neighbour drove off without even mentioning it but luckily a friend had witnessed it all and the neighbours hubbie admitted that the description of the car matched his wifes car. She later said she had not realised she had hit my bumper but even more luckily it was a company car and they paid up without a quibble. Very minor damage really but £260 to put right! Hope you get it sorted soon. Keep a record of all conversations, dates etc as this will make any arguements you might need to present more convincing. Vaughan
  2. looking good pal, the more time you spend on her the more you'll love er :wink: I like this colour (my old valver was this colour)
  3. Agree with all these comments. Bit like Judith my Storm just happened to be the best VR I could find at the time (and I was getting impatient) and had the lowish miles and colour I was looking for. Probably did pay over the odds for it (c10% - 15% I guess) but on the other hand it came with 4 brand new tyres, new head unit, full VW service history and some reassuring Stealth bills in the folder :? I do like the cream leather and air con but they are not exclusive to the Storm and not something I had on my must have list at the time although air con probably is now 8) If you went for a VR over a Storm then you'd have at least £1500 - £2000 to play with! Stick it in a seperate bank account and then not feel guilty about spending on all the mods you'll want to treat yourself to :)
  4. You only need a short bracket piece (6 inches at most, bendable, with a few holes drilled) , pretty sure Halfords do them. I had some issues with getting the BMC the right way around first time:? If you look carefully there is writing on the ends of the filter housing "air flow side" and "engine side" but this is what the airflow side should look like (picture courtesy of CazzaVR):
  5. With some bracket design consultancy from CazzaVR :salute: fitted a brand new BMC CDA this afternoon. Managed to tuck the bracket underneath very neatly. Whoaa - what a fantastic soundtrack - really pleased with the way it behaves itself at low revs and then builds when you boot it - Very, very addictive :D
  6. Happened to me in Hotel car park with my old 16v. Was blissfully ignorant until I went out the following morning and saw it surrounded by cones, 20 yards from where I had left it - I hadn't told the hotel my registration so they had no way of contacting me :confused4: I had the handbrake on too. Anyway I never ever leave the car out of gear now, slope or no slope. Sounds like you had a lucky escape this time :)
  7. I think the pre 2001 ruling is good news for us. Still an increase but less than a lot of smaller engined cars. Bizarre really but I'm not going to complain :D Could we see the price of pre 2001 cars begin to rise soon (or at least not fall so fast)- I wonder :?
  8. I agree with the comments so far I wouldn't pay more than £2K for it. Hard to tell from the photos whether there are scratches and rust under the dirt. If you are correct and its been sat there for 3+ years then there would probably be a lot of deterioration underneath would'nt there? Seals might have deterirated too. None of that is exactly cheap to fix Such a shame to see a neglected and obviously unloved classic. What a sense of achievement though if you can bring it back from the dead - you'd probably be the proudest owner on here! Vaughan
  9. Correct - got there before me!
  10. Thanks for comments.... up close and personal its far from the perfect Storm but making progress. Got brand new roof strips in the garage ready to fit at some point which will smarten it up a lot and the alloys are reaching the point where they need a refurb but hey there is always something needing doing! Very inspired by Goldies Storm but just can't keep pace with him! Actually Michael I think we did bump into each other at a Bristol meet (Tormarton) last summer. I think I had some "Storm damage" at the time (see piccie below) which was thankfully all sorted out (new rear bumper and quarter panel) and fully paid for by Watford council :?
  11. Prompted by CazzaVR I thought I'd post up a few photos of my pride and joy. Not actually taken that many and none of them taken with much forethought but anyway its a start. Had the Storm for almost 2 years now having owned a 16v for the previous 9 years (could only find 1 pic of her on the computer) and a Scirocco for 7 years before that. Bought the Storm with 56K on the clock and have no choice to use her as a daily driver so just shy of 75K on the clock now :? Only made a few modest upgrades since buying (per sig) but planning to get a BMC CDA next month and KW coilovers when finances permit :) climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfcorradogallery3.JPG[/attachment:3qud7glu] My wife and I have regular debates about who I love more the Storm or her - a silly debate really cos there is actually no contest :D (ending sentance at appropriate point) Corrado92.pdfcorradogallery2.JPG[/attachment:3qud7glu]passat climatronic wiring diags.pdfcorradogallery1.JPG[/attachment:3qud7glu]2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfP6200301.JPG[/attachment:3qud7glu]Maverick1.gif[/attachment:3qud7glu]
  12. Got mine yesterday. Many thanks, Looks like a top piece of engineering. :)
  13. Fitted a 3rd brake light - one of those lightweight LED jobs that swivels so you can get it set just right. Was never happy with the clunky Halfords job that I butchered to get the light to show and kept falling off. Real cheap as well - £3.99 off flea bay :D Lights up a treat.
  14. Congrats on your purchase. Looks stunning. The loss of the bump strips really seems to work in this colour.
  15. Hi Dave, Can you send me price for both sides please. Both working at the moment but had this happen to me with my old valver and paid a fortune to get it put right , not to mention the inconvenience. Cheers, Vaughan
  16. Very disappointing in my opinion :( It might grow on me but I doubt it. Why did they have to change the front? I agree with the article when it says it looks squashed
  17. Sorry Kip don't know. Seemed like he spent most of the time on the drivers side of the car so maybe not?
  18. Complete madness. AFAIK my VR6 is a very low emitter of CO2 ( 0.041% when the limit is 0.2%) and HCs at 12 parts per million when the limit is 200. How much lower are new cars? Have never been able to translate the CO2 % into a gms/tonne figure to compare with newer cars. How much more polluting is it to keep buying new cars? How much energy and pollution goes into making a new car :? Lets hope it never happens in our lifetimes.
  19. They charged 1.5hrs - £67.50 + VAT which I thought was reasonable given how fiddly a job it was. The guy(Dan?) obviously new a lot about Corrados and pointed out one or two things I need to get done in the engine bay. Good little garage - I'd use them again. Also noted they are agents for Milltek. I took the Wiki guide with me but I think he may have deviated from that on the live feed. The dial illumination is excellent and works with the dashboard dimmer as well. Goldie - thnx - you're quite right, pressure was up (around 6 bar) when I first fired her up this morning, started dropping gradually when oil temperature got over 70/80. I think KipVW is right about how long these are going to be available as I also had to supply a chassis number when I ordered. Vaughan
  20. Got these fitted today by VW & Audi Centre at Stonehouse (as recommended by Chazrad who they remembered well) . They did a really top job that I'm sure I would have faffed out around with for hours if I'd tried doing it myself (they took just under 2hrs with liberal breaks for car chat and coffee). Really nice finishing touch to the cabin and look the biz when its dark. :D Volts reading just under 14 and 2 bar @ 2000 rpm which I'm assuming is normal :?
  21. Sounds to me like you made the right choice :) I felt like this years ago when I was about to swap my Scirocco for a younger model. Head said do it but I had got too attached to the old one and couldn't face getting rid of it and in the end kept it for another 5 years until Corrados got on the radar. Heart not head as far as Corrados go :? Always has been always will be.
  22. Thats bad luck but at least you are ok and fingers crossed the garage is right about being able to fix it.
  23. Love those wheels Andy. Hope you have a good toothpick :? I'd recommend scanning the baby scan into your PC cos they have a habit of fading fast if they are on glossy paper. Got my first borns in a frame on the wall and after 12 years its a rather ghostly image now.
  24. Is it possible to tell from an MOT :? My last results were all in %s and PPM: CO: 0.041% at Fast idle & 0.014% at Natural dle HC: 12ppm It passed :)
  25. Andy, I can feel myself being drawn into buying a BMC :) (the danger of reading threads like these) but I'm all for reducing the cost if I can. What would I put into the e-bay search box to get the right coupling listed? I wonder how much difference it makes to the Stealth price :? Cheers
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