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Everything posted by vornwend

  1. Don't mean to hi-jack this thread but kinda related - but does anyone know if the braided Goodridge hose set I got fitted for the standard VR6 set up will be compatible with the 288mm set up? I'd like to go bigger than 288 but on the other hand it would be nice to retain the option of putting the Solitudes back on.
  2. vornwend

    vr6 cams

    I think this may be a futile and possibly expensive exercise because I think we would need Vince to do the following: 1. Dyno an un-modded VR6 2. Re-map the above & dyno 3. Re-set to 1 4. Add cams & Dyno 5. Re map & Dyno All would need doing on the same day with the same car and even then would unlikley to be representative as every engine is different (at least I think that what Vince and others have said). The best approximation we would have of the difference between re-map and cams would be to use some results comparing 2 with 4 and 5 but even then I suspect there might be reasons why the re-maps (at 2 and 5) were not strictly comparable. Then we would have to do the same for other cam sizes. I'm now losing interest........
  3. vornwend

    vr6 cams

    Pretty sure there are quite a few good results that match that. VAG HAG ended up at 221.0 Think there were others around the 215- 220 mark which persuaded me to get in on the second group buy.
  4. vornwend

    vr6 cams

    Even better 28.4bhp gain when Stealth fitted mine and re-mapped (220.8 v 192.4) - unbelievably good these cams are :shock:
  5. Running on Kumho 205/40 s which were on when I got them - very pleased with them so far. Took the old girl out for a blast this morning which was fun but gotta get some better brakes cos the contrast with the Golf is frightening when you are not using the C as a daily :shock: Get some pics of yours up sometime
  6. Ditto comments on the interior - way brighter than my dimness :wink: Good work
  7. And a small army or large family to fill it up with! Would be good for a booze cruise run :wink: Bout time you gave the old girl a rest and edge towards 200K at a more leisurely pace. Well sorted you are. Vaughan
  8. Hah me too! Less of an issue now that its parked up in the garage and only used on sunny days but even then I sometimes take a look from the utility room (even if its got the cover on! :shock: ) Corrado anonymous - "Hello my name is Vaughan and I am a Corradoholic" :)
  9. Cheers for the favourable comments. To be fair I everything I have done has been inspired by others I have seen or read about so no offence taken if you "borrow" some ideas. I have been really happy with the suspension. Of course it is a lot firmer than before but not crashy and feels a lot more solid and safe - handling is just great. You do feel pot holes and uneven surfaces but mostly you don't notice it at all. I think the KW V2s allow you to make more adjustments (damping?) the V1s just allow you to change the ride height. I was happy with that because I'm not really into that level of fine tuning and I drive on a variety of roads anyway. I didn't ask Stealth to look at the engine before cams and re-map. I was fairly sure there would be no problems as they had never presented themselves, the car has been serviced regularly and fairly low miles like yours (80K). Nevertheless it was a relief that they didn't find anything and even commented that it was very clean and in good nick.You will love the cams if you get them :) BMC CDA is terrific. The sound is virtually stock when you are driving in town but open up and its just brilliant - very very addictive - so much so that your MPG will probably drop noticeably cos you'll be trying to get the sound at every opportunity! Do love the RXs. Think they are just perfect for the car. Was a bit worried that the size difference would be very noticeable but was pleasantly surprised that they didn't. May not be quite as nimble as with the Solitudes but tbh I can hardly register the difference having had them on for more than 9 months. Anyway good luck with your modding journey - its very addictive! Let me know if you're ever over this way (Bristol/S/Glos) and we could maybe meet up. Watch out for any local meets too -either at a pub near Tormarton (near M4 J18) or Hot Air Ballon pub past Gloucester. Also loads of shows to go to through the year (see events section) where you can get even more ideas :wink:
  10. Looks to me like prices are declining at a faster rate than I've seen for a couple a years for all VR6s not just Storms. Totally unmodified 100K would be struggling to get to £5000. One came up last week @72K and £4595! 3 or 4 months before that there were Storms @84K and 95K for £6,000. My insurance agreed valuation @£7,000 looks better than it did a year ago but like most if not all here I'm not in it for a profit. I guess the falling prices are a bigger worry if you are just looking to have the car for a couple of years or are worried that it might get nicked or written off. Think it will be a long, long time before prices rise or even bottom out
  11. Never thought I'd see the day Michael but as you say sometimes there are bigger (and better) pictures to go for. Hope you still stick around the forum and hope to see you at some shows. You inspired a lot of what I did to mine and it was kinda fun trailing along behind you - a very long way I might add! Sure you will get a brilliant price for her and allowing yourself plenty of time is mega sensible cos it would leave sour taste to let her go for chip money. All the best Vaughan
  12. Thanks for posting this up. Required viewing. Be good to see it in cimemas too. Sometimes it takes hard hitting stuff like this to get messages through.
  13. Very smart indeed. The mud flaps really suit.
  14. Impressive list! Did you get it on the rolling road?
  15. Green Storm - 2542 & registered 11th August 1995 - 9 years before my 3rd son was born If thats not historic enough for you it was also 2375 years after the Persians defeated the Spartans at the battle of Thermoplyae :eek:
  16. Beat ya by 30 minutes! Great minds think alike!
  17. Looking for a bit of advice: I have a chance to aquire a Standard Fabia VRS Front Brake Set up but want to know whether this will fit behind my 17" BBS RXs. Does anybody know if they will or what measurements I need to perform or ask for? Any advice appreciated :salute: Vaughan
  18. Congrats Phil and she still don't look a day over 30 :)
  19. Could have been closer tho - all over with 1 corner to go, how boring is that!
  20. Definitely need to do something with the brakes - either bigger ones or better pads (maybe Ferodos) because I'm really noticing how poor they are compared to the new Golf. Good luck with your Corrado - try and get along to a few shows that'll give you plenty of ideas for any spare cash you might have :wink: Dave - yeah the contrast between having something ordinary for the week and something special for the weekend does kinda make up for not having it as a daily - but still missing that aspect. Kip - Judging from "ring" comments I think you are easily influenced by Dave!
  21. Looking v good Kip 8) Be interested to see the results of the work around the windscreen if you get a chance to post up some pics. I have a developing problem on one side of mine which I've just been holding in check till now. Did they just rust treat the channel and then paint the exposed bits?
  22. Good work fella! You havn't hung about there but its always best to strike while the iron is hot. Paintwork looks top notch and the leather really sets the colour off. A BMC would sort the quietness out for you and add a few bonus ponies :)
  23. Plugged her into the national grid (via an Airflow battery conditioner). Top piece of kit, even has a small notice to put inside the car to remind you to unplug before driving off :brickwall:
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