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Everything posted by vornwend

  1. Only other mod is a BMC CDA - maybe worth 6 or 7 ? You could say that :wink: Your curves were the inspiration in the first place Chris :camp: :grin: You got your brake upgrade sorted yet?
  2. Really smooth, completely stock at idle. Lots more pull right through especially past 4000 revs. Need to be careful tho cos it just sails past the ton :nono:
  3. Brilliant day at Stealth yesterday :clap: Schimmel 263 cams fitted and a re-map from Vince the mapmeister :salute: Really pleased with the outcome - 220.8 bhp up from 192.4 at the start of the day. A 15% gain :D
  4. They look great Fay. You'll get lots of attention :) Usually the first thing people mention on mine now. Careful not to kerb em :wink:
  5. Really impressed with how much you do yourself Dave :salute: Must be saving you a small fortune! I think I need a good chat with you about brakes next time we meet - Maybe a Bristol/Midlands meet in early September?
  6. Looks fab mate. Not seen the carbon fibre interior stuff before 8) Getting my 263s fitted and a re-map at Stealth next week. Be interested to hear and see how you get on with the re-spray. Vaughan
  7. Owning a Corrado is cheap as chips really :wink: Funny how it feels just the opposite :roll:
  8. I thinks thats pretty darn good. Be interesting to see what the costs would have been in the next 9 years. Petrol would be higher (you only paid 80p/litre average) and servicing/maintenance costs would probably have gone up but insurance and depreciation would be way, way lower. If the VED rises go ahead as planned then we are going to gain in comparison with others. Being a bit of a nerd with numbers myself :eek: I calculate that your depreciation averaged 16.4% each successive year which if extrapolated would mean it being worth £500 after 18 years - so a massive £8,000 less depreciation in years to 10 to 18. To show the true cost of ownership however you should also add in the cost of the capital used to purchase the car in the first place - eg £12,500 could have earned you £x of interest (compounded) each year (assuming you had the cash in hand and didn't have to borrow it). Eg - £12500 @ 4% interest would have earned you £5300 of interest over the 9 years.
  9. Ouch! :bonk: At least Kip will have another scar to talk about on those "Jaws" evenings (where Quint, Brody and Hooper compare each others scars) ..... and be signed off washing up duties for a month? :wink: Wish I had a garage that big :shock:
  10. Ooh low numbers :shock: That translates to an easy life does it? I've given mine a lot, lot more stick since I got the BMC CDA on and numbers have dropped so not entirely convinced by that :? Although I do a lot of easy motorway miles where you can't get above 80 even if you wanted to. Glad she got through - last thing you need right now is to be worrying about cars :wink:
  11. MOT passed today :clap: Into double figures now. Emissions even lower than last year - HC @11ppm and CO2 @0.027%. Advisory note on slight deterioration in centre section of exhaust (a good reason to plan an upgrade then :wink: ) The old girl will be having a much easier time of it as soon when the company lease car arrives.
  12. And they will probably get more expensive :wink:
  13. Welcome to the Forum! I've got Golf 2 MR crystal style repeaters on my Storm and I think they really suit it. Are those the ones you meant when you say you prefer the MK 4 repeaters? At the end of the day its down to personal choice :wink: Don't know if MK4 type will fit.
  14. Very nice, low miles there. Got any plans for it?
  15. I use Mer Bumper and Trim Gel . Looks like green snot :tongue: but works an absolute treat and only takes a few seconds to do.
  16. Need a few shots of both the model and the real one in the same frame. :) Models of you and Judith too :)
  17. I'm about to go down this route but as others have said its probably got a lot to do with your company's policy. In terms of tax whatever you pay for the lease above the allowance(including any contribution to insurance, admin, etc) will reduce your p11d tax calculation as its regarded as your contribution for private use. P11d value is based on the list price of the car multiplied by its tax rate (based on CO2 emissions). Final P11d value is then multiplied by your normal tax rate (22 or 40%) to get to the final value the tax man will want to extract from you. Hypothetical Example: List price £20,000 Emissions Tax rate 20% Your tax rate 22% Private contribution £500/yr or £42/mth Initial P11d Value £20,000 x 20% = £4,000 Less your contribution = £3,500 Your tax liability = £3,500 x 22% = £770 = £64/mth Total cost to you = £106/mth Quite a few boring restrictions in my company's policy (must have 4 doors, must be below 220gm/km, not sporty, must be "appropriate for the image it wants to convey" etc etc ) as well as wanting to keep the cost as low as possible were the reasons behind me chosing a Golf 1.9 TDI Blue motion. Emissions on this model are just below 120gm/km so qualify for the very lowest rate of tax at 13%. Works out really cheap for me but I obviously don't get anything to write home about (only 105bhp) but it will be a work horse while the C gets preserved for sunny days and shows. Up to 74 MPG also means I'll save quite a bit on petrol money for the private miles I choose to drive in the Golf. There are probably other complications depending on your scheme but pretty sure this is the way to calculate the basic costs.
  18. No doubt we got huge benefits from North Sea oil but even at peak production in 1999 it was only 2.7M barrels per day (now about 1.2M) when world demand is around 75 to 80 so I doubt if it made much difference to the price especially as that peak came at a time when the world didn't really need it. With hindsight we should have played a waiting game but back then (and now) successive governments had got used to the steady stream of revenue from the North Sea and coudn't turn it down. All I'm saying is that I'd rather have huge stocks to sell at $140 a barrel than the $20 or less it was in 1999. Academic argument really :eek: Bit like complaining that GB sold our Gold reserves when the price hit rock bottom. Hang on to your Corrados - they will be worth a fortune in years to come - you heard it here first :)
  19. Yep he will still need to find the tax take from somewhere. Normally these lifestyle changes occur at glacial speeds so the treasury has plenty of time to adjust its funding models. Thats why above inflation changes to tax are normally introduced over many years (fags, beer, fuel escalator, land fill tax etc etc) Maybe he's right to say there are opportunities for British companies to get in on the green car revolution but I suspect we are already behind the curve on this one and it'll be the Germans and Japanese who clean up (economically and environmentally) Crude a weapon as fuel price is its probably the most effective way of getting us to drive and pollute less. I'd like to see some joined up thinking around getting us to use the roads less because untold millions are wasted with road congestion. That would be a real gain for the treasury if it fed through to UK PLC being more productive. Thinking of things like - better (and more affordable) public transport, incentives for home working, planning that seeks to reduce the amount people have to travel to work or shops. A lot of what we see now is totally opposite to that - eg local post office closures, out of town retail outlets. Bristol is a mess with virtually all the major new employers/shopping areas of recent years allowed to site themselves North of the city not surprising that it gets grid locked is it :? I know we have new planning frameworks on things like Green Travel Plans but all feels too little too late. If only we had discovered North sea oil 30 years later we'd all be laughing now and have billions of surplus cash to invest.
  20. Regularly travel to Watford in the VR. About 120 miles from here, c80% motorway doing 75 to 80 with occasional short blasts over 90. Rest A and B roads and a tiny bit of built up stop and start areas at the beginning and end. Usually get c32 MPG (avg trip speed c 60 mph) . Can go as high as 34 but only if M4/M25 is in 50 to 60 mph and steady mode. Once got 38 on that trip but I'm convinced it was the tail wind that did it as it was blowing a real gale in the direction of travel :eek:
  21. Tough call :? , both look good. I'll side with the RXs but probably only because of the uniform colour.
  22. Make sure ya never have to talk Dan out of a car :wink: Bad enough talking mine out of the most garish trainers :) Sure you'll sell it quick enough.
  23. Took pity on the old girl and cleared the garage so she can be tucked up at night (only taken 5 years!)
  24. Tosh Spitfire IXB (Merlin 66) or XIV were vastly superior to the ME109. Faster, able to out turn and out climb the German plane which also suffered from occasional wing loss in high speed dives - which was bit of a quality control issue negating the altitude advantage somewhat :lol: Although I believe some Spitfires were fitted with high altitude superchargers and ran rings around the ME109s over 25,000 feet over Malta. :eek: Apologies for cluttering the thread Andy. Hurry up and get your next mota so we can move on to whatever that brings up:)
  25. Kind of restrictive when it comes to trains and planes though :nuts: , although I believe the Germans once did a neat line in airships :? No problem with you having an opinion but you sound almost paranoid about it which inevitably is gonna provoke a response - maybe what you're after? Lighten up and have a look at the Citroen advert instead (unmistakably German, made in France) to get a sense of perspective and less invective
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