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Everything posted by Jon_vr6

  1. Hull has them instock apparently thats the nearest one to me with stock and im in manchester lol :lol:
  2. Payment sent mate with address via paypal gift Cheers Jon
  3. Haha hope for your sake he does too mate! Keep us posted
  4. Most of the usual stuff has been done on that car the main one being the heater matrix, Katy did look after Damien he was just evil to Katy lol
  5. So it passed then mate??? Kate hardly used the handbrake it never worked (that might be the reason the discs were past it lol)
  6. My mate is into Vauxhalls so have emailed him with info so he can spread the word Jon
  7. Heres the paint code for green storm remember that claasic green wasnt a storm specific colour thus there are a few fakes badged up as storms. The storm on that link though looks very genuine but check with VW and they can give you a definate answer Classic Green Pearl Effect ---------------LC6U ---------------------93 & 95
  8. Check boot for paint code should have a sticker
  9. thats 3,000 that have been MOT'd theres got to be quite a few that are declared SORN
  10. im sticking with my standard leather then always liked the look of recaros though but if they arnt as comfy i will stick with mine :D
  11. Loos too like an audi a4, they all look the same now adays anyway
  12. Jon_vr6


    have you thought about upgrading to 288mm
  13. Make sure the switch is on 1 and not 2 aswell
  14. is it not an abs judder with you abs light being on and all that??
  15. ive got them on mine (red stuff) good pad when warm bit sketcey first thing but if its for track use you should have no probs
  16. link changed on first page yahoo must have deleted
  17. I would have stayed looking out of the window all day i find people getting stuck in ice rather funny aswell
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvp-MMsSleQ
  19. A slight difference i know they dont warrent the extra price tag but they were the last ones made, i always get people asking me what a storm was as few people have heard of them
  20. A corrados for life, im keeping mine forever so prices can go up and down as much as they want i aint selling. Im sick of the government trying to dictate what we can drive by increasing road tax aswell, this country is/has gone to pot its sh!t why cant we be more like france when the taxes go up they all stop work and they protest march the whole country comes to a stand still. Rip off britain :bad-words:
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