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Everything posted by Jon_vr6

  1. Still got the storm centre gear surround and rear badge ?
  2. As above a storm is getting broken any panels salvagable such as wings ?
  3. Dont bother your car will always run in the cold phase and you'll use more fuel
  4. Ive been told to just pull but it doesnt release from the clip
  5. Its not just our cars i saw a new golf, a new jag and a citreon with the same problem the other day. The joys of winter, can remember me and the gf leaving the raddo parked up in trafford centre while we went for my birthday meal came out 2 hours later and all the windows were steamed up on the inside. If its just the rear window then ill take it with a pinch of salt.
  6. Mine does this a little bit only every now and then. Just think its normal
  7. Yeah same on mine proper fogged up
  8. Good news glad to see you stuck with it and didnt throw in the towel
  9. Just spotted in PVW that Eurowise in the states have finally made an aluminum thermo housing its expensive but just thought it would be worth posting up to see what people thought of it http://eurowise.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=818_821&products_id=861
  10. Hi anna Is the carpet made to order?
  11. I would have been if it wasnt the other side of the country. Ill just get mine sorted when i eventually get the car resprayed
  12. Good on you for taking it on Jim maybe if we can crack the brushed chrome effect we can look at the rear corrado badge too but one step at a time
  13. Thanks mate. I have no knowledge of the auto box so as said just googled it. It does seem though when an auto box is dead theres no option but to replace
  14. Just typed that gearbox error code into google and brought up a few posts on vortex most of them pointing to the gearbox being knackered basically. Not good but as you said you'd planned to do a manual conversion anyway
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