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Everything posted by dirtytorque

  1. oh,I missed that post on the previous page. Bummer. Does look better but it's came at a price. Such is life eh?! In hindsight is there anything you could have done to stop the paint coming off?? Do you think I should stay clear. I DO NOT have money for a respray at the mo. :(
  2. have you taken the side skirts off? Imo I think the red ones suffer the worse in terms of looks with the side strips. I dosn't look so bad on the darker color C's Too scared to take mine off though. :pale:
  3. they just have such an amazing stance. 8) So kool.
  4. thnks,another job that I relish the prospect of. :sad:
  5. Hi prodigalSon. to access the exhaust manifold for removal is it best to remove the inlet manifold in your opinion? ta.
  6. ou la-lah very nice. back on the engine trail now?
  7. ok,thnks Well i had to think about packing up and going to bed but the fuel pump run on prob came back. However when I connected the stim up to it if there was no rpm signal the pump led would light briefly and then go out?? I'm thinking maybe a short rather than firmware now?! btw the car made a few splutters in an attempt to start b4 i finally gave up for the evening. :)
  8. it mite be coz i edited the other two. One last shot. The complete log
  9. yeah sometimes its just best to walk away..
  10. Scanned through my logs and found a section where it registered some rpms. As you can see the battery voltage falls down to 6 odd volts while cranking.
  11. had to go to halfords and buy a battery charger. :( I only gave it a couple of turns b4 it gave out. coz i've been faffing about taking so long to get it all wired up over the last few weekends the battery has gone flat. G60 clocks don't get its information from the ecu so i didn't have to worry about any of that so i'm not sure. :| i'm tired..
  12. very. no matter how much reading up u do b4 you still get that $hit i don't know what i'm doing feeling. :) thnks for tips. Now wheres that fire extinguisher? :eek:
  13. yeah,i've set the ecu type. Just eating lunch to steel myself for a full on start my car on megasquirt session. Then i'll go at it again. I didn't try it with a little throttle so i'll try that aswell. grrrr.
  14. hmmm... just tried to start mine. On the second attempt the fuel pump started to just run on like what happened to you. i am using v2.88e :? did you regress to an earlier firmware?
  15. You are basically right in what you are saying however boost pressure is not the only factor. You need a re-map because you engines volumetric efficiency(VE) has changed. Your car will under fuel because it thinks less air drawn into the engine but in reality more air is being drawn in(especially at mid to high rpm) its just that less of the air is lingering in the manifold due to the better breathing of the 16v head. A new fuel map would take the engines improved VE into consideration when doing its fuel calculations. You need a re-map.
  16. as per the bottom pic buddy. Lets hope this improves things for you once you change it.
  17. the rear even looks a bit "corrado-ey" i mite get one. in 15 years when its retro. :)
  18. Ditto. I can't really see the point of 2 [or more] road cars tbh, but then I'm not known for my conformist or balanced views :lol: One road car, 1 track car, or one road car, one company car.....I can go along with that, but 2 privately owned road cars is like having 2 wives, but you fancy one more than the other. And why pay to insure and tax the 2nd wife and only bang her once a month? Besides, nearly everything I've driven in recent years is just dull next to the C anyway. Fun for a week..... then I want the C back.....so I'd rather just devote all my time and money to one wife :-) 2 of them is just too complicated. interesting analogy. I see it more as having one wife and a mistress. The rado being good for a romp at the weekend. :lol:
  19. Ok so red is a bit overt maybe. A bit flashy,but I have always liked red cars. A bad one looks really bad and tired but on the flip side they look awesome when they are looked after as some of you guys above have shown. :twisted:
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