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Everything posted by dirtytorque

  1. If cameras are placed in accident hot spots then they should be visible to slow the traffic down.
  2. dirtytorque

    Power Gains

    :) i think you will find that around these here parts that if it is performance gains you are after then people will generally point you in the direction of boost. Thats the observation that i have made in my time on this forum. Welcome to the-corrado.net btw.
  3. dirtytorque

    16V G60

    No you don't need a full 16v engine,but some feel that it makes a better base for this platform due to the engine blocks breathing setup. It is the bottom end that tends to differ alot from install to install. This is a must read if you are serious. http://forums.fourtitude.com/zerothread ... 212&page=1 and again I would put all your questions in the 16v forced induction thread.It helps others later on if these queries are all in one place. ta.
  4. dirtytorque

    16V G60

    Hi traverse,head over to the 16v FI thread.Have a read through and then post any questions you are not clear on there. :thumbleft: also look at yandards,flusteds,jezzag60's build threads.you will see there is no one fixed path for this conversion. 8)
  5. No its not. It hasn't got the metal plate behind it so I didn't bother as it didn't say to in the manual. Tried new ht lead still same. Intermittent and weak spark. I put my timing light on my golf and disco'd the fp relay just to reassure myself that the timing light was working and u get strong regular pulses when the engine is cranking. With ms I do not. Well its worth a try thanks I'll give it a go. Cheers Wayne.
  6. Why don't you plug in your old ecu and loom to see if it still fires? I know you set it up so you could plug straight back in. Or am I missing something, or is it not that simple! I had to deviate from that plan slightly although I should only take me half an hour or so... Not quite ready to go that route yet. yes i am very stubborn sometimes. :)
  7. yeah,you need the oil cooler.
  8. nah i've checked that. to be continued...
  9. someone could weld something onto the bolt so you could get purchase on it?!???
  10. :salute: keep on keeping on. 8)
  11. just heat the ba$tard up,and then try and undo it,oh and try not to get burnt. 8)
  12. No spark. :scratch: Or at least it is very very intermittent. I attached a timing light to the ignition wire between coil and dizzy and it lit up twice,each time the engine simultaneously rumbled but then no more spark. I have checked the ignition cct and its fine. I get a nice square wave at the output of the vb921(I have a scope) and the ignition led fires ok. Also I have a new vb921 ignition driver chip installed and all looks ok on the stim. So i'm thinking it has to be something with the car.?!? I checked the resistance of the ht lead between the dizzy and the coil and it was 900 ohms. In the bentley it says it should be between 4-6 k ohms. So I am hoping that that is the prob. In summary,no spark no joy. :(
  13. are the dampner/tensioners expensive? next silly question. :)
  14. whoa,thats nasty ... How did you put it out?? :shock: I have some tidying up to do myself but im still trying to get a consistsent start. I was de-railed by a blown ignition driver(vb921) and a faulty isv(I think i blew my last one up. :grin: . Back on the case now. What ASE are you using 45% to 25 % over 250 to 100 cycles? cheers.
  15. Cool. They make an excellent contrast.
  16. they are v handy. I use one around the house and on the car all the time. you will get your moneys worth.
  17. lol. No harm done then?!!!!!
  18. cheers wayne. can you post your idle control pwm table too pls?! many thanks.
  19. I think mine are the bolts used to secure the bellhousing of a vw golf to the engine. Which I got funnily enough when i removed a bellhousing from an engine. I would imagine you could order some from gsf or somehwere?!!?!!
  20. yeah,using ms2. The things I'm most concerned with our the ignition settings. in particular cranking trigger and spark rise. what settings have you gents used? I'm a bit concerned about the health of my coil. I 4got you had squirt'd your g mondy. :)
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