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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. I had Angels in mine, they ate all my tetras! The only one they didn't attack when they layed their spawn was the Siamese Fighter, they even chased off the quite large Plec I had! I ended up giving the lot to the mother in law, as the missus didn't clean it out properly when I was away. She put the heater on full (even after an email telling her not to touch it!) and killed everything off the bloody stupid woman!
  2. And how would they test for modified ECUs? Standalones I get, but mapped will be almost impossible without dismantling it. As long as emissions are within parameters (Tested on MOT anyway) then they wont know. You general back street garage is never gonna get the equipment to read every map are they!
  3. Its an easy diy job tbh, shouldnt cause you any problems. Im on my phone, but have a look in the wiki guides or google if your unsure. With the high temps you engine was running at, the fan WILL come on/stay on when you remove the key. This aids cooling after switch off, as obviously no coolant is circulating. By the time you topped up with water it had probably cooled sufficiently.
  4. Yeah I understand that don't get me wrong. The point I was trying to make though is that you take pride when its looking its best, and prefer it when its nice and shiney!
  5. My last one, and the next is likely to be on a shoestring budget. So for that reason, preventative maintenance at home is the only way it can be, as I cant afford hefty garage bills. I have all the gear when it comes to detailing, but again I give it a wash once a week, and a wax once every couple of months. I actually dislike detailing though! How anyone can enjoy sore hands, and a back that aches for days after trying to hold a rotary polisher I don't know! Personally for me though its a necessary evil. Lets not kid ourselves, we all like the chufties. Hell, theres even a thread! We're not gonna get that with a car thats a bit of a ****ter. We like to protect the paintwork as much as possible, because for me that only adds to the pleasure of owning a Corrado, and you take pride in a nice clean car. I don't park in the furthest space at the supermarket, and take two spaces to ensure against stupid people though!
  6. The fire will be sucking in enough oxygen from underneath for it not to make much difference really. As long as its not blustery and likely to spread a naked flame to a fuel source, theres no real problem with doing it. Tbh, your not likely to think much about it when there are flames leaping from the sides of the bonnet and grille, you just brick it, whip the bonnet open and empty your load (extinguisher you dirty buggers!) all over the source of the fire. Figure eights from top to bottom. Don't try to spray it directly into the centre as it may spread. Ideally do it off the bonnet as the spray will spread out containing it as much as possible.
  7. Honestly, get a foam one if you can. The dry powder will blanket the flame temporarily, but there are no cooling agents in it, So its very likely it will reignite. Foam is obviously water based so will cool the affected area, and the foam does the same as the dry powder by blanketing the flame. Foam is used on oil based fires, with dry powder and co2 on electrical, but as long as you have no exposed wiring and power has been isolated (ignition off) then foam is safe regardless. You will have to clean all surfaces and electical contacts regardless as well, so foam is deffo the way ahead!
  8. The sunvisors I had were sprayed matt black by the previous owner, as well as the sunroof mech cover. Mk3 Golf VR6 Highline had black interior iirc too. The interior light switch, and the sunroof switch were both black though.
  9. They are about. I had the in the valver and they were black, not sprayed. Unfortunately, the car has now gone to the scrap heap (as in my sig). The bloke who took it is Dan at DevonDubShack. http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7t92ADJQfSUAeUlXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1bmc3NHE4BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01TWTAwMV8xMTg-/SIG=11jrt5f41/EXP=1345482998/**http%3a//www.devondubshack.co.uk/ If you email him, he may still have them.
  10. seanl82

    Slam Panel

    Your not forgetting the screw for the light that requires a long screwdriver down the hole in the slam panel are you?
  11. Unless they know Corrados I very much doubt it. It'll probably take you less time than it would take them, unless you print the guide with pics out and hand it to them. Even so, it'll probably cost a pretty penny as it takes a few hours.
  12. Its a two man tent Wendy, but I'm sure he'd be happy for you to sandwich yourself in! :lol:
  13. Yarp,the tapered bearings in the rear are supposed to be a little loose, to allow for the expansion of the metal when it gets hot. Trust me I know, as I did them up too tight, shredded the bearing, and shredded a stub axle in the process!
  14. If you have the bypass delete, and your matrix is a bit blocked, the water wont circulate properly. This will cause strain on the pump, and water will get hotter than it should as its not being cooled by the rad properly. I had problems with my oil light/alarm randomly flashing. I'd changed clocks, wiring, sensors, pump, cleaned pickup the lot. Turns out it was the baffle on the pickup being a bit loose as one of the retaining clips had snapped off.
  15. Check the dim dip resistor on the front of the n/s wing, inner side near the battery.
  16. Do you mean to take the pulley off? I clamped the pulley in a vice with wooden blocks between the metal. It did move a little under high tension, but managed to get the securing bolts out without too much bother.
  17. As said, Bora or Passat alloys, Castellets iirc. 16" 5x100, and can be picked up for about £120 or less on ebay auctions.
  18. Not sure on Womens Boxing, but Nicola Adams, WOW! Amazing fight, absolutely fantastic stuff!
  19. The car has been wrapped in carbon fibre, which shows a few creases, but nothing majorly noticeable. WTF, oozes half arsed efforts from start to finish. Why spend so much time and money to create such a monstrosity! :cuckoo::brickwall:
  20. I sent mine back about two weeks after my car was written off. (a week after bunging 6 months on!) Ive still not got anything back 6 weeks later! and I sent it express recorded. I sent the v5 off in the same envelope to say it had gone to a trader for dismantling, and received the form back saying Im no longer the keeper last week! They are particularly slow when issuing money back, but are all over you when you tax it on time, throwing fines about like you wouldnt believe!!!
  21. Take as much as you can off with a flat stanley blade, just be careful not to scratch the glass. Then as suggested above for the residue etc.
  22. Sorry dude, got sidetracked watching the cycling! Anyway, here we go; Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Relay No: nil 72 nil 18 43 21 rear scr Ign main ? Indicator/ wash relay hazards Inter wipe/ Relay No: nil scr wash nil fogs horn fuel pump Position: 7 8 9 10 11 12 Put your hand on each one when its happening, you will obviously feel which one is buzzing away. Hope this helps mate. Edit, didn't come out how I wrote it so I'll go again! Relays left to right, 1-6 top, 7-12 bottom row. position 1 - nil, 2 - relay 72 = Rear screen wash, 3 - nil, 4 - relay 18=Ignition main relay, 5 - relay 43 = ??, 6 - relay 21 = indicator/hazards position 7 - nil, 8 - relay 19 = screenwash/intermittent wipe, 9 - nil, 10 - relay 53 = fogs, 11 - relay 53 = horn, 12 - relay 80/67/167 = fuel pump
  23. I'm 30, but currently without a Corrado though. Only managed one for 7 months before it was written off. I will be on the lookout very shortly for the next though!
  24. There is a master ignition relay I'm sure. I'll be home in about an hour and I'm pretty sure I still have the list in my "useful information" folder, so will fish it out for you mate.
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