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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. Originals are taped in place also. Shouldn't have side to side movement but they are basically water channels, and don't think they're intended to be water tight.
  2. Welcome back! Yep, I was a temporary custodian of this one. I sold it about 18 months back and only had it for about 6 months. Happy to discuss anything and I'll email you any pics I have if you like mate, just PM me with anything you need. :thumbleft:
  3. A few hundred quid on paintwork and a small amount of welding to the rear arch lip, and this car will be truly great! I can't believe its still with you after what, 4 days! An utter bargain and if I had the spare cash, I'd anashamedly bite you arm off Jim!
  4. Oh right, I thought it was exactly the same, my bad! I don't plan on buying it unless I absolutely have to, but thought it worth mentioning as like I said, I saw it whilst browsing their website. Most are advertised on ebay are around the £100 mark and look rough as a badgers whatsit. Add in postage costs, if the seller will even entertain doing that then it seemed pretty good value.
  5. Shame I only spotted it last night Rob. I need to get the motivation to start mine too, it was whilst looking for some more of the small parts I found it. At least I know it's there now should I encounter the same problem as you mate.
  6. I know you have one now Rob, but for anyone searching in the future I was having a look on the VW Parts International ebay page last night, and they are selling the subframes new for £195 incl postage. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-Golf-MK3-GTI-VR6-Engine-Sub-Frame-Rear-Console-New-High-Quality-Part-/152208334170?hash=item237052dd5a
  7. Also worth mentioning if it's early or late as they differ depending on age of car.
  8. I've used paints4u before a couple of times Rob, mixed results with regard to colour match bur not a million miles off, and won't be noticeable in that area if it is off. Good price too.
  9. I know Stealth can delete the immobiliser from the ECU, but not sure if its as simple as deleting it through VCDS. Let us know how you get on though, as I only have one key as well so I'd like to find out.
  10. Great work Jim. I did a fair bit with a rattle can on my car prior to respray. It's just having confidence that you've got enough lacquer on before wet sanding and polishing, as it a pain in the arris if you strike through and have to start the whole process again! Once the orange peel has been eradicated, so long as the colour match is good you really can achieve good results. Just takes a great deal longer than if a pro did it with a gun!
  11. Indeed a sad day Jim. Kind of had a feeling for a while you might though, given the frustration you've experienced over the last couple of years. Who knows though, like others you may find that it leave a gap in your life you just won't be able to fill, and you'll be back before too long! :nuts:
  12. seanl82

    ABS pump vr6

    May have been an old code or intermittent fault? It's been said in the past that the valves can become a little sticky, so a good stomp on the brakes to activate them every now and again helps.
  13. Hehe, wonder what you've bought then!.........................
  14. Absolutely mate. That I think would make it the highest paid for a Corrado in the UK since they were just a few years old which sounds daunting, but I don't think most would say you'd been ripped off at that price.
  15. Its way over the top Trevor. Honestly, the car is one of if not THE best in the country, however that is an astronomical price and I don't think they'll ever shift it asking that. I'd go as far as saying its worth maybe 15k judging by recent sale prices, but I wouldn't pay much more if you're interested in it. Just seems like throwing the money away and having a slim idea on what the dealer paid for the car, they're certainly chancing their arm there!
  16. Probably not a huge amount of clearance factoring in the garage door dropping down tbh Rob. I think I'll do the rear first like you, and I can crack on with cleaning all the underside (with a toothbrush!) before getting to the front. It'll help identify all the correct sized bolts too as I'll either be ordering new or having existing ones zinc coated if they're in decent knick, and I'll only end up getting them mixed up!
  17. Got all those already Rob, mostly genuine but a few bits aftermarket and quite a bit from heritage including wishbones. I'm not sure if I'll start at the back then do the front, or just do the lot in one go........ I'll see how I get on next week I think!
  18. Went for a little blast this morning to use up some fuel, then washed the car and put it in the garage. She's now SORN for the winter and I'll be starting the underside disassembly next weekend. Scraped knuckles, covered in filth, and sheared bolts here I come!
  19. I can understand your frustration and you're right, that is down to poor prep. Problem is that 4 years is quite a long time, so unless they're feeling particularly generous or you go down the legal route, I can't see that they'd do much to help you out without you paying for it - which judging by the first lot of work I'd imagine you'd prefer to go elsewhere. The legal route is a posibility, however what are the paintwork guarantees on modern cars these days? 2-5 years I think, so even then you may well be fighting a losing battle and have to stump up for legal costs. FWIW, I'd speak to them first, but probably just bite the bullet and get it done elsewhere out of your own pocket. As its a local repair, it shouldn't cost too much anyway.
  20. I take it these are late heater controls. The problem 9 out of 10 is that the bowden cables from the back of the controls to the heater box, or the cogs on ther heater box itself become very stiff. So regardless of how you try to change the controls they'll still break. Removal of the heater box is a long and tedious job, so if you get a garage to do it, they'll charge you a fortune. There is a decent guide on the wiki or on the corrado forum of Canada. Have a look and give it a go yourself. Clean and grease the heater box (worth renewing the foam on the flap whilst you're there), and get one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281279489606?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Get some wd40 down the cable sleeve and refit. This should give you a nice slick movement, and take the strain from the dials themselves.
  21. Sounds like theres light at the end of the tunnel Rob. Fingers crossed the trader realises he's backed into a corner now, and you get back what you deserve. :thumbleft:
  22. Me too, not very effective at what it was designed to do to be honest though!...............................
  23. I was lucky then! I have a spare brand new N/S one if you want it, as I did what Jim warned of and bought 2 by mistake. If you search on ebay for "vr6 brake hose bracket" they have them in stock I believe. Or you can have my spare N/S one for £5 including postage?
  24. I got mine from VW parts international via ebay, £5.99 each plus postage. Part number 1H0 611 799 & 1H0 611 800 Replacement shocks won't come with them as they're bolt on, but my Bilsteins have the mounting point ready to accept them as original. Should be a case of just swapping them over but someone previously obviously couldn't be bothered on yours! :thumbleft:
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