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Everything posted by edd

  1. Thanks for putting back up pic Bix its saved now. Theres a set on egay for £70 noticed them cos i too thought they looked similar to the Ats cups but i think ur right billinjahg60 they just dont work. was worth a photoshop though (shame im not capable of doing it myself...gonna have to get that sorted) thanks for your help and opinions people. Edd
  2. yeah thats kind of along the lines i was thinking, thats why i noticed them......where the photoshop gone bix - i haven't saved it yet :( :)
  3. hmm the more i look at them the more i kinda like em, prob with them for me is always going to be the wheel bolts as i don't really like it when they are not recessed...........plus cant find out what offset the wheels are at the moment. Kinda like this new Merc wheel trend thing though. Thanx again Bix Edd
  4. Im afraid i was too busy talking about engine forgot to ask Vince wha he thought the clucth noise originated from. Couldn't tell you exactly what was changed but i had the full engine rebuild inc clutch package as mine was Fecked. Job cost me as much as the car!!! Super silky smooooooth tho!! Will be up at Stealth this Sat so will ask Vince about the clucth then. Edd
  5. Cool thanx for doing that bix, hmm not quite how i had envisaged, think they are prob best left on a merc. Put the C back into tractor looking territory again!! Thankyou anyway. Edd
  6. I hate to ask but dont have photoshop and if i carry on trying (unsucessfully) with the other crappy programs ive got, the computers going out the window. Heres the car heres the wheel - will be 16" Any help will be much appreciated.
  7. Just an update - having received the vr back after a full rebuild inc new clutch at stealth my clutch groan when moving off from standstill has now gone :D :D
  8. edd

    Engine Rebuild

    As a point plug number 1 was only fouling up in a few days after continuingly administering very long periods of overun (i was going through the paranoid and pissed off period :D ). But the blue smoke being emitted after these overuns wasn't just noticeable.....it was scary!! When Vince from Stealth ripped the head off he did say that bore 1 was on the limit and just a head rebuild would probably solve most issues. As it was, i decided i'd rather spend 3.5K on an engine thats hopefully total sorted (mechanically) for the rest of my ownership than 2k on an engine i still have to rip the plugs out every couple of thousand K and get into everyday knowing i might still need to spend loads getting the block sorted in the foreseeable future. I do have something bugging me though. and some of you chaps might be able to steer me the right way for the future, I meant to ask Vince but i forgot. Obviously the fact the 2.9 can get knackered bores is due to it being factory rebored and the effect that has on it running temp around bores 1 & 6. My block has now been rebored with oversized pistons so therefore should be even more prone to the same B**stard 2.9 curse. Whats the best and cheapest way of hopefully stopping this happen again while i still own it (which will be a long while considering its current costs). Extra oil cooler etc?? Sorry to hijack the thread Ed! Edd
  9. edd

    Engine Rebuild

    Run it for a while and keep checking the plug in question to see how quickly its oiling up. My VR's just gone to Stealth for a full rebuild but plug 1 was oiling up in a matter of days turned out the bore was badly scratched. Ur not gonna do any real harm apart from maybe chucking a bit of oil through your CAT and maybe oiling up your Lambda (which was the case with mine). Like Roger said it could just be your valves etc. Edd
  10. yeah i'll second that i was there 12 months and didn't see any, i would love to have seen one there though. Nothing fast and low lasts too long on their roads!!
  11. http://www.pilkington.com/automotive+in ... efault.htm OE and aftermarket glass My old valver had replacement Pilkington glass in it. i know it was replacement because it used to piss water in everywhere because the monkey that must have fitted it made such as mess with the sealant/windscreen bond. Have a look at this link Pilkingtons are just a worlwide glass company - it says somewhere on the site that their main automotive glass works are australsia.
  12. My old valver said that on the windscreen think it must be a replacement glass manufacturer as it definatley wasn't an import.
  13. ooops sorry guys badly worded, I better correct this before it turns into another insurance debate :) , i meant if you get her insured for a day her doubts about your C being a bargain will be quashed only for her to feel extreme jealousy the next day when shes relegated back to the passenger seat. :)
  14. with the 3.0 rebuild and beige leather sounds like a bargain to me...try insuring her but for one day only...... sit back and watch doubt turn to jealousy!!
  15. Good to hear stuff like that been without mine for three weeks now and cos im off on holiday its gonna be another month till i see her again, nice to think shes in good company (albeit expensive company :) ) tho.
  16. give my baby a stroke for me....i miss her - green vr6 - with no engine
  17. edd

    Caliper Paint

    hammerite smooth spray is good, at least i think thats what its called!!
  18. I won't be there but the car will be - Vince just gave me the delightful news that bores 1 and 6 were scored - bore 1 badly. Gutted as i was planning to go to indonesia for a three weeks which'll almost certainly be postponed now :cry: but kinda happy as im getting a fully rebuilt stealth engine wehey!! :onfire:
  19. I was quite suprised to get flashed by on old lady in a polo yesterday - I was so chuffed my C was being appreciated by a diverse generation that i didn't realise i was heading straight towards a parked up B**tard speed camera van - speedo read 34 in a 30........only time will tell. :bomb:
  20. edd


    okay edit wont work for some reason. Before any confusion develops, noticed car was egged at 12.30 but hadn't noticed it at 11.30, assesed how bad it was this morning before work
  21. edd


    Need to get a feel of peoples opinions on something!! Walked out the flat this morning to find that some f-in retards had egged and floured my mates MK11 golf last night. Pretty sure it happened between 11.30pm and 12.30pm cos we both walked past the car at these times. Thing is my mate had to go to work so has been unable to wash egg off untill this arvo. Car was totally covered down one side and must have had at least six eggs thrown at it. The C was parked behind it but was fortunatley untouched. He's worried about damage to the paintwork from a) shells hitting at bad angle causing cracking b) paintwork in the sun. We work in the bar right next to where it happened and the police have the whole area covered with CCTV, they are looking at the footage, but of the two officers my mate spoke too at the station; one said it was an offence and the other said it wasn't. Obviously they would only be involved properly if there is paintwork damage - though they really don't wanna go round boasting about it as my mate would probably drive a C if his 6,7"" frame would fit in it. Anyone got any feelings on this - its obviously been egged from another car and google has provided me with some proof that eggs can cause real paintwork damage.
  22. im intrigued about this one http://www.styledynamix.co.uk/hd_headunit.htm was in golf + this month i think it described it as a major ICE player but rebranded, trying to find some reviews but to no avail
  23. I went with elephant cos they beat all competition but i was a little wary having heard rumours of problems if it came to claim time. But then my dad went with elephant on his SL Merc and drove it into two parked cars and though a minor incident it caused a shit load of damage - they paid out with no hesitation whatsoever - v impressed (and suprised)
  24. yeah exactly what i was thinking those wheels are mint
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