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Something strange going on......?

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Wait - wasn't it the ecto plasm that made everyone angry in Ghostbusters? Anyone live near a posessed museum/art gallery?


corradowales must live in a bunker of some sort (especially if he thinks his car is better than mine :wink:)

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maybe theres a plug-in for the forum Andi could install that sends subliminal 'happy thoughts' to people viewing posts? Obviously people are going to have different opinions on things, the world would be boring if they didn't, but I think its often the way those opinions are delivered which causes the trouble. We're all adults (even Mr Wales) and we should all act like it when differences of opinion arise, theres nothing to gain from personal attacks and/or insults.

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I don't think the problem is the forum, more a reflection of how people feel in general. Its just easier to express strong feelings via a forum, than say face to face. I have no idea what has gone on, but hopfully Kev will return soon.

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theres nothing wrong with my speedo's........well.....apart from the fact that the " s " has fallen off in the washing machine.... and i get strange looks when i stand around the childrens area of the pool.... :(

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So you have a lot of dyslexic bigots who frequent your local swimming pool, corradowales?

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i think everybody should put down their handbags and have a nice big group hug!


Yep. All dressed in wetsuits, and on a trampoline. :wink:


This place is like a second home for me (after the pub), but like you get in an alehouse sometimes, I've felt recently that there's a bit of tension going on.


Hope it all blows over though, and ceretainly hope Kev doesn't leg it, or I may have to start getting my technical advice off the mad Welshman! :help: :lol:

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I've been using this forum for a good while now and have devoted a lot of my time to trying to help others and keeping up with events etc. I have never seen the point in people digging at each other on here and those responsible should remind them selves that they are also here as enthusiasts and leave the bitching off these pages!!!


On the whole I feel that this is a very friendly forum and it would be a shame to see it become vortex like - I've made some very good friends here and you only have to take a look at the south east monthly meet thread to see how much fun can be had at the CF meets 8)

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I think that things can get out of hand because its easy to take something written as a light hearted comment and get upset by it.


We all have different senses of humour and without the normal visual clues you get from someone when they make a comment it is very easy to be offended.


We are all enthusiasts as many people have already pointed up and most of us are passionate about our cars (Especially corradowales in a public way :wink: ) As such there are always going to be disagreements and arguments but if we can keep it to factual points and experiences and leave the PM's to do the bitching.



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Good point mate, its easy to miss-read typed humour, you can't type tone.


Be a shame to loose the humour though as I think 99% of people on here are fun and very helpful and the mix is what makes it. Guess its a case of common sense and reading what you've written to see if it could be missinterpretted.


I need a spelling checker thats for sure!

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10% what you say and 90% the way you say it! Body language and inflection make up most of how things are interpreted!

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Sorry to hear that Kev has called it a day - haven't always agreed with him and we have had words but thats life - huge amount of respect for the effort he has put into the Forum - my Corrado ownership would be a much poorer experience if it wasn't for this place. Maybe if we all think "Come back Kev" at the same time he'll pick up the vibes

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10% what you say and 90% the way you say it! Body language and inflection make up most of how things are interpreted!
Absoloutely correct there m8


Comments written on a forum can very easily be misinterpreted. The problem is amplified when the forum members who fall-out have never met each other.


Kev & everybody else here on the forum is free to choose what they do with their time. If Kev does go, then I would hope that is his decision & not that he feels forced out.

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OK I've calmed down now :wink:


Apologies for interupting the normal course of your foruming with my tantrum. I had my reasons.


Anyway, I'm flattered and genuinely surprised some of you actually cared, beers on me at E38 8)


Dr Mat is right, I found myself thinking about the forum more than I should have been, I guess I'm hooked. On the whole this is a good place to be, but I was finding myself being irritated more and more by petit squabbling and a certain issue which was totally and utterly bang out of order. Being quite a placid and easy going bloke (the people on here that know me personally will testify), I was concerned to find myself getting embroiled in squabbles myself, so I needed to get out, reboot myself and come back with a fresher mind set..... I lasted all of 3 days, LOL!


Yep, I'm not always right, I admit that (who is?) but we're all in it for the same reason....which is all too easily forgotten sometimes. It feels like a knitting circle in here sometimes, rather than a focused bunch of individuals in love (Corradowales style) with one car.


Anyway, lets get on with the loving and modding..... :D

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all well that ends well then ladies and gents...


nuff said...



onwards and upwards


EDIT-- made politicaly correct.

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Kev - you were just worried someone would take your mantel as top poster weren't you - and lets face it, henny is creeping up - only 2k away !!!! :D


Hope we're all one big happy family again :thumbleft:


How'd you like this thread - i thought you'd died when i first started reading it :? - you'll have to keep some of the comments for your epitaph :lol:

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