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Bad Salesman & Bad Buyer Thread

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Hate to do it but c488ado has to be mentioned.


Its only for a gearnob but i bought it in jan i think, in may he said he would sort it but still nothing.


People seem to think hes a good bloke and he prob is. Just seemingly not such a good seller.


Not bothered about the money just the principal.

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Bear in mind I'm also talking about what appears to be the same bloke as per the last post of page 26.


I'll get in touch and see what happens.


I've been dealing with this guy also.


I ordered some rear light plugs off him (via pay pal gift) and they arrived promptly and as described. I thought he must be reliable so I ordered some more bits. Sent money on 7th August, again as pay pal gift.


I waited a week then asked him if he'd sent them yet and he said he only gets Monday's off but had to work that Monday so would post the next week. I asked him this Monday if he'd posted and he said yes he had. I'll let you know when/if they arrive...




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Paid for some foglights off tombell999 around 4 months ago, same time as butterfly paid for and received her lupo wipers. Still heard nothing since paypalling the money and still not received anything at all, PM'd but it has never been read or answered; asked around in the thread and still not much help (thanks though bananawhip) it is actually the reason i have stopped coming to the forum... which is a bad thing.

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Hate to do it but c488ado has to be mentioned.


Its only for a gearnob but i bought it in jan i think, in may he said he would sort it but still nothing.


People seem to think hes a good bloke and he prob is. Just seemingly not such a good seller.


Not bothered about the money just the principal.

c488ado lives just down the road from me i will mention it to him ,he is a good bloke but gets forgetfull of things because he is very busy ,not excusin him but you know what i mean .

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Still no rear lights from jimmyvwjunkie. I've given up hope of so much as a reply from the guy now. It's been a month since he came on and promised a partial refund, and promised he would send out the lights. 3 months now since paying for them.


A warning to all, do not buy from this guy.

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Bear in mind I'm also talking about what appears to be the same bloke as per the last post of page 26.


I'll get in touch and see what happens.


My parts arrived through the post today after paying for them over 2 weeks ago. They were spot on though. Can't defend this guy if others have had bad dealings with him but from my experience I'd use him again. Delivery was slow but it was posted out to me on 13th August (I've seen the receipt). It took the post office 10 days to get something from the west midlands to Manchester. I was ready to re-post on here slagging him off but now I feel guilty about that.


Just my experience




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Bought a crossmember fron daredev1 and it was posted the almost immediately and arrived by courier as when he said it would. Just thought I'd add my experience with purchasing from him as was an easy transaction.

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after reading the last few posts i decided to call the tw@t again...The only thing i am dissapointed about is i didn't record the call. The guy is a first class @%$*-head



I hope you are reading this ABDUL (seems like you log into this forum enough..)... and i'm happy for you to "come down to where I live and sort me out, and knock me the fcuk out"... ill be waiting.. and i know where you live too so don't think you can hide behind your multiple addresses you tw@t.


Apparently i had the nerve to call him after all the things i had done (i.e post on this forum about how much of a crook he is.... and ruin his name..) In-between all his rude-boy swearing, threats and bull$hit talk, he said he tried to call me. What a load of crap as he has my email and number and not once did he reply to my missed calls or emails... If he did call me and i missed it, there was never a message left nor a text...nothing. Ohh and no explanation as to why he didnt reply to all my original missed calls or emails... hmmm think your tellin porkie pies there $hit-for-brains


:wave: Abdul..look forward to meeting you in person...

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Ok, I know thus is more for good buyers/sellers, but decided it's only fair that we get to know of the bad ones too.


G900 16v is a bad buyer. Having offered a stupidly low price, and lack of interest for my c, we agreed a price (still way short of what we wanted!!). Having said he definitely wanted it, never turned up on the two occasions he arranged.


Ok, the first time he said he had to work, but would come for the car the following weekend. After contacting him to see which day and what time, he stated he was waiting for a call from his mate with a low loader. Then, no contact from him since, and a wasted weekend for me and the other half.




(all contact was via PM's)

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His username is Daz vr...


Last logged on Jul 04 11:32am


I have his email address if you want me to PM it to you? No phone numbers, addresses though. It's not required info when you sign up, although if this kind of thing continues, we should look at doing that....data protection act not withstanding of course!


Thanks Kev, if you could PM the e-mail address to me I will try to resolve that way, and hopefully we can get things sorted, I am sure there must be a resonable explaination. If not, the next step after will be spamming the forum stating that he is a c*!t ;)[/quote:29x2qrfc]


Well, after initially posting on this thread I did get a PM saying that he had forgotten and would get the item in the post to me ASAP. However, that was nearly three onths ago and nothing. I guess I have now officially been robbed :(

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Well Jimmy read my PM at 8pm on Tuesday evening and has decided to ignore it so unfortunately I don't think we have much option other than to ban him from using the forum.


I know that doesn't help you guys get your money back but there's not a lot else we can do.


The thing that annoys me quite a bit more than most is that he's actually used the forum a fair bit and not as if he's a new guy who's clearly just here to rip people off.


Just for reference i bought a headlight loom from him in july, in honesty i mess him about a bit with sending the money but he was happy to wait. It did take bout 3 weeks after payment before i received but i got it and it looks fine. Although its not fitted yet.

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Well Jimmy read my PM at 8pm on Tuesday evening and has decided to ignore it so unfortunately I don't think we have much option other than to ban him from using the forum.


I know that doesn't help you guys get your money back but there's not a lot else we can do.


The thing that annoys me quite a bit more than most is that he's actually used the forum a fair bit and not as if he's a new guy who's clearly just here to rip people off.


Just for reference i bought a headlight loom from him in july, in honesty i mess him about a bit with sending the money but he was happy to wait. It did take bout 3 weeks after payment before i received but i got it and it looks fine. Although its not fitted yet.


First self-nomination as a bad buyer! :lol:

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Mod intervention - Just read the post(s) about Abdul and also note he's been posting on here recently to - I'm PMing him now and I would expect him to refund ASAP or be banned from here.


A note to anyone else reading this thread - The marketplace on this forum is well regarded within the VW scene for easy, reliable and open transactions - we want to keep it this way and any abuse of this will end up being banned and user details / PM's / Emails being passed to the police as required.

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really surprised about the comments about Abdul - he's a genuine honest lad, i'm sure there has just been some miscommunication or misunderstanding that could be easily sorted out. He deffo not the sort to run off with anyones money or not post items he's committed to - that i can vouch for 100%.

Come on lads, lets not become like the other crap forums, eh?

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in (the real) Abdul's defence, its been noticed that there may be a case of mistaken identity here.. i'm sure things will be corrected if so..

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http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... 13&t=97430


I said i would take the coilovers and top mounts from this guy. So agreed price and made payment via paypal as agreed. Kept getting excuses as to why they were not off the car and posted yet. (fine - dont get me wrong people do have other commitments). But then i started to wonder as time passed i never heard anything. Then after a couple of prompts i got a PM saying the guy no longer has the vehicle and he will pay me the money back if i make the paypal request.




2 weeks later... still nothing... No PM response, no email response and no response in the thread.


I am prepared to go pay a visit to get my money back but dont think its necessary. I paid £75 so it is quite a bit to lose (especially as im a student). This is my first buying experience on Corrado forum (apart from buying the car) and its a shame that it has come to this. Ive made private internet purchases for years and never had a problem.


If anyone knows 'Barkshire' please pass me his mobile or address. Or kindly give him a kick in the backside and tell him to get a move on with the payment.

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Problem resolved, good man


Thanks for the update - did you get you're money back or just murder his entire family including any pets?


It's a shame when it comes to this to get things moving... hopefully you have more luck in the future!

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It pains me to do this as it's the first time I have ever had to post in here about a failed purchase.


Agreed a sale with forum user, mal35d, for a corrado bonnet bra, delivered for £50, see thread here:




A took around a week to make payment, however, I was having difficulty accessing the internet from where I was based and I was in touch with mal35d to explain. Having made cleared payment on the 2nd of November I waited until around 2 weeks after I had made payment (i.e. item had still not been delivered by this point) to start chasing him. I sent him a PM every couple of days since then and have never once received a reply. I finally managed to get his email address and then emailed him with the following:


From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: re: Corrado bonnet bra

Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2010 15:46:47 +0000




I have tried to get in touch with you by sending numerous PM's. You've now had payment for the bonnet bra for nearly 3 weeks and I am still wating for my item to be delivered. Please reply to this ASAP so I do not have to take any further action.




Struan / BigTartanJudge


I received the following reply a day later:


"hi there sorry i have not checked emails, as the bra was posted?! i will get you a tracking number "


I have since emailed him a further 4 times and PM'd all to no avail, so looks like I have lost my cash to Mr. Daniel Mallard, and I'm not happy about it either :censored:


peteg60 has also have no response and is still waiting for his item, just wondering if this has happened to anyone else that have dealt with him or or any other forums ??

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