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Everything posted by saysomestuff

  1. So what happens if you hit one of those plastic speed "thumps" then, does it just scrape and ping back into place? Mine'll be low when i get my new suspenders. I'm not really worried about it rubbing, cracking etc - I just REALLY don't want it to bend under the car or something and make me look a tw@!!
  2. Here she is on the first day i bought her in Sep 04: And looking nice this summer, and in various other states of disrepair!!
  3. Surely if he could get cover on a £5m F1 car? Add up the cost of some of the cars they've tested together and it's probably more than the veyron
  4. As far as I'm aware you need to do the following for 200+ Stainless ehxaust mani decent catfree exaust ported/polished head (CNC/TSR = ££££) ported/polished intake mani cams additional fuelling ligthened flywheel (just for response) but as mentioned above, this give you a skip load of power if you rag the tits off it, but naff all torque low down
  5. I was thinking about this yesterday as i have a lot of wind noise at the drivers door. To add to the question, would a new pin make the door close tighter or would it be the catch?
  6. Veyron's more of a statement I reckon, a statement like: "I have £840k to spend on a car" The S7 says: "Yeah I'm into speed and i've got the spare £35k knocking around for the 1000bhp upgrade but that veyron makes me look like a cheap jap car" I personally think i'd prefer a w12'd 4WD corrado and keep the change
  7. do you mind saying how much the bottom end rebuild is costing?
  8. lol! love the feedback - "quick dilivery works great on escorts great ebayer"
  9. Yeah thought that but the HPI is clear - had to check since its had 3 different reg no's throughout its life
  10. my steering lock doesnt even engage - sounds like thats a good thing considering how many people have this problem :lol:
  11. Just so you know you're turning the key right - you need to put the key in the boot lock - turn 90 degrees clockwise and push EDIT - - that sounds really sarcastic but it's not meant that way! I'm just confirming that you're not turning it wrong :lol:
  12. lol does it matter which end?
  13. make brackets, buy long wire :lol: done
  14. SLK front, prelude back, looks like a chop
  15. yeah, I had that. then I had the was-a-bit-rough-putting-the-new-sensor-in-and-the-light-is-still-on :mad:
  16. isn't it wierd how this stuff pops up on the forum, I went through a red today and wasn't sure if it'd got me. That's crazy about the "red and amber also means stop" business, I always thought you could go on amber.
  17. saysomestuff


    Thanks very mch RW1 - I knew you'd come through for me :D I am essentially trying to figure out what info I could get off the ECU if I had some kind of interrogatino program for revs/temp etc. excuse my stupidity in this question but as I have a mechanical dizzy, which fires each plug as it passes the node, how can the ECU retard ignition based on knock sensors. Also, I'm assuming the MFA just crunched these numbers to come up with the info.
  18. saysomestuff


    nobody? If i fit stand alone fuel injection and remove ABS do i need an ECU?
  19. saysomestuff


    Hi All, I have a 2.0l KE Jetronic 9A 16v C (still with me? :lol:) Does anyone know exactly what information the OBD1 ECU gives out? i.e. what does it control? I'm assuming it controls the fuelling by calculating optimal fuelling based on input from the different senders (o2, knock etc.). I know it monitors revs etc but does it control them? Also I guess it logs any faults with the ABS. Can anyone think of anything else?
  20. daves16v does the repair kits cheaper £13 a side i think
  21. Phil, it's really important that you cover every point mentioned in the brief, don't stray too far. build on it yes, but make sure you answer the question! I think you need to break it down into what the prupose of the cars is/are i.e. establish the customer's need for: hard wearing reliability comfort badge someones already mentioned image - to me, a bmw fleet car says the company's wasting money where it doesn't need to - an Audi seems alltogether more hard working and honest. then show what elements/features of the Audi meet these needs. It's all in the brief. And GOOD LUCK!!!!
  22. lol i love the way that something can polarise opinion so vastly but we can all still be civil - thumbs up corrado forum!! 8)
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