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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. I've heard of these new laws regarding dangerous goods. Lady asked me if the stuff I was posting was anything on the list. I said "no. Its just a pipe bomb"
  2. Dunno why it came out like that. Should read 10.99 as the price in pounds. Wasn't going to pay 60. Thought id try the cheap ebay ones and was quite impressed with them. And for the price I could replace them every couple of years. My car is a daily and they do get pretty dirty and are well used. Tbh I only really need a drivers side mat as don't really carry passengers very often.
  3. I use the £10.99 ebay ones. That's for all 4 mats too. Fitted some of the fixings to them myself.
  4. I have been thinking about a sports cat, not got round to asking the forum for recommendations yet. But all up for trying a cheap fix first, thinking my cat might be making/causing the tappy noise.
  5. What's the cat like? Am sure mine is blowing from when i changed the engine and let exhaust hang down.
  6. I like the iron x, bought some a few weeks back and used it on my wheels, really shifted the stubborn bits i thought would never come off, i'd tried clay, polish, petrol, white spirits and even started trying to scrape them off with a stanley blade. Mine says "lemon smell", not sure what lemons they have but it stinks like egg, really pongs, i swear the neighbours can smell it :lol: I like the optimum no rinse, but rarely use it. Worth having for certain situations but would rather a proper wash with waster and foam.
  7. Looks great, instantly got my head round it and feels natural already, might keep the corrado now :lol:
  8. Boost is for cheaters imo, same as NOS
  9. Have you got the nuts in the correct order, i had a clicking/clunking noise as i turned left to right and i had got a nut in the wrong place so was catching on the rubber top mount (which has bits of metal in it)
  10. I was planning to break it :lol: Am hoping that after a year from now, my mate will have his new workshop he keeps going on about, and there maybe a chance for me to store it there quite cheaply. That would be my best plan, i could do it all properly then and buy another car to drive (would be happy with a simple hot hatch if i knew corrado was waiting for me) Just been looking up prices for a new or nearly new Subaru Brz/Toyota GT86 as i like them, but that plan seems an expensive one and a quick way to lose money. Deprecation = 10-13k(ish) in 3yrs.
  11. Its hard to choose anything else. The corrado does seem ideal but always seems to have at least one thing that needs sorting out. I think driving it so much and driving fast on the rough roads is killing it. Would be best as a weekend car. Quite like the idea of a bowler wildcat thingy. Lol
  12. Had the corrado coming up for 8yrs now. Driven about 80,000miles in it. Replaced most things on it. But am having thoughts of maybe keeping it another year or so and use that time to think about what to get. Corrado will need a complete respray at some point. Was about to try and rebuild the original engine. That will cost quite a chunk of money and time. I'm considering not bothering and selling off all the parts I have. I have enjoyed working on it and glad I started learning mechanics at the deep end. But it's getting me thinking its never going to end and I'd only truly be happy building one from a bare shell. Not sure what would replace it. Suitable for all year round. Something I can work on. Similar performance to corrado. Don't need spare seats or doors or any luggage space. Suitable for bad condition b roads. Corrado manages but doesn't like it. Really got no clue what I like. Apart from an early Honda nsx. (Which is really out of my price range)
  13. Should be three sensors there, the small one that looks different to the others is the temp one, seems quite common for the wire to corrode where it meets the connection.
  14. No i haven't, will give them a check next then. Is there one in the rear somewhere, i specially cleaned up all the ones in engine bay when i rebuilt it all. ---------- Post added at 2:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:10 PM ---------- Anyone know much about relay 18? Wondering if thats something to do with it. Just been out for lunch and all the digital display on dash goes blank when turning the car over, comes back and does remember what was there (most of the time)
  15. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1995-VW-CORRADO-VR6-STORM-CLASSIC-GREEN-2-9L-EXCELLENT-64000-MILE-ENGINE-/151075013248?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item232cc5c280 Anyone know this car? Currently on ebay and quite local to me. I like it apart from the cream interior. Some days i keep considering replacing mine instead of building the new engine and a respray.
  16. It happened again over the weekend, this time i watched it happen and it did it during me turning the car over. I notice the power cuts from the MFA display while turning it over, has only reset these two times though. I notice quite a bit of abnormal clicking from the rear somewhere while turning it over, could this be related to problem with the fuel pump?
  17. Keep an eye on ebay. I managed to get the mech and motor for about £10 delivered. No one had bid on it
  18. Think there is another bit of cable that joins to that end and then the foglight. i may be wrong, but seem to recall something like that ---------- Post added at 1:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:16 PM ---------- Just looked at my old pics and see what you mean now, i think i left the wire in place when i've done mine in the past, the foglight end might fit though though as when you disconnect it from the back of foglight you end up with 2no wire with spade connectors and a rubber grommit.
  19. No problems, thanks for letting me know.
  20. The o rings are quite easy to damage. Couldn't get one of mine back in at all. Then tried a spare and it went straight in.
  21. Fuse 21 was fine, pulled it out and things reset again. Not had the fault again.
  22. Parked up and came back to car 10mins later and noticed that the clock and mfa had all reset. Like the battery had been disconnected and reconnected. Car started fine but lost all my mfa info. Had been using the no.2 setting to record mileage since engine change.
  23. Yeah its all in good condition, can't see anything wrong with it, some pics of it. Yeah its all in good condition, can't see anything wrong with it, some pics of it.
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