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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. mine is loose and i plan to fix it soon, probably involving a fag lighter and a hot screw driver
  2. not had 1 problem with my brakes since replacing them, before that i had funny noises and every so often a caliper woudl seize etc expensive time, but worth it
  3. i can't find the link for the stuff i found to stick on bonnet, had seen that foam one and thought it looked like my fish tank filter :lol:
  4. yeah thats the stuff, i bought a 5litre thing of it off a detailer guy
  5. i used standard corrado handbrake cables with my mk4 calipers, am sure i put that in my guide somewhere with part numbers
  6. i do 90mph anyway because its big and clever, at least with everyone doing 70mph its quicker for me to overtake them in my VR6 Corrado :D
  7. May interest someone on here, i don't know? I bought it last year and loved it :D Big kids toy really. I made this thread on my favourite corsa forum of the building process (it was a bit of a **** take of other threads where a guy is showing his airfix model planes) http://www.corsasport.co.uk/board/viewthread.php?tid=591146 Here is the ebay link http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200581393308&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT seems alot for lego, but look up other ones of the 8275 on ebay :!
  8. i just like keeping things as they meant to be, so keen to replace it. also doesn't it help keep things quiet? what are the pads you have?
  9. it did, just dissolved it and then i could quite easily scrape it off with a plastic scraper, then the last bits just wiped off
  10. Just copy and pasting my post from another forum, so might sound a bit odd in places. any pics of what other people have replaced with?
  11. i can take a photo in a while as i'm in and out the house/garage today and the corrado is sat there
  12. i bought some spare, not realising they come with the engine :lol:
  13. i was going to suggest that, it might be because the car isn't sat on its wheels and the wishbones will be hanging down.. don't take my word for it though
  14. do they follow the curve of the body or are they just flat/level plastic shapes?
  15. Well if we are all doing a bit of point scoring here's my totally original recaros, never retrimmed/repaired and been sat in for 194,000miles :D but mine is a £5k corrado not £20k a little wrinkly and shiny but i like it Original steering wheel too :lol: should get some recent pics as i've renewed the gearknob, and fitted a pedal rubber to accelerator
  16. i don't understand a lot of it and your graphs above, but all i know is the forum seems to work for me now, using this new link.... thanks
  17. i bought this up with mate as my corrado had a brand new clutch not long ago, but i haven't driven it for months, when i drove it last weekend all i kept thinking was the clutch seemed really low biting point compared to my escort. my mate said most VW's are like that, i think i just wasn't used to driving it after being in another car so long.
  18. the only area on my corrado where i had a problem was a rear quarter which i think wasn't original paint, i went through the paint really easy and revealed a white base coat or primer, hardly noticable though. all the original paint i could literally put on my harshest pad and compound, then turned machine on full and held it on the bonnet with quite a bit of pressure and it didn't do anything, the way i viewed it was that i didn't have to correct it all that day, i just whoop out the polisher every now and then and give it a going over, eventually i'll either have no paint left or i'll reach a defect free stage on the paint. Must be removing very tiny amounts of laquer at a time
  19. bought another storm to have a matching pair iirc :D
  20. i haven't and putting that down to my handling problems, but i deffo have some weird knocking/clunky sounds from the rack or column now
  21. i've got the kestal kit thats pretty much the same as the megs g220, got some pads and polishs too, if you wanted to have a play with it your more than welcome as i don't think we are too far apart. its can be time consuming with the 90's vag paint but i seemed to get a finish i was happy with
  22. i've broken the plastic on mine and can't even get the wired socket off the bit in the rad now :lol:
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