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Everything posted by pbradley98

  1. Thanks all - have had some good response with Audi-sport and does seem to be similar to the CF. BristolBaron - it's annoying isn't it! Although mine seems fine when cold (guess it's something to do with the injection when the engine is cold as the idle speed is higher) and is worst when you've been going along with zero throttle (i.e. in traffic down a hill) and then hitting a roundabout, so dropping the clutch after essentially prolonged engine braking. Have checked for air leaks and think there is something hissing around the ISV damper, so going to be replacing the hosework around that area and also have already tried fitting a second hand ISV which I'd given a good clean up and WD40 which does seem to have helped a bit.... I've also been advised to reset the throttle stops or raise the idle speed a bit in the map to about 760>780rpm to keep the engine away from the stall conditions. Having said that, with the improvements from doing the ECU learn process, changing the ISV for one in hopefully slightly better condition and understanding more the exact conditions that cause the stall I can avoid the stall the vast majority of the time now, at least enough not to shell out £265 for a new ISV quite yet! Cheers Phil
  2. Also shocked that Kev no longer owns a Corrado! Has anyone ever got to the stage that they think they've replaced everything and the Corrado will be fully reliable? I used to think that, but every time that thought comes close now something else decides to prove me wrong again!
  3. Thanks - just joined and stuck a post up so see if I get anything back! Otherwise it's back to the drawing board alongside the stalling when dropping the clutch issue on the VR!
  4. Yep - downside is feeling like you're just waiting for the next thing to go wrong... But then what else that's in anyway affordable would you prefer to have? Could have had a lot of other cars for the money I've spent on the Corrado but don't think I'd have done it any other way.....
  5. Hi all, Can anyone recommend any of the Audi forums out there? Need some help / comparison info on my 2005 B7 3.0 TDI Quattro fuel consumption, as since about 2 months after we got it it has consistently run in the low 30s (occassionally high 20s) for mpg, which is far worse that I thought it would be and than it was for the first few months. I want to try and get some comparative info from others with the 205 bhp engine to see if I am right to be worried, or if it's just to be expected for a four wheel drive car with a 3.0l V6 turbo charged diesel engine.... I know that some of these engines have injector issues, so I'm keen to make sure if there is anything wrong it gets resolved whilst the car is still under warranty, as apparently the injectors are £400 each! I've already had it diagnosed at an Audi garage, being advised that yes it doesn't see quite right but that all the injectors are within spec, hence they can't replace anything under warranty. Additionally, it's not great at starting sometimes, taking 5+ seconds before actually starting, which I'm guessing could also be injector related (i.e. if the injector(s) are leaking, presume it takes longer to build correct rail pressure and hence start....just a guess though. On a related note has anyone any experience of using the Redex / Wynns diesel injector cleaner type products as was thinking for the sake of £15 or so would be worth a go? Am also looking into getting the oil checked to see if there's any diesel contamination of the oil, from injectors leaking down the bores, past the pistons into the sump... Cheers Phil
  6. Ah, the advice from RW1 may be too late then as the nut was tightened with the weight of the car on it as a straight forward tightening, so may have damaged the bearing. Is it worth re-doing this or is the damage already done having driven 18 miles home this evening? PS - Garage that did the bearings know what they're doing, so wouldn't have been this...
  7. Doh! I'll take the one ISV thanks - let me know payment details and total inc. postage... Cheers Phil
  8. Just been down to the garage to have mine checked, as was having a very similar grating noise on lock. Once up on the ramp found that there was excessive play in the RH front wheel and was also fixed by tightening the nut.... hence now finding this thread! Equally confused as to why this worked it's way loose, as the bearings were changed years ago and it's only been apparent for the last week or two. Will probably get a new nut just to be on the safe side in case the locking strip on the nut is loosing its locking ability! Having just had a 288 brake upgrade I presume that this wouldn't have been touched during that? Cheers Phil
  9. Hi, Would you sell one ISV and if so how much? Need a spare in case I mess up cleaning up the one that's on the car at the moment! Thanks Phil
  10. Hey Sam, think that sound similar to the one I saw in Stanground last week. Looked tidy and think that it was a J reg, but only saw it from the front so not sure about it being G60 or porsche wheels! Cheers Phil
  11. Was my daily when I first got her 7 years ago for two years, but then moved so was only two miles from work so hardly seemed worth starting the car for that so was a weekend toy mainly! Have moved again now though so back to being my daily for the last 5 weeks now and long may it continue!
  12. Very nice dark blue C with what looked like daytime running lights at the Stanground Powerleague in Peterborough this evening at 6:30. Just pulling out as you pulled in and swapped thumbs up!
  13. Good question - have been on the forum for 7 years but still a newbie as I don't post that often! Always wandered what would trigger getting to 'regular'!
  14. Did the ECU reset again, this time making sure that the oil temp was as per the Wiki guide, much better now but still stalls occasionally. Thinking about it, it's been doing this to a greater or lesser extent since I had the MAF replaced with a reconditioned unit about a year ago, as the original MAF was dying.... just didn't really bother me as at the time it was just a weekend car and didn't happen regularly enough to work out the conditions under which it happened, whereas has now become my daily drive so a lot more aware of the occasional blips!
  15. Tried the ECU reset procedure last night and it has improved the idle speed up from 500 rpm previously to about 600rpm now, but that still seems a bit low - oil temp may have been a bit low for the ECU reset procedure though so may try this again tomorrow, as I'm still getting stalls when allowing the car to drop to idle at roundabouts (haven't got VAG.com so couldn't check the settings after I'd done the 20 min drive). Hopefully this will sort it, as the car only stalled very occasionally in this manner before the old battery died! Strangely the idle seems much better when the engine's cold and sits more towards 750rpm - it's only once the car's warmed up that the stalls occur. Presume that this is something to do with fuel management for a cold engine?
  16. Today after the car's turned 18 years old and covered 149k miles I managed to break the sunroof! The bracket on the nearside runner has snapped, so it closes from being slid open fine but then won't open again, will tilt open but then won't close on the nearside! At least it's happened at the end of the summer so it may well now get left 'til next year, as I've managed to lever it into the shut position with a screwdriver! When I do get round to repairing it what's worth changing on the sunroof mech whilst I have it out, as I hope to only be doing this once? Seem to be lots of threads that refer to the pre-existing threads, but the links to them don't seem to work and I haven't managed to track down the 'existing' threads yet (probably just need to spend a bit more time looking!)
  17. Just had the same... Uh oh!
  18. Saw a nice looking dark c in the Peterborough Sainsburys car park today at lunch time - was in the Audi but gave a thumbs up anyway!
  19. Hi, this sounds suspicously like what I'm having at the moment! Only problem is working out what's causing it! Could be the breather tube, as I've though for a while that there looks to be a very slight oil leak from the corrugated bit, although could also be the battery thing, as recently had to change the battery due to the car not moving for too long and the battery dying! Don't think that I went for a decent drive straight after doing it though - just checked the battery started the car ok, so may well need to go through the disconnecting for ten mins then a great excuse for a 20 min drive at various speeds and revs! Cheers Phil
  20. Thanks for that - the key wouldn't go in to start with on mine either so some WD40 allowed it to go in, so will try soaking it with some more to see if it frees it up a bit more!
  21. Hi, Thanks for writing this up - this sounds like it's what's happened with my boot lock - due to the car not moving for three weeks, the battery had (unsurprisingly) gone flat and hence I removed it to recharge it in the house overnight, so needed to lock the car manually (as it turns out to no avail since it won't hold the charge anymore so ended up with a new battery anyway!). However, when trying to lock the car manually I discovered that whilst my key would fit the boot lock, it wouldn't turn, which I'm hoping is the same scenario as yours - i.e. in the 7 years I've owned the car I can't remember manually locking / unlocking the boot once and there's no indication that the locks have ever been changed (the key for the doors / ignition is the same), so am hoping that it's just stiff with dirt / grime. When you had the issue did the key go into the boot but not turn? Also is there anyway to clean the tumblers without removing the barrel, as this sounds like a fairly fiddly job?! Cheers Phil
  22. Sounds like you're not able to afford the cash to have it done professionally and haven't got the facilities to do it yourself - from personal experience a Corrado is never a cheap car to run as things are always going to need attention sooner or later on a 17+ year old performance car, so you may be best off selling as a non runner to someone who can do it up themselves and then put the proceeds to another C in the future once you've sorted yourself out.....
  23. Was just getting some bits for the A4 and happened to see this at the same time from Cardiff Audi - don't know how much these would normally go for but though that they sounded like good value for 4 brand new original VAG wheels if anyone on here's interested! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170818277889?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
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