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Everything posted by dukest

  1. lmfao :D travelling with work for the next 3 days so i'll have to sort it next week, just no-one look at BVF :wink:
  2. thanks karl, let me see what the local bodyshop guy says and then i'll try to decide what the best option is... will get back to you!
  3. cheers tom, thats something!
  4. thanks, of all things to happen i guess its far from the worst, but you cant help wishing stupid things, like: i've got a spare passenger window so why didn't they just break that?! guess they'd have gone in the other side though in that case :D does anyone know what happens with the keys in this situation, can they take the barrel and put it in a new handle? i reeeally dont want 2 different keys.. would rather delock that side.
  5. cheers guys, and no Karl, i'm sure they wouldn't! :D have got 11 years protected no claims or something so hopefully claiming wouldn't cost too much for next year but do need to check my excess - would serve them right if they had to pay out though, making up for the extra £70 they charged me for going 100 miles over my 5000 mileage limit.. :nono:
  6. ... seemed to want to have a go at getting into the car last night/today and has done this to my passenger door :bad-words: : 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdf30062008672.jpg[/attachment:3jllxzdg] 30062008673.jpg[/attachment:3jllxzdg] the door handle still works/locks although a bit loose now, but am obviously seriously pissed off about the hole in the metalwork where the f*cker has stuck his screwdriver or whatever in there. quite annoyed the alarm didn't go off but i guess if it was sensitive to everything it would go off all the time.. :sad: can someone tell me how much it would cost to get this fixed properly? i want to know whether its worth claiming on insurance and maybe getting a few other bits smartened up too.. cheers John
  7. lol, well thats pretty clear then! :grin:
  8. so you've decided on rotrex not turbo Karl??!! or is this just a stop-gap? :)
  9. bought a grille off them last year, good price, friendly service but that doesn't really help you! :) i'm sure its ok and probably just that they're not organised on the ebay(email) front. give them a ring!
  10. depending on overall condition and your patience i would say look at 2k for breaking with average effort.. that is a complete guess though, sounds like the car would go for a reasonable amount more than that though? also, a lot less effort to fix those bits than break a car..
  11. the questions is, who's shoes were the more expensive?!! :grin:
  12. the trouble with the sensible approach espoused by the supercharged- and toad-like ones is that you can end up with a load of cards that are empty and you're not using but you think you won't get rid of, just in case of a rainy day... :nono: in my case i had(have) 7 credit cards that all had biggish limits and were empty when i got made redundant.. i had money to live on but then as it ran out, just putting a little bit on one card rather than going back to work became a bit of a habit and, sure enough, one might say i'm a little bit screwed now.. i never worried as I had a flat i'd been doing up with a friend that i knew i'd be selling at one point, but we just took an offer 10% lower than the asking price which now means that 2 or 3 of those cards aren't getting paid off like i thought they were. :( so, will be in debt for another 2/3 years now - no worse than many i'm sure but rather stupid considering 3 years ago i was flush... so let that be a warning to those of you that are sensible to start with, any card you're not using after the deal has run out, get rid of it! :grin:
  13. well, you did say you hanging out for a seriously cheap one and £100 is about as low as it gets! great that you've finally got a project going again though even if she's not quite on her feet yet! :clap:
  14. my sister and brother in law have had one for a couple of years, one of the last of that last version made. I've never travelled in it but i think they're very happy - if theres anything specific u want to know then give me a shout and i could ask?
  15. i wish, its a long long time since i spent £85 on dinner!! :)
  16. yep, oil company shares are what we should have been buying pound for pound with everything we spend on our cars.. its too late now as they'll have made all their money.. apparently General Motors are going to sell off the Hummer brand as no-one wants them anymore at $4/gallon and 13mpg. GM sales down 30% in a year shows you something....
  17. but thats only just over an hours driving though, cant be arsed filling up that often even though i don't do that many miles... :? if i can get some cash together i'd consider something different and more economical but the trouble is most of the miles i do are to shows so it would kind of defeat the point!
  18. yes Ultimate - even though thats all its had from me and its previous owner, am on the verge of considering all options now.. hadn't quite thought about MPs though! :camp: think i could have got it for about 1.24 but they're doing up 2 of the nearest BPs to me - it was about 1.26 a litre in the end i think.. :gag:
  19. as I just filled up the car with petrol instead... :mad2:
  20. yeah, excellent detail there, thanks for all the effort writing it up!
  21. i think i got billed 2 hours labour or just under for the front and gearbox mount.
  22. speedline ET is 43 for a 6.5J rim - i would assume thats the same for the bbs solitude that came on the storm and the golf highlines as well... bbs VW ET is 38 on a 7J rim bbs VW ET is 35 on a 7.5J rim of all of those only the 7.5 at et35 looks "right" IMO so i reckon your guesses are pretty well on :) hope that helps!
  23. got a new Vr6 badge about 18 months ago so think you're still ok there, they're quite shiny when they're new so spraying a primered one/buying a chrome one might not be so bad?!
  24. why did you remove them Jon? I could well be interested if you've still got them? cheers John
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