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Everything posted by dukest

  1. This is exactly right, its down to the owners that have had their cars for a few years and have spend loads of money on them and now just want rid, seeing people sticking up late valvers with MOT/TAX and 100k miles for £1500 is a shame, I know for a fact that higher prices are achievable if you're prepared to wait for the right buyer. I think it's up to the owners to be comanding a better price for their cars (unless they're complete sheds of course!) and that's the only thing that will bring the market back. Buyers aren't going to just start paying more than the asking price! Mk2 owners are a perfect example of this tbh, they're asking for what seems like silly money for their cars but they must be achieving the prices, its a crazy fact that an 8v GTi is now worth more than an eqivalent rado. Sorry guys but its basic economic theory that where there is more supply than demand then prices will go down! :) There will always be people within those that are selling that "need" to sell, so when they sell a good car for a low price, other buyers can point to that when negotiating with other sellers. If there are more sellers than buyers then the buyers can offer a lower price and walk away if its not accepted. Eventually, even the enthusiast that doesn't want to drop their price will have to in the end if they too "need" to sell (eg. for something with better mpg/space for kids). Its the same as the housing market, there were more buyers than sellers because of easily available credit, therefore prices were increasing. Now there are more sellers than buyers due to massively reduced amounts of credit, therefore prices are now decreasing. Walesy, I absolutely agree that its a shame when people stick up good cars for low money but as you and MatthewB1985 well know, it takes time to sell at high money, if you can at all. If it was a sellers rather than a buyers market then both your cars would have gone within a few days, but sadly they didn't. :(
  2. how much?????? and they've never been used!! :shock: :shock: you jammy git!! without being too rude (as he said he'd been on here!), if the seller could have spelt audioscape right he'd have made a lot more than that! :cuckoo:
  3. not exactly, if theres more supply than demand then we have to accept what we're offered and therefore that is what sends the price down, so actually the reason that prices are still dropping is..... (nothing personal greeny!) :grin:
  4. why was the new exhaust sold shaun, just not big enough??!
  5. sounds like this thread is meant for the members gallery forum?!
  6. wow, how did you find that one?! Although the handling is good, depending what kind of roads you get to drive on I wouldn't say the ride comfort is great with that set up. If you're on smooth A roads all the time then great but if the road surface is bad or you ever encounter a speed bump, its not very easy going in my opinion. Given what you've spent on the car I would agree about getting some high quality coilovers on there and adjust the height as you'd like :) Lovely looking car.. :salute:
  7. wow, bodykit aside they could have sold a LOT of those IMO..... :(
  8. wow, must take some effort to roll one of those but how much has to be changed when it happens? surely not much must be left in 100% condition?? :shock: congrats on the job though, and i'm sure if you are the better mechanic someone will spot that sooner or later ;)
  9. The power in that RS4 was mental, I would have said that the M5 was too chicken to keep up but some of the gaps he was going for say otherwise!!! :shock: :D
  10. yes, I think that the SRP makes much more of a difference on tired, weathered, paint... only a problem for some of us i guess! :)
  11. are you comprehensive on your insurance fay? if so then just tell your insurer and they will handle it all. I suppose its concievable they could take the same view as him regarding the state of the paint already, but if not then they will contact his insurer (based on his address that you can give them) and with your photo evidence there will be no "choice" in the matter for him - his insurers will have to pay. all as far as i understand it at least. good luck :)
  12. bad luck fay, hope its not too bad and maybe gives you a chance to get any other bits done that you wanted to do too? are the phirm's bodyshop an option as well?
  13. wellll, at least its nice and shiny!! oem++?! :D
  14. I'd imagine the Phirm's bodyshop would be able to sort you out. Think they're called Phirm FX - google finds them.
  15. very shiny :) and we'll never expect to hear you moan because you knew what it would be like before!
  16. 2 years last week :) its only cost me about £4.5k apart from petrol since then too, bargain!! :lol:
  17. cheers, i guess thats what i was worried it would be!! good luck finding someone though, sounds a bit of a pain :scratch:
  18. i've always been told that standard is best for the rear Andy.. surely with proper tools they must be able to do them?? :confused4: oh and how much did your new brake lines cost to do if you don't mind? it was on my advisory last year so I don't suppose i've got too much longer before they're needed......... :(
  19. haha, no, i'm happy just seeing the odd one about every so often, but the amount of those new digital speed cameras I keep seeing around town isn't exactly going to help that i cant help feeling. :mad2: just selling bits for petrol money and for my inevitable day of big engine bills :( time to undo some of the damage my trigger-happy spending has done thanks to this forum in the last year (just some of it mind)!! :D
  20. lol, you'd like to think so wouldn't you! i did make a very obvious point of letting him pass but then i imagine most people do so they can follow and listen :D
  21. ahh, the magic 400! is it time for a forum league table??!! :norty:
  22. On the way out of London to the M4. Sounded great even though, despite trying, he didn't really have the chance to open it up. Still looked completely quality! 8)
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