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Everything posted by dukest

  1. Yeah, don't envy you having been on a boat at any time over the last 2 days Shaun! Good to meet you on Sunday and will wait with anticipation to see what your "big plans" are for the year! See you next month though, hopefully with the Schrick in place! :)
  2. yep, its the shipping that takes it up to about $200/£100.. could be interested in joining in on a clutch buy if they can get dealer spec (ie. the combination of the different mfrs parts)..
  3. welcome, good username!! I'm sure you'll be able to find a good one and it looks like you're not afraid to do some modifications either! good luck looking :)
  4. isn't that the idea? ;) :lol: I "best-offered" £130 to this guy last week ebay (same guy Yan has bought the training dvd from). I think he's getting them from the states as theres a 10 day wait. Otherwise I think you can get them from four seasons tuning in the states for about £100 - I just wanted to deal with someone here thats all. cheers John
  5. quite pricey yes! seeing as theres a group buy for Schrick's at the moment for VR6OC members for A LOT less than that! having the chip could save a fair whack for a remap though so in some ways you could say its ok value... :lol:
  6. - doesn't really do much to change my mind...
  7. dukest

    Why 268's?

    I'm sure you've found them too but the cheapest 268s i saw when looking are from John Dougherty (DRCams.com) who quoted me $320 direct plus $80 shipping. They're more expensive if you go through a uk importer obviously.. (about £260-70) He does do regrinds too though so make sure you get ones that are original grinds.. otherwise look out for 2nd hand too.. :D
  8. I don't think you need to be insured for 2 months, i was insured on a monthly policy (eCar) all last year for my old car and didn't have any trouble.
  9. nice one, must be a relief not to be listening to that scary noise any more!! :)
  10. how long will you be away for Goldie? seems a shame to keep us all waiting till later in the summer :)
  11. check out the forced induction vr6 thread too, where Kev has put some more detail about rebore options .
  12. I think Yandards posted up that he'd bought one off that guy? He was going to post bits up somewhere IIRC..
  13. mk4 calipers are the standard upgrade for the vr6 rears - about £80 second hand i think + conversion hoses
  14. sounds like a great plan Andy, if you could take the engine out and restore or repaint the bay then that would be a great car by the sound of it. there is a schrick on ebay for only £700 at the moment but its OBD2, but then saying that, an OBD2 conversion would be another great subtle improvement :D will watch for progress!
  15. Hello, welcome to the Forum :) Sorry to hear your bad news but I guess there are a couple of options available (but bear in mind I'm no expert, this is just Forum learning!). As you say, theres no need for a rebuild to be performance oriented, just rebuilt to standard and, as far as I am aware, if your block isn't too far gone that is entirely possible. If it is a bit worse then you can go one size up on the pistons but it doesn't sound like thats your preference. Alternatively, you can just bore out a 2.8 to make it a 2.9 and get exactly the standard spec you have right now. Otherwise you can get a brand new engine either from VW or, for slightly less (as I understand it) a "brand new spec" reconditioned one using all new parts from a company called Vege in Holland. Lastly, you could do a 2.8 24v transplant, which is increasingly recommended by many on here, to benefit from the many improvements that newer engine has. Sadly, all of those options are going to be in the £2.5-3.5k+ region, depending what kind of relationships you have with people who can do some or all of the work for you. Much cheaper, given that that is more than many pay for a whole running car at the moment, is to wait for some poor soul with a younger engine (sub 80k ideally) to have their car written off and buy their engine from them for something up to maybe £600-800. Hope that helps and isn't too hard to digest!
  16. never seen anything so obviously designed by a resizing cursor, and the back is just horrible - made me wince when i saw the pic :( :( think it will take a long time to grow on me :?
  17. Cheers for the info Darren! I'd thought there might at least be some difference in the damping between the brands but if you say not then that makes it a much more straight forward comparison - Stainless or Galvanised. 8) Just KW marketing for the stainless stuff, was just less typing to refer to that! :D
  18. ah, cheers Karl :D i guess for £20 extra its probably still worth getting the stainless.. what do you reckon? (not saying I've got the cash at the moment mind!)
  19. The KW website now additionally lists a KW V1 "Basic" version which is galvanised rather than the stainless steel inox finish on the original 3 models. You'd assume that this is similar to the construction of the Weitec coilovers which are also made by KW i believe? Given Kev's reports that the inox finish is not necessarily any better than any of the other brands it would be interesting to see if the "better" damping qualities of the KWs but available cheaper in this Basic version is a worthwhile trade off and a good value mid-point between the Weitecs and standard V1s?? I've tried finding them on the usual suppliers websites and no-one seems to list them so far but I guess RRP would be somewhere around £575, so maybe the best deal might be down to about £500? Anyone seen a price for them? John
  20. at the risk of other forum members diving in on it, this timing chain kit is on ebay and i'm just wondering if its got everything needed. i don't know what all the bits look like but based on the lists others have posted here i'm not sure there's enough bits in the picture... cheers :D john
  21. looks like the deal is done now (well, controlling stake anyway).. bbc link
  22. dukest

    Montreal II's

    noted :) they always have 55 profile tyres on them which is half the trouble, although if they were in good nick hopefully those could be sold on..
  23. dukest

    Montreal II's

    you mean the ones that look like really thick spoked RXs?? not seen them on a C but I agree, i think they'd look smart.. looked for a few months on ebay but decent sets seem to go for £300 plus and i cant bring myself to spend that and then another 300 on top for tyres for wheels that are standard issue on some average golfs.. I'll give it a go if i ever see some cheaper and i have the cash though!
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