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Everything posted by dukest

  1. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65512&p=761801&hilit=tyvek+medium#p761801 dont know if a halfords one really does your car justice though Michael :)
  2. dukest


    if this doesn't help then i can get a photo tomorrow but suffice to say it doesn't look like a switch!! if you look directly down in the bay, to the right side of the engine then you should see something roughly this shape attached to the top of the gearbox by 3 hex bolts. as said before, your problem might be that the cable has come off it but it connects on using the usual square connector to the sticky-out socket obvious in the picture. hope that helps!
  3. Thanks Andy, I'm sure if you get anything near those prices then theres plenty of room for you to take a cut for your time and effort.
  4. dukest


    the reverse light switch is on the gearbox just right of the thermostat housing, the cable might have come off it or it might be broken, but they're only about a tenner or so from the dealer and easy to change (9mm socket if i remember). let the car cool down first though so the hoses aren't so pressurised otherwise they're hard to move... :)
  5. good to see you're not letting your nipple trouble get you down :D
  6. Yeah, just meant adding another 4-ish hours labour on top would make it even worse!
  7. and then its all got to be fitted!!! :D
  8. not a mention on the BBC anywhere. surprise surprise.. :? :)
  9. wow, 2 weeks would be an amazing job! best of luck!
  10. will you be doing everything yourself chris? will be good to see another one of these go through the motions!
  11. think you're right walesy.. i think when you think of it as £20 per hour for spirited motorway driving, then it gets a bit painful... nobody wants to drive a corrado around like a milk float just to keep the petrol bearable.. when everyone is a loan away from a much newer car then its largely only the real enthusiasts/2nd car owners that are going to make other sacrifices just to keep a C as effectively a hobby.. :(
  12. Thank god, no more ads!!! And apparently to be shown through the website too, sounds good to me! link
  13. yes, you should wait, there's very little point remapping a standard car afaik.. and at £400+ first time round you only want to do it once. as far as where to go, then stealth is the most recommended place but then its a fair trip from you. that said, who knows where you'll travel to to find your manifold, and, a lot of the main shows are in the middle of the country so could be easy to tie in visiting one of them with dropping it in for the map..??
  14. anywhere between £2-3k depending on how bad that issue is and whether its in good nick and has a good spec otherwise (leather/paint/other major repairs completed?)
  15. dukest

    leaky tappets

    Could be that you need the head rebuilding, unless its more serious and bottom-end related than that.. I think that all up that would cost you about £600 if you get it done at a garage (ie. not yourself..) Have you done the chains already (as if you're taking it to bits it would be a good time)..?
  16. yeah, that is burned onto my memory now!! i do try to avoid filling up off a motorway if i can but at the same time I always try to put BP Ultimate in it so its never that cheap anyway :?
  17. I guess Stealth Racing in Southam would be the nearest (and most frequently recommended) place for you..
  18. Try these two fella: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=11067&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=corrado+viewing and viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7209&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=vag+com+forum :)
  19. I know there were a couple of threads before xmas about fuel prices but..... I stopped at Redditch on the M42 after Ultimate Dubs and was going to fill up but the BP Ultimate was 117.9p/litre so I only put about £15 in as I thought that was a bit pricey.. Monday morning, on the way back to London I realise thats not going to be enough so I stop at Oxford services on the M40 and what am I rewarded with? 120.9p/litre!!!! :mad2: I know if you're going to be ripped off anywhere its going to be at the side of the motorway but I never thought it would top £1.20 :roll:
  20. budget report Page 123 in Annex A... so yeah, it will be a lot cheaper to own a pre 2001 high performance car as the tax will be about half of its modern equivalent and about the same as a new small family saloon :D
  21. there are only going to be 2 bands for pre 2001 cars - above or below 1600cc (or 159x). I looked yesterday and it means that for all Cs tax will be £185 next year, rising to £200 afterwards i think...
  22. amazing, if only all parts departments had a room for each model like that!! :)
  23. The offset on those doesn't look like it will be too bad to be honest. They're not as "deep" dish as some can be. Herisites on here had some Brocks though so if you PM him then he could tell you how they compare to the wider ones that he had that were a bit too much.. Also, type wheel courier into ebay and you'll get loads that will deliver them for less than £40 :)
  24. yes, 268s :).. them, the manifold and the throttle body should be enough for me.. not many open roads in the middle of london either!!
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