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Everything posted by dukest

  1. only its mother could love it, time to put it up for adoption!! :D
  2. et35 is exactly what you need, off the shelf it is :D
  3. sounds like a candidate for stickyness if we can get enough people to post in here?! i live in the middle of london - there are no great roads here :(
  4. kind of car chat i guess, but will be interesting to see what comes of this ??! the photo is a bit of a dull p'chop but with KTM involved it may at least have some interesting bits..?? :shrug:
  5. can i just be one to snigger in a "carry on" style at the sound of Mr & Mrs Horney in their campervan?! :grin: just thought it needed getting out of the way :)
  6. if you buy a component kit then the tweeters will be nice and small and may fit in to the original mountings or you can do as some others have and cut the existing tweeter grille and mount in there. if you buy separate larger tweeters be careful of their height. although 4" wide may fit widthways into the mounting positions, the available height under the grilles is not the same on both sides and what you buy might not fit underneath.
  7. dukest

    RX fitment

    hi there.. your overall wheel/tyre diameter is 2 inches larger with that set up, it would look quite strange i think and your speedo would be 8% out. also, you might well get clearance issues with wider tires like that once you go lower. normally people go for 205/40/17 to maintain similar dimensions and speedo accuracy, if you dont want the stretch maybe go for 215/40 to be 3% out or even /35 for info from here http://www.miata.net/garage/tirecalcold.html cheers
  8. veeerrry nice - cosmetically i don't think the 24v engines suit the corrado very well with their modern looking manifolds and plastics - really good to see one without all that :luvlove:
  9. yeah, i reckon it could work in a lot of areas but if you have a main town to focus on that would be better as getting consistency of work is the key to it really.. not sure how painful their franchise terms are though.. and their minimum charge in london is £25 so whether that carries over out in the rest of the country i don't know..
  10. it is quite fun as long as its not raining!! pay is pretty crappy but thats not really why i was doing it - more just for interest of driving a load of different cars and to put off getting a real job for a bit longer!
  11. Well, in my current comedy job as a Scooterman :grin:, I drove one of these tonight! It belonged to the partner of famous director Michael Winterbottom (24hr Party People) but he was the one that I was driving home, not that I'm name dropping or anything! :camp: I didn't get the chance to take it in that much, as the job requires you just get on with loading up into the car and get driving. However, it does look good, the interior is basic but usefully functional, much more like the older generation of cars its meant to hark back to. It does feel like a budget car but mostly in a good way - the steering wheel was just too plasticky for me though! The car is tall for its size and you sit tall in it and the dash, which I'm sure anyone who's interested has already seen pics of, is cool too! I was only in it for about 25 minutes but it was pretty comfortable, to a point... I say that because to actually drive it was a little disappointing and the reasons for that are really put across pretty well in Clarkson's review of it which i've quoted below. It could really do with a bigger engine - it didn't feel like 69 bhp - and you really want to live somewhere without speed bumps as the hard suspension doesnt get on well with those at all :)
  12. dukest

    Sunday detail

    never thought i'd see such words uttered!! :lol:
  13. Hi Andy, if you're at the stage when you can ask yet then I'd still be interested in the price for a dealer VR clutch. Cheers! John
  14. not an expert but i do know that nearly all VR6s weep a little oil on the left hand side of the head, so that part i wouldn't worry about :)
  15. he did say water temps guys :wink:
  16. hear hear :salute: getting off the line and going round corners is definitely most of the fun and a car that weighs nothing does that a treat :)
  17. there's at least 2 guys on here who are well on the slippery slope to R32ing their rado's, and another thats already done it. they'll certainly be happy to hear about any of your experiences, as will the rest of us! :D "normally" (if you can put it that way ;)) aspirated 328bhp will certainly attract some attention 8)
  18. so what we're saying is the valver boys amongst you want a turbo group buy???!! :wink: will add some spice to the vr vs g60 debate :D
  19. lol, dont take my word for it, wait till someone who knows what they're talking about comes along ;) cost-wise, dealer clutch in the uk is about £150 and maybe 3-4 hours labour??
  20. well i was going to reply but then you said you wanted to be told that you didn't need a new clutch, so i thought it was best to keep quiet :lol:
  21. see, a V8 makes even an ambulance sound good!! :grin: maybe if i end up living in australia and an a dark corrado with no a/c and black leather seats doesn't quite work in 35 degrees then that may well be an option! the aussies love their v8s as well after all! 8)
  22. i know this is a merc but its the engine not the car, whether its RS4's, AMV8s etc, etc - the sound of a V8 just blows everything else away.. forget whiny V12s, tinny straight 6s and sadly even the VR in comparison - just imagine owning a road car that sounded like this every day you drove it :luvlove: : http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=18022
  23. tbh i think water pump would be my first choice to fix but then obviously both would be better! i didn't use to pay as much attention as i do these days but i could have sworn my temps went up after my new rad - if i'm on a 140k water pump (given the state of some i've seen that have been replaced) then i'm tempted to think that is the cause of my high temps instead.... :scratch: :)
  24. if its still cheap or at least good value after you've spent about a grand (being cautious here) on the engine then go for it :)
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