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Everything posted by dukest

  1. how much work are you expecting all that to be for you Chris?
  2. 17" pic is not quite so good but to me these pics make a good case for 16s. (not that i didn't really like the bbs though)
  3. show off! :D Just wanted to say Shaun, I finally got to Vince on saturday morning on the way to the Scorcher and am very chuffed with the manifold! Just about resisted the tempting offers (from those more able than me) to have a go at fitting it there and then! Will let you know when its on though. Thanks again! John
  4. On the way back from the Scorcher today, pulled on to the M40 at J10 in front of what turned out to be a 911 C4S (reg. 50 FAB :lol:). Got up a bit of speed in the outside lane and then moved back to the middle and he came past so I began to follow him, at a reasonable distance :). Ended up playing not entirely legal tag all the way back to London!! Finally got to the traffic lights around Acton and put windows down and the guy says "Thats a lovely looking car, I always wanted a Corrado!". I replied saying it wasn't bad to have gone straight to a 911 instead! Was chuffed though, it certainly put a smile on my face for the rest of the journey! :cheers: :D :D
  5. Rob, I think you should give the 7.5 fronts a go if you can afford to - you can always still change afterwards if they don't look right. Given that you love the wheels so much it would be a shame not to give them a last chance. Even though mixing the sizes might not always work, you know it does on Nikki's so its got to be worth a try!
  6. are you expecting them to go pop Kev?! :shock: specialised engine bits aside I would have thought all the other aftermarket kit on your car is of sufficient (& expensive) quality that you shouldn't have to have them fail on you? do you do pretty high mileages? john
  7. A what?????[/quote:7f4ee] Watch this video and the 4 down the right hand side. They were adverts in the US for the Golf GTI Limited Edition http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij9A22-F1d8[/quote:7f4ee] what did yours used to say to you?!! :D :D
  8. Yep, first time for everything! Not that its exactly desirable, especially with the rest of the population wanting to use the roads too(!), but, by definition, these things happening guarantee that you learn lessons about either your ability or your cars limits (normally both). Short of getting a free track day included as part of your driving test (how cool would that be!) then making a mistake and properly scaring yourself without affecting anyone else does wonders for your mindset and approach in the future IMO. Hopefully you can get it fixed up ok and you're counting those lucky stars its only a busted wing!!
  9. Yeah, do let us know if you're going to be at any of the remaining shows or anything Shaun, I'd really like to see it too!
  10. dukest

    Wheel Colour Q?

    satin black could be good - i think you'd then need that to be a theme, making as much as possible monochrome or darker round the rest of the car.. 8) not sure if the red would look too "modern" if there was nothing else to set it off with - I cant remember if you have red badges or not? they would match well if you did!
  11. dukest

    Wheel Colour Q?

    so did you make a decision then Jon, will they be done for friday?! :D am trying quite hard to resist any witty comments about the appeal some people might see in a pink rim...
  12. :oops: er, I like to check the limiter's still working on a reasonably regular basis! :D
  13. already been mentioned once or twice on here as you might imagine :D
  14. fair play rob, no-one can accuse you of being afraid to take a big job on! well done for getting it all back together! how long did you spend on it?
  15. Andy, i think if you read down some of the comments on the video's page it shows that they had to remount the block at some point so the last 2/4 could be put in.. Some people were getting very worked up about that very issue!
  16. Glad to hear you got out of there in the end Shaun! Good figures too and if that last step will help get the map sorted then it looks like theres light at the end of the tunnel! Hope you can still afford to eat more than baked beans though! :D
  17. Jim, just a thought but do you think the DVLA would be any more responsive to VW themselves? If we went to VW from the Forum (and/or the CCGB) and asked if they would mind finding out for us, perhaps they'd be prepared to try? Particularly given the 20th anniversary coming up as the boys from Spain pointed out? Conceivably VW might be prepared to pay for the info too if the DVLA were still being arses? What ya reckon?
  18. amazing, would be interested to know how many engines (not just w16s) are produced like that??
  19. definitely in favour of more regular testing, every 10 years sounds like a good compromise (because i actually think more often would be better.. every year after turning 70??) don't know if the stepped power restrictions would help much. i know acceleration can get you into trouble all of a sudden, but frankly, my 45bhp R5 was just as likely to kill me once it was going round a 40mph bend at 75mph as my VR is now (ok, ok, much more likely, being made of tin foil...) that said though, i think a 150bhp limit till you're 21 would be no bad thing..
  20. well, yes, maybe the fitters have to be careful.. after all, they were probably worried you were going to do some "crazy" 110bhp diesel conversion on it!! :D
  21. Supercharged, I'm not necessarily disagreeing but as you don't get asked about tyre size when getting insurance cover for different sized wheels is there actually anything that you've seen that confirms this?
  22. yeah, they're going to the north pole! my mate was on the challenge too, he had to raise £15k of sponsorship!! :shock: :shock: I imagine somehow that doing it for tv and in some kind of vehicle was slightly less work than he had to go through! http://www.polar-challenge.com/
  23. there's always plenty of golf anniversary bbs' on ebay Rob, shouldn't take you anytime to find some! I'm sure yours will sell well to someone too :).. edit: or these! viewtopic.php?f=13&t=59470&hilit= :lol:
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