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Everything posted by dukest

  1. dukest

    slammed on 15"

    but it would be on 17s which would have the same overall diameter due to the lower profile tyres used...?? surely it makes no difference to the likelihood of scraping save for the added suspension "travel" in the larger sidewalls?
  2. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=42480&st=0&sk=t&sd=a Pauls has cream leather, although I think he'd prefer if as few others as possible did too! :lol: Mind you, you're a long way apart so maybe 1 per country is ok!
  3. rather than running components and worrying about new cabling and hiding new crossovers etc. is it possible to run two sets of multielement speakers off the stock wiring? ie. some 3" or 4" speakers in the dash and 5.25" units in the standard door pods? how would this work with the existing dash crossovers etc? I'm not particularly clued up on this stuff?! :) Cheers John
  4. 31 10 years NCB protected (or maybe guaranteed?) 3 points (made no difference though) No mods to declare (yet!) Kept on street in london's friendly Stockwell :) Cat 1 alarm (required for this price) CCGB membership (required for this price) 5k limited mileage £450 fully comp with Adrian Flux It was previously about £650 with Admiral without the points (and they wanted £200 more for them) and thats as good as everyone else could manage this year before the Flux quote.
  5. yeah, i think i'd be quite happy with only a litre of fuel per 1000 miles!! :lol:
  6. to be honest its the victims statement on page 12 that should have you thinking.. the fact that the guy spent some time in prison really pales compared to reading what the biker is going through :( that said, even being a rider myself, I do feel that the argument saying the bike should have been able to stop in the visible space ahead does have some merit.. a very hard set of circumstances.
  7. "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" :)
  8. dukest

    Car covers

    well if it helps you not sell it then am only to pleased to point you in the right direction! :D
  9. well you're right to say the that the engine wont last any longer than the chains.... if they break! but no, the engine will keep going for much longer than the chains, or more pressingly the chain tensioners. most get done as a precaution around 120k-150k although some say earlier. if they're not you're running just as much of a risk as a belt, just a delayed one..
  10. dukest

    Car covers

    This one is the one that was recommended and I bought when I asked on here a while ago. Fits very well.
  11. those are a bit better, but are they official either? seems like a lot of carrera GT in them vs an extension of the 911 which might be more expected and is reflected more in the first pics?
  12. shame to see that dude but fair play for taking a hard decision.. despite everyone trying to tell you what a mistake you're making it is its always good to get a plan and stick to it! :)
  13. don't doubt it :) I'm sure its going to be worthy of many thread inches!
  14. we certainly do :) viewtopic.php?f=17&t=11067
  15. yep, have heard about the figures you're aiming for john! will they have been verified when you get it back or will you be taking it somewhere to find out for yourself?
  16. not got mine fitted yet but am working on the basis of around 220bhp and 210lb/ft based on an average to well-performing engine to start with.
  17. yeah, i think a new MOT and another going over by a specialist and then I'd maybe offer 2750 if its in good cosmetic condition?
  18. why not? depending on the price of course! If its around 2k and in good nick otherwise then I don't see an issue. and why would you be worried about resale?! :D
  19. It wasn't wider than the mirror, but that road is perilously narrow. The right hander just before you see the car is only just 2 car widths so I never go round it fast. Luckily I'm one of those people who know how wide their car is to the inch and I know those roads really well so i was prepared to meet a car. I used to live very close to there and have seen enough car parts at that corner! Its not actually that far from us, about 25 mins if you ever want a blast. well yes, my next question was where is it?!
  20. cool! 8) were you nervous about the other car knocking it off once you turned onto the narrower road :) or was it no wider than the mirror?
  21. I'd really like to see how you get on with these Kev because I have (completely independently) been seriously considering junking my Gaz setup for these. Depends on what resale value there is in the Gaz setup I have ATM I'm a firm believer in "you get what you pay for" and will always spend as much as i can afford on bits, but I dread to think what you both spent on your highly specialised Gaz setups only to go for, or consider going for, something else of comparable or even higher cost within a year?! :shock: Jon, don't I recall you posting about your other half already questioning your sense of restraint when the car came back from Stealth after all that recent work?! :D
  22. well yep, rather him than alonso any day of the year!
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