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Everything posted by dukest

  1. good stuff, look forward to hear how you find it when its all back together!
  2. bad luck fella, that looked like a well cared for one. :( best to prepare yourself for the offers for all the nice bits now..
  3. A bit pricey (see comments ~£400 apparently) but for anyone with an aversion to cleaning their car themselves, and perhaps those who've had recent resprays, maybe this is an interesting new alternative?
  4. if you can do it for around £1k, and it doesn't look like it only cost that much, then you might make your money back... you should probably pay twice that for a decent job though and that would pretty much guarantee you'd come out down..
  5. Ben, i found a guy selling stuff taken off new TTs when they had had factory upgrades specified - he was on the UK MkIVs forum but supply seemed periodic. ']['H3R4POR on here bought some - you could PM him for the details if you cant find anything on that other forum?
  6. Couldn't agree more! The Forum is directly responsible for £1300 of purchases in the last 3 months that I didn't have the money for in the first place! I never would have known about any of those bits had I not been on here! :D :D *edit: and just confirm the OT-ness, thats not money spent on a charger either!
  7. Looks really good Goldie, I'm sure you'll have it even better too! It kind of fits in with the company in the background! Looks like its a "military issue" daily-driver! :)
  8. dukest

    wheel size

    hi, welcome to the forum. yep, 17 x 7.5 is your safest bet. 8s could be ok depending on how much you drop it, the wheel offset and your tyre sizes..
  9. hi there, depending on tyre quality and overall condition you see them go for between £50 and £150
  10. dukest


    I think there would be people queueing across the Channel, it just wouldn't be safe! :lol:
  11. I've always wanted to drive in Italy :D 8)
  12. lol, it looks like a volvo in that pic! :lol:
  13. Wow Wendy, have you really spent £4500 purely on maintenance in 2 years? :shock: What mileages do you do?! Even the fitting of your discs, tyres and radiator cant have come to more than £1500 even at main dealer rates can they? I'm just wondering what else you could have spent the money on? I guess if you'd had clutch/chains/head done then thats another £1500 but then those and the radiator are only once in ownership items. I'm just concerned that, even if you did mean those figures, they're not entirely representative of every year of VR6 ownership. We're not trying to put the poor guy off too much!
  14. depending what it is, they might not ask for it back if you're honest..? i'll buy it for a fiver!
  15. lol, there's probably a ambulance/fire engine/police drivers forum with a thread thousands of posts long about that somewhere! :D "how badly did people block you in on your emergency call today?" :lol: :lol:
  16. Some tw@t with a deathwish did this when I was on my way to Ed38 this Sunday. He was doing 65-70ish - moved into the 3rd lane, directly into the path of a very bright and noisy police BMW doing about 120. Really thought there was gonna be an accident :shock:. Credit to the driver and BMW brakes but then it still took a clear 5 seconds for the guy to realise and make any attempt to get back out of the way! I guess it happens to them a lot but no matter what call out I was attending I would have arrested him there and then for driving without due care and attention... :?
  17. you're definitely doing the job properly, your car's gonna be transformed after all that work! 8) have you had your bores checked as our cars are similar mileage? you're not overly concerned, as suggested by some here, that you're looking at a lot of work on top of a block thats done a reasonable chunk of miles? I'm just trying to keep a sense of perspective on it all!
  18. Thanks and I hope this isn't hijacking monzablau's thread too much. Not planning on charging the car and also it doesn't do many miles either so I'm hoping that the block could do another 50k over 10 years if its in ok condition at the moment. Will get it inspected though as you say - if it looks suspect then a whole new set of options opens up!
  19. The online taxing facility checks against the insurance database so the issue will still be there I think. I'd agree and say dont think you're going to be abe to tax it on that short cover note but surely you'll be negotiating your next year's cover sometime before the day its due wont you? If you do it a week before the end of September then you'd be able to have received your new cover note before Oct 1. Then just take both cover notes with you when you go to tax it and you should be fine.
  20. Cheers to 12 DEG BEN for a very painless and friendly sale, including allowing collection of the Schrick cams he was selling me before payment had cleared. Very happy - much easier than worrying about buying some imported ones from the US! 8)
  21. I put a brand new VAG VR engine in mine a while back. Sourced it cheap via ebay though, as a seperate head and bottom end. Still in VAG box! :) who was selling it Will? that must have been like a one in a million chance right?! :)
  22. obviously we're talking about 12v VRs here but Vince quoted me about 400 plus vat for just a head rebuild (without fitting) yesterday.
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