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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Agree with this. Would it be ok if they'd turned over a garage that was working on your Corrado? Doesn't matter does it, it's insured? Or if they broke into your house and robbed it? Doesn't matter, no one was hurt and it's all insured? I hate the way these people get turned into heroes
  2. Yeah know what you mean mate you usually get what you pay for but you'd be surprised sometimes. When I needed a head for my old Passat I was getting quoted £700-£900 and got a guy recommended to me who just works for himself, he charged £550 and that heads now done over 60k... Some of the stuff these Polish guys turn out is quite remarkable for the money as well, so I'm after people that may have had one or know of them rather than "that's too cheap it's gonna be crap" type reviews :lol:
  3. Think Matt bumped it in the hope of sniffing out a sale
  4. There's a bloke on Facebook that sells recon'd VR6 heads with bigger valves for €420, anyone know anything about them? Any horror stories? Sounds very cheap seeing as I've been quoted more than that to have my valve guides done...
  5. Yeah you're right Jim - been doing a bit of research and it looks like the Febi ones split in a place the genuine ones are reinforced and they're not. Oh well looks like it's off to the dealers then
  6. Yeah mate - body tape is the double sided tape body shops use to fix trim on and Sikkaflex is a really strong sealant/adhesive that you put on with a sealant gun :) We were posting the same time but I would always advise against how you done it due to the exact problems you encountered
  7. I always use a really fine carp fishing braid or the string you get inside BT cable to saw through the adhesive then use white spirit or petrol to clean off the residue. I've never used one myself but those rubber eraser wheels are supposed to be very good. Sticking them back on use either body tape or Sikkaflex
  8. What about the less spirited drivers? Can we have our own Miss Daisy run?
  9. I'm going to be replacing all my coolant hoses in the next few weeks and was planning on changing the reservoir at the same time for a MKIV Golf item. Been quoted £23 plus the cap from TPS, but I can get a brand new Febi one for £8 including the cap. Just wondered if the Febi quality is up to much as I know they can be a big hit and miss on their parts?
  10. Oh yeah sorry Andy meant to say mine looks all intact as well. Thanks again for organising the group buy and special thanks to whichever handsome devil it was that found them originally.
  11. Oh sorry Jim - that'll teach me to skim read the thread
  12. Mate trust me - for the sake of £40 ring The Thread Doctor. I've just had to drill a stud extractor out of my rear hub and it shagged 7-8 expensive drill bits and took 6 charges of two batteries. After all that I ended up having to grind off the end of the bolt and smashed it through with a chisel and used a nut and bolt!
  13. Be VERY careful with Lancaster when it comes to modifications - I've told my story plenty of times on here but the short version is after saying yep no problem when I took the policy out, it changed to sorry every single one of your mods isn't covered. Almost ended up going to court before they gave me my money back. There's a reason they are so much cheaper than everyone else. Personally I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole
  14. Just had a text to say I had a box delivered yesterday that's knackered and ripped open. He said the inside looks ok but he's no idea what it is so not sure. Signed for it damaged :(
  15. Jamie

    Rear Tow Eye Delete

    Nice one I'll cut the section out then. Cheers chaps.
  16. Jamie

    Rear Tow Eye Delete

    What d'you reckon though Sean - weld in a blanking plug or cut the whole section and weld in a fresh piece?
  17. Ok well that's me out then :( I can't afford them but if you were local I would have had them
  18. Hmmm I know someone that manufacturers NLA VW parts in China. I'll have to see if he knows anything...
  19. Jamie

    Rear Tow Eye Delete

    Yeah I got a section of bumper off you as well Chris just don't know whether to cut a small blanking plug out of it to fill the hole, or use the whole section. I'm not keen on going the fibreglass route odub as I've been told it's more susceptible to cracking
  20. What a fantastic collection. There's no way I should be doing this but - whereabouts are you?
  21. Anyone who's done this - did you just make a blanking plug for the aperture and weld that, or cut the section out and weld a whole new section?
  22. That clothes peg idea on the edge of the door card is genius. I'm about to do mine so cheers for that
  23. Love that engine bay man! If Darth Vader drove a Corrado :D
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