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Everything posted by easypops

  1. I've voted for all the dates, as for now i know no reason why i wont be able to make it along..............these things can change as we all know how things can just pop up that you need to do, hopefully once we have a set date a decent number will show up :)
  2. Looking good mate, just a wee rest lol............if you feel the need you can have a shot of mine before it goes into its winter hibernation :)
  3. If you are the first person to report it, you'll be lucky to get anything as the councils only accept its their fault IF its already been reported and they have failed to repair it within a reasonable time scale. If you and the others all claim i guess you'll have a better chance? Good luck mate
  4. That's the one, guy from Paisley had it, at least thats where i saw it parked up
  5. I'm looking for the small blue solenoid valve which sits under the MAF, connects with pipework to the PCV and the carbon cannister, has a darker blue electrical plug Couple of (bad) photos here http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?58314-Solenoid-that-sits-under-MAF-95-VR6
  6. Poor pics as i had no time to take the maf out, hopefully you might recognise it :) Electrical plug=Green arrow Solenoid valve=Red arrow [ATTACH=CONFIG]49261[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]49262[/ATTACH]
  7. Thanks mate, BUT........here is an insight into me :lol: I have a cable ,a laptop, the VCDS prog........when i tried to change the latency settings to get it all to work, i somehow managed to delete the port settings, so i cant use VCDS :lol:
  8. Will do mate, i'll get a pic this evening once i'm home
  9. As the title says, there is a small blue solenoid valve which sits under the MAF and is in between the pipes coming from the carbon cannister and PCV :thumbleft:
  10. I meant to say, its the electrical plug that is missing its clip, but i checked it again and it hasn't moved so its as good as connected, i will change the blue valve solenoid then...........i will also check the wiring, but i cant see any reason for it to be broken as it looks ok and is out the way where it is. Thanks for the advice mate :salute: edit; I cant believe i posted a pic and the only relevant part has been cropped :lol:
  11. Yes and Yes, I was just looking on etka to see what the blue thing was called (solenoid)..............would this be the potentiometer ? I did have a look at it earlier, it sits under the MAF, and i noticed that the plug is missing the metal clip which stops it sliding off, although it does look to be fully pushed home? [ATTACH=CONFIG]49254[/ATTACH]
  12. Ok, found this post by Kev H , now Fishwick :) Postby kevhaywire » June 18th, 2003, 8:18 pm Here you go, explained by VW themselves from their VR6 (2.8 AAA engine though, but also applies to 2.9 ABV) tech manual:- *** Fuel Tank Ventilation *** The following inputs are used to control the fuel tank ventilation: .Engine speed .Engine load .Engine coolant temperature .Signal from throttle valve Potentiometer (G69) Fuel vapors from the fuel tank are vented to the carbon canister. When the engine is warm and above idle speed, the vapors will be drawn into the intake manifold via the carbon canister. Depending on engine load and oxygen sensor signal, a frequency valve will regulate the quantity of vapors entering the intake manifold from the carbon canister * Carbon Canister Frequency Valve (N80) * The ECU determines the duty cycle of the frequency valve to regulate the flow of fuel vapors from the carbon canister to the engine. When no current is supplied to the valve, it remains in the open position. The valve is closed (duty cycle 100%) when the cold engine is started. * Triggering: * The Carbon Canister Frequency Valve (N80) begins to operate after oxygen sensor operation has begun. Valve operation is load- and speed-dependent during driving operation. The valve is completely open at full throttle and completely closed during deceleration fuel shut-off. * Substitute function: * If power to the valve is interrupted, the valve remains completely open. This could lead to rough running at idle speed and during partial load acceleration. * Self-diagnosis: * The ECU recognizes open circuits and short circuits in the component. So looking at this bit If power to the valve is interrupted, the valve remains completely open. This could lead to rough running at idle speed and during partial load acceleration. This seems to be my exact symptoms, how would i fix it? I see you almost said something RW1 , I was kind of hoping you'd be browsing :)
  13. Hi, I had my car vagcom'd today(thanks elliot) to see if i could pinpoint the very slight hesitation i have at low revs, got 2 faults, usual speed sensor and this one. From the search i found its carbon canister related(i think), and i see that the previous owner(JoeM) also had a similar code when he checked http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?17045-Got-my-car-vag-commed....&highlight=00735 and http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?9878-More-VAG-COM-Errors&highlight=00735 , both were 31-00 - Open or Short to Ground where mine is 63-00 - Temperature Shut-Down . So my questions are , why would this be, what is it, and would/could it cause my hesitation? VCDS-Lite Version: Release 1.1 Sunday, 18 September 2011, 16:09:12. Control Module Part Number: 021 906 258 CP Component and/or Version: MOTOR 2,8L 6-Zyl. Software Coding: PMC 1 HS Work Shop Code: 0261203565 VCID: 64BB2F93E755 2 Faults Found: 00735 - Potentiometer in Positioning Motor for Air recirculation Flap (G143) 63-00 - Temperature Shut-Down
  14. Welcome back...............not that you were ever really away :lol:
  15. I agree with the above, had a great day, looking forward to the next one :) ...............and the Dundee Cake ;)
  16. No, late ones(late 92' early 93') are clip in and early ones(88' to late 92') are screw in
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