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Everything posted by easypops

  1. There used to be a red one round the corner from me, and I couldn't help but stare every time I walked past(which was quite a lot) , and the more I looked the more I knew I had to have one. It's just a cool car to own, and I still feel lucky to do so. I still smile when I turn back to look at it , especially if it's parked in a car park full of shapeless boxes. My signature says it all 8)
  2. Never had to use the door handle repair kit but have used the tunnel repair and Dave very kindly made me a bracket to fit a humped rear bench into a non humped rear. The guy is a legend :thumbleft:
  3. Insured it, quite surprised how reasonable it was....... Only need to tax it now to bring it out of hibernation 8)
  4. Oh, I have a middle shade i've not got round to fitting yet, and a selection of wing indicators :lol:
  5. Ok mate, I'll take the sump, can I have the bolts with it please? :)
  6. Hi, What condition is the sump in? If it's sound and undamaged , I'll take it :) Cheers Martin
  7. I have gunsmoke on the front of mine, all the lights.........not sure what light is getting through, must be ok though as its passed a couple of MOT's like it
  8. I also have a couple of these, in bits, one off a corrado, one off a passat. Happy to help out with any spare bits etc look here for some pics http://wiki.the-corrado.net/late_heater_control_repair.html
  9. Yes, loads of the wet stuff up here :)
  10. Would be really good to know of trusted good mechanics, who have been used by members, and maybe a list produced if there are any of these RARE breads out there? [ATTACH=CONFIG]59385[/ATTACH]
  11. http://wiki.the-corrado.net/the_corrado_buying_guide_checklist.html
  12. I'm hoping to be in fife at some point over the weekend so could possibly collect it en route? Not 100% sure i'm going yet but if i do i'd happily take it off your hands :)
  13. I have a couple of cracked ones out in the garage Jamie, i'll have a look and let you know if there is any wiring attached etc. do you still work in Glasgow?
  14. Not been too active on here myself mate, been way too busy, became a dad a fortnight ago, so its been a bit mad. I took the corrado off the road in november, to avoid having to use it in the snow etc(that didn't happen). so really looing forward to breaking it out again. How's things yourself mate?
  15. Nice one jamie, cant wait until i get mine on the road again........prob the end of april though :)
  16. Look forward to getting this :) .............. can anyone tell me if i'm still up to date money wise with the CCGB?
  17. Superb work there mate..........the photo of it sitting back to back with a white mk2 golf is Perfect 8)
  18. Welcome mate, you'll find all the help you need on here :)
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