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Everything posted by easypops

  1. I had the original(i think) and an aftermarket clifford removed from my car, the control box for the original was behind the glove box, although i'm sure i've read they can also be behind the centre section under the heater controls etc. I replaced with a toad Ai606, just called someone out to do it, he removed all uneeded wiring and fitted the new one for £250, well worth it as it would have taken me forever and still wouldn't have been correct, also insurance companies like to see certificates for cat1 alarms on corrado's. I know thats not helping with your problem but at least you could look for the control box :)..............oh and if you do plan to remove the glove box, prepare for lots of swearing :lol: Good luck
  2. No picture, but i got our washing machine in my old 16v, and thats with the rear hatch closed 8)
  3. Whatever you do, DON'T press the small button on the side :lol:
  4. Hi mate, I have vagcom(the free lightweight one) running ok on my laptop, happy to pop over with it if you think it would help, won't be able to do the basic settings as that's locked on this version, seems to do fault codes ok though........ and I still owe you one from when you scannd mine a while back :)
  5. That's not good at all mate, I have various bits n bobs kicking about, all late stuff though, if I can help at all let me know
  6. easypops


    It was my birthday yesterday and as a surprise gift my other half Lyndsey is taking me to Berlin for 4 days, staying almost next door to the VW museum. Is there a Corrado in there? And does anyone have any suggestions of what to get up to? No beer though as I'm t total and the missus is expecting our first kid :)
  7. Those seats look nice, need to look out for toledo's in future scrappy visits :)
  8. Ordered :).............even though i failed (again) to get in lol.............need to start taking pics with the camera instead of rubbish iphone :lol:
  9. Not the same make, but probably similar :) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Car-Van-Lubricant-Rubber-Silicone-Maintenance-Spray-/250776610300?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3a637365fc
  10. Broken clutch fork?...........Happened to me but the symptoms were different, pedal stopped halfway back up then sprung back after a couple of seconds, really hard getting into gear.........seems to be a fairly common issue on VR's, not sure which yours is?
  11. I'm out too, the 30th is a possability for me at this stage
  12. Thats too bad mate, i'm also a doubt as i might need to work , not sure yet but i think so :(
  13. easypops

    Passenger door

    Maybe an idea to put your location ?
  14. I got mine working last night, I also had the not recognising it problem, You need to have the cable plugged into your laptop and i found that i needed to be able to connect to the internet(wifi) until it was recognised............it only worked on comm port 3. Your welcome to pop over to mine at any point to see if there are any noticable differences............... I didn't get a chance to try it tonight to make sure its still working but i can't see any reason why it wouldn't be :)
  15. I didn't comit to it as such as i know how quickly things can change/be arranged without you even knowing about them(women :lol:) ,so i'm as 'in'' as i can be just now :)
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