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Everything posted by easypops

  1. Not sure if mine is intact as what you are looking for but here is a couple of pics anyway........plastic bit is there tho :D Happy to pop over to your bit and you can have a look if you want
  2. Good idea mate.....i have read all your posts and they are well written and detailed.........i only wish i had your skills :clap: .......or you had a valver :D
  3. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=73837
  4. There are a couple of pics in this link http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... =3&t=63837
  5. I had a dodgy idle for ages and ages......also sometimes it would run like a bag of nails.....cutting out,revs really high then really low,kangaroo fuel .....all stopped when i found two of the 3 wires that control the throttle potentiometer were broken(inside the plastic sheath)....quick re connection and all has been well since Good luck
  6. Welcome to the forum :D The search (top right ) is your friend Read these 2 posts....they may help Good Luck viewtopic.php?f=23&t=70164&st=0&sk=t&sd=a viewtopic.php?f=23&t=71121&hilit=circlip
  7. Smoked for me too :onfire:........laminex with slotted reverse
  8. Welcome to the forum......the search at the top right is where you will find almost all things as most have been asked....... try this anyway :D viewtopic.php?f=1&t=67859&hilit=g60+timing
  9. Well I eventually got round to framing this up during the week.......its only taken about 4 months :D
  10. Not the highest but this took patience :D
  11. My toad Ai606 used to do this as well......turned out the bonnet switch wasn't getting depressed enough......although sometimes it would be ok?.......solved by superglueing 2x5p coins onto the top of the plunger/switch......sounds dodgy but that was probably a year ago and no problems since :clap:
  12. This look a laugh to me :D http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/726080.htm
  13. drove it :D........excuse the dirty glass :lol:
  14. Looks like the 'Young David Bellamy' variety :D
  15. Mmmmmm? Here is all the pages of the manual 8)
  16. The fan belt was spinning the pulley ,that end was fine but the impeller wasn't turning.......i didn't remove it myself but i was talking to the mechanic as he removed it from the car.....the blades themselves were in ok condition(plastic) but there was a break between the two ends so as one spun the other didn't.......its worth checking while you have it in bits anyway........the new one had metal blades btw :D
  17. That was the problem with mine......blades intact.....just not spinning :D
  18. Hi, My 2.0 16v also had the very common idle problem........very very common i should say........there have been lots written on this subject try this for a start viewtopic.php?f=1&t=62564
  19. Try looking at this post, my problem solved / explained is on the 2nd page.......you'll get there......its all part of the fun :D viewtopic.php?f=1&t=62564
  20. They look like a 'Humphrey' to me :D
  21. :salute: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: .....Your car looks fantastic........my one is that colour, or should i say i wish it was :oops:
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