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Everything posted by easypops

  1. When your wife explodes you can pass it on to someone local ;):lol:
  2. You had your leads off recently? I had a similar issue, changed the coilpack and it was still there, turned out the back middle lead wasn't seated on the plug correctly
  3. What do you mean? It's always sunny here :lol:
  4. Well done guys......didn't know that was in the wiki :)
  5. Yes, you use a fairly long bolt(cant remember size) to release the tension, its not meant to be in there permenantly. If its making noise its likely that the bearing in the pulley is on its way out, my advice is to sort it ASAP as i left mine and it destroyed itself. The bearing itelf is very cheap as long as you feel confident enough to swap it out. I'll away and find a link to the bearing for you
  6. No surprise really, Toad alarms tend to be quite reliable
  7. Passenger side mate, I thought for a wee second that I was gonna get away with it :lol:
  8. So, Diarmaid popped down yesterday with his 18mm hex bit, put it on my new breaker bar, whacked the first nut with a big hammer and gave it a go.....and out it came,result. Nut number 2 got the same treatment but wasn't for budging and I managed to burst the socket...oops, sorry mate. Hammered a 17mm impact socket on and tried again and slowly it started to move, then it snapped. So out with the drill, I got a nice depth with a 4mm bit then it snapped in the remainder of the nut, so at that point I gave up, ordered some new hacksaw blades and will get to it during the week. Thanks for your help Diarmaid, much appreciated :)
  9. Are you mate? Is that you out of Renfrew? I'll maybe pop over later if you are going to be about this evening?
  10. Does anyone ever really go away? :) And Michael, truly stunning mate :notworthy:
  11. That was a fine post Wullie, the offer of the irwins is much appreciated too :)
  12. Just back from Halfords, got a breaker bar but they didn't have an 18mm impact socket or even a normal 18mm 6sided socket? Just the star type and I have one of them but it's already started to spin on the nut.......already had a blast with the hammer lol, that is one tool I can use :lol:
  13. Cheers James, that is the plan, a liberal soaking in WD40 for the next week or so, then they will just fall out :lol:
  14. You are correct mate,I don't, but i'm happy to have a go at anything, it's the only way to learn, plus, what's the worst that can happen? I break something (very likely) :lol: But i really really hope these bolts come out cleanly :)
  15. Good idea Jim, wouldn't have even thought of doing that, thanks :)
  16. I am I'm afraid mate, I've got the wee man all day, and he's at that age that you just don't get a minute to do anything. I'm in no real rush anyway, and I'm away all next weekend. I might give you a wee shout after then as it may well still be the way it is now, would also give you an excuse to bring that picture down :)
  17. Also, just ordered the expansion set for my irwin bolt grippers, I have the feeling I'll be needing them :) Yes mate, gonna soak them for the next few days, maybe the whole week :)
  18. Ok, so,I've soaked these bolts for a good while and they just won't budge, seems they are an 18mm head? Looks like I need a decent breaker bar or an 18mm impact socket, which isn't in my halfords pro set Any suggestions welcome, but I don't like spinach :lol:
  19. Nice one mate, don't put yourself out though as I have etka on my(never used anymore)PC :)
  20. Thanks mate, I'll get out there and try and soak the captive nuts, probably gonna get new bolts for everything under there.......don't suppose you have part numbers? :)
  21. Good evening all, I decided to strip down the spare subframe I have had for a wee while. Couple of questions 1.The steering rack came off easily enough but the bolts are still in place and don't seem that easy to remove? Do I leave them in or whack them out with a hammer? 2. The big bolts for the wishbones are very tight and I'm fairly sure I've read a couple of sheared captive nut stories, so should I use brute force or an impact gun? Also the bolt seems a weird size 11/16's? I will have other questions about bushes etc later :) Steering rack bolts Wishbone bolts
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