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Everything posted by coullstar

  1. I like my standard exhaust apart from the noise or lack off to be precise. If I were to remove one of the silencers would this give it a better note? If it would then which one would be best to remove? Front or middle?
  2. Silver is definetly the fastest colour then for the Corrado :twisted:
  3. Well I fitted the spacers and the back was fine but the fronts bolts tightened after only 3 1/2 360deg turns of the bolts. This sounds a bit odd to me that the front bolts use less thread. Is this right?
  4. At the moment I have PI springs on my standard knackered shocks. In all fairness the car sits 10mm lower than I reall want. If I get new uprated shocks on the car will this bring the car up a tad? I am also considering using uprated shocks with standard springs. Anybody tried this before?
  5. Almost glad I didnt get the service book with mine so I dont have to worry about this. £30 and that my service done! If I was you I would see if there are any specialists near by and get them to stamp the book. When you come to sell just explain that you wouldnt pay VW's over inflated prices for a job that the specialist (or anybody) could do most likely twice as good for at least half the price. The VW service history is soooo overated when it comes to enthusiast cars like the Corrado that dont need particularly difficult servicing.
  6. coullstar

    Koni kits

    Thats easily fixed by taking a small section off each coil, crude but effective. I take it there is a fair bit of preload on the springs so you dont have to worry about the springs dislocting.
  7. coullstar

    H&R Springs

    H & R are supposed to be the best compromise between ride quality and handling so yes they are good.
  8. coullstar

    Koni kits

    Nice. Dont mind a 40mm drop but nothing more. Might go for the buggers. I had a look through your gallery and they seemed to sit higher than a 40mm drop. Did they drop at all when the settled in? I like it so that there is hardly a gap between the tyre and arch when viewed from the side.
  9. coullstar

    Koni kits

    I might be able to get a Koni adjustable suspension kit but it is the VR6 version. I have checked thier website for the shocks and obviously the fronts are different to my 16v but thats most likely to accomodate the extra VR weight. Whats I am worried about is fitting the kit and the front not lowering so does anybody know if the springs you get with the kits are different for the VR and 16v? I know the springs are suppose to be crap but its the reasonable lowering height that appeals.
  10. If its leaking then you are better off replacing. Its best to replace both sides when doing this. The shocks themselves dont lower the car its the springs that do that. If you have lowering springs then try shortened dampers as they work better at the lower ride height. Loads of these going about so just do a search to see what best suits you.
  11. I know you can get them from Trackstore etc but it would be interesting to see how much they would be. TBH I am only looking for 5mm spacers so the OE bolts mught be fine.
  12. Looking to get some wheel spacers for the Estorils but when generally do you have to start looking to get the extended bolts as well? Would 5mm be ok with OE bolts?
  13. Jesus. The scratches suddenly dont look too bad!
  14. Estorils are pretty hefty/strong wheels so you would have to be doing something hellish to buckle them. If you mean kerbing then they you can get the edges re-machined whe they are getting refurbed. Couple of sets in ebay right now and one set that looks mint. 4 wheels through the post will cost ~£40-50.
  15. Thought about one of these recently but it would have to be the S2 just for the lovely 5cyl noise. Nice red one on ebay right now. A black S2 with TT competition wheels would look stunning.
  16. coullstar

    Respray costs

    This is a bit of a subjective question but my car could really do with a tidy up as there are a few niggles here and there with the paint work. TBH I dont know much behind the prep etc for a respray and what needs to be removed. Basically the cars fine and a few of the panels are ok but I dont want to have just panels sprayed if they are not going too match. I have this already on one of my wings and looks terrible under certain light. Bascially I am asking what sort of price it should be for a basic respray minus the roof. I know you dont want to skimp on paint but I am not exactly rolling in the green stuff.
  17. Is the timing belt tensioner on the 2l 16v the same as the 1.8? If not then is there a special tool you need to tension the belt? In the past with my Golf and other Corrado I have just used the old two allen key-screwdriver trick.
  18. I had a Supersprint on mine. Expensive though.
  19. KR is just a straight swap for the 9a cam. You dont have to change anything else. Its got more lift IIRC and can some times add 10-20bhp and gives tha car a little more top and grunt as well.
  20. Mine is similar. Only just started pulling away from a Ford Fiesta ZetecS this morning. Fitting a KR inlet cam soon so I should be able to tell you the difference.
  21. I used these in mine and they are fine. If I remember correctly someone said it is best to replace them every 10k miles though.
  22. I had got the tailpipe on my old car changed to one of the powerflow stainless link pipe offcuts. I think it was about 2.75" in dia and it was fine. Look for pics of my old car here http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... highlight=
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