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Everything posted by 8vMatt

  1. Have to admit, when I first saw these wheels on the Compomotive website I wasn't overly bothered with them. I couldn't really see the attraction :cuckoo: BUT.......Now I see them on the C, oh yes indeed! Awesome for sure :notworthy: I don't mind admitting I was completely wrong on these :nuts: Well done guys. And Rob, I'll be around next week to have a close look at them!
  2. but my mum always says im special :puppydogeyes: I know I'm special cus I've got a T-Shirt that says I am!
  3. 100 scene points for the first pics of them on the car :lol: :lol: Looking like its been a really good group buy guys.
  4. Cheers for saying about these issues you've had guys, be something to look out for when I overhaul the suspension. Knowing me I'll still be able to do something daft!
  5. It seems to me that these cars canbe run pretty cheaply if you're able / prepared to get dirty and do lots of jobs yourself. If you need a garage to do everything for you then its going to be a nightmare owning a C.
  6. 8vMatt


    :shock: Damn you could have waited until I could afford it!!! Pretty much my favourite C :notworthy:
  7. thought i was on ed38 with modding like that...lmfao Thought I was on Ed38 based on the original post being so absolutely pointless :tongue: :camp: :lol:
  8. Now you can just stop that! :luvlove: Too good!
  9. They should bring in Stig's long lost cousin who's been locked away in solitary confinement in Siberia :nuts: No-one knows why he was locked away, all part of the mystery :cuckoo:
  10. I was given a lift in a 996 Carrera2 last night :luvlove: Wow that things great. He didn't hoof it or anything like that but just sitting in there felt great. Not one squeak or rattle at all, the whole car felt tight and solid. The exhaust note could grow on me. But I was surprised when he said you pick one up for approx £16-20k obviously depending on a lot of factors. The amount of crap new cars costing that money, easy choice for me if I was in that position. He told me about them being really easy to work on and nothing to be afraid of (had the engine out of his previous 993). Mmmm.............better start saving up then :nuts:
  11. What can I say Chris, just bloody lovely :luvlove: This is a credit to you pal, don't worry that its taken a long time, this is about as complete a conversion as you can get :notworthy: I use the Collinite wax also, its great hey. Water beads so well and its easy for me to get a good shine that lasts. Good job as I'm a bit lazy on that front! Top work fella :salute:
  12. Drive mine around once a week at the mo, just take it out to have a play or keep things ticking along nicely. Did a 100mile round trip on sun, thats a biggy for me :nuts: Done about 2,500 miles in 16 months ownership. This is a hobby/ fun car so doesn't need to be used daily 8)
  13. Very nice but you've got to compare that to the satisfaction you would get from building a VRT yourself :luvlove:
  14. How have you managed to spend £10k on just parts? You might as well sell up and buy the car you've always wanted.
  15. Kev, could you expand on this bit please as my limited knowledge is letting me down again!
  16. My Heko ones fit like a dream :D Mine fit great also :norty:
  17. I've noticed the standard of paintwork on new cars looks like its getting worse, or is it just me getting more OCD about the finish of my car. When I look at the reflection of new paint, loads of cars have a real orange peel finish to them. All bumpy looking. Would I be expecting too much to have a glass like reflection on a new car? Speaking to a sprayer mate recently, he confirmed the finish they get after flatting back the paint is better than leaving the factory. I'm amazed people buying new cars don't seem to notice it or let it bother them! I realise the finish in high end stuff is very good from factory. If I spent £20-30k then I'd expect a lot more than whats being offered, not that I'll have to worry about it really (won't be spending out on a new car anytime soon)!
  18. Here's a link for the Heko ones I bought off Ebay, they're great :) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-CORRADO-3-door ... arParts_SM
  19. Wow look at that C, he has to have that one. Ship it back over once he finishes uni.
  20. 8vMatt


    Guess the yanks didn't get Blackberry then? They had Jasmin Yellow! Wonder what thats like? And how it compares to Nugget?
  21. Just imagine what the same two items would cost in 5 years time :shock:
  22. 8vMatt

    Rokkor Coilovers

    Your car! As it skips over the bumps on a corner and exits backwards through a hedge!
  23. Might be good to put a pic up of which mask it is mate, not everyone will understand your funny name for it! They might think you're one of those weird S & M chaps!
  24. Would be best to list as much as is humanly possible, saves loads of questions etc later. Pics of each bit would really help you. The more detail you can put now, the easier the sales of everything will be in the long run for you. Sorry to see this happen but best of luck with it. P.S. Can you put my name down for the ABS Pump please if its all working good :norty:
  25. Fingers crossed with the GAZ, hope they're a viable alternative to the more expensive KW's.
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