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Everything posted by -Neil-

  1. what kind of paper should i use, wet n dry or normal sand paper? and you say 1k - 2k, do you mean 1000 'grade'? Will alloy polish up? Neil
  2. is there any kind of attachment i can get for a drill that could allow me to put a slight polish on them?
  3. justa few pics of how my wheels were and how they are now, took me 2 hours in all, very pleased!.... so please that they look half decent!
  4. quite a few people ask me how i made my boot install.... I'm making one for my girlfriends peugeot 306 so i thought id do a walk-though this time from start to finish.... http://www.stuffing.freeserve.co.uk/Cathy Its not finished yet but i keep updating every weekend.... Neil
  5. yeah i read that other post about autosol, got no money to get any tho. i recon it'll get rusty soon tho, it really is getting bad and about to fall off so i'll have to get a new system soon.
  6. this is how mine use to look.... and after a but of wet and dry 200-400 and then 800 it got to this... Im happy. Yes it is at a slant and yes it is going to fall off soon through-out the whole exhaust but at least it looks better! Neil
  7. ive found alot of plugs that arent in anything in my fuse box and have i got the right amount of relays? and in my last pic this is how i FOUND my fuse box, no screws or white tabs? Neil
  8. so i need to remove the left hand shelf on the drivers side.
  9. search didnt bring anything up, how do i remove my fuse box to look at the back of it?
  10. Count me in! If you do the draw at a meet for the winner to drive it home, not everyone might have insurance for any car? Let me know what i have to do to get a chance!
  11. no problem, glad to help.
  12. I had a problem with this piece your on about... i replaced the whole thing, i got it for like £5 from someone off here. look at this thred, it shows you where the two pipes go.. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... ht=#397087
  13. -Neil-

    Loss of water...

    few quid from the stealers?
  14. about every 300-500 miles my water light comes on to tell me its running low. My screw top for the bottle is very stiff at first when un-doing then twists freely then gets grippy and hard to unscrew again before taking it off. But im not sure if it's leaking from there, if i was to replace anything of that part do i need to replace the whole bottle? MY radiator looks like its seen better days but not leaking anywhere. Has anyone got any other ideas what might be causing my water loss? Neil
  15. oh yeah i knew about that, was just having a chat really...
  16. When you start the car and your PRAYING to god that the ABS, oil, and water lights go out once it's started!
  17. I know there is like a secret code for bikers that they nod to other bikers as they ride past but i was wondering.... i did a 180 mile round trip to chester zoo today and saw ONE corrado, and he waved at me, also i've see a few other corrado drivers around sheffield who have also waved. Are corrados becoming that rare, that there could be a secret code for us aswell? Nel
  18. It's a 1993 K reg, Later model with later interior. I had an alarm installed when i got the car and the alarm fitter (a shop) said the old alarm was fitted by a monkey, apparntly the live feed for the alarm was taken from the stereo or something! Soemthing must not be right as these things must be connected....... 1) Windows wont self-close 2) Sunroof works without a fuse in 3) rear wiper will only work with headlights on ( altho the Rear window WASHER still works without the headlights on, prob due to the motor for squirter being in the engine bay) oh and i have had problems with my REAR LEFT braking light blowing the FUSE for it, not the bulb, just the fuse, and only the rear left side. but it hasnt done it for a fair few months! Neil
  19. well after having a lot of problems with my dash lights NOT dimming, and the dimmer controll heating up and burning, ALSO my ABS relay thingy (under the LEFT side of the DASH right at the back at the top would CLICK aswell... so i took out fuses one by one, Eventualy i got to the fuse for the sun roof and rear wiper motor, now the dimmer switch and dash lights dim and work properly, but the sunroof and rear wiper STILL work with NO fuse in it! But my REAR wipers will only work with the HEADLIGHTS ON! When i arm the alarm for my car, it obviously sends a pulse to lock the doors but it doesnt shut the windows fully, the pulse that locks the doors also only pushes the windows up for the same amount of time, which is only about 1cm. but when i start the car, the SUNROOF will close a little bit more for the SAME length of time the ABS light is on.... Will this be linked to the ABS relay clicking when i have the sunroof + wiper motor FUSE in? Please help as i'm out of ideas! Neil
  20. cheers for that thread StuartFZR400.
  21. has anyone got a price on how much discs and pads cost, GSF are closed at 10.45pm!
  22. what brakes do i have on at the moment, its a 2ltr 16v 1993, what will i need to convert them to bigger breaks?
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