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Everything posted by -Neil-

  1. Looked under my car the other day as ive been getting a patch on the floor of gearbox oil, its clear oil. Ive been told it could be drive shaft seal, can someone explain to me how this works and if i can fix it myself? Thank, Neil
  2. i've got the EXACTLy same problem! Also, how i need a full respray, exhaust, driveshaft seals, head gasket, alloys, brakes, brake pipes. the list goes on....
  3. I went to prestwold with my mate who had the day to drive a firrari. he did 2 laps in a scooby then 3 laps the the firrari, i thought you'd get more for £110.
  4. I cant see these sensors, and how are they removed?
  5. wel i think im going to need a new one in 2 weeks, so pretty tight. I think im going to have to bite the bullet and spend that £300
  6. that drag car is a girls brothers corrado on http://www.girlsnmotors.co.uk (my gf is a member on it)
  7. i didnt realise the standard one would be just as expensive! thanks.
  8. by the sound of my exhaust, its about to drop off... Im not really got £300 for a milltek exhaist (cat back) stystem that i wanted. Is there any real no-nos with replacing my exhaust with a standard one? Or should i try and break the bank and get the £300 milltek one?
  9. you gotta be joking about the holders working! I've just chopped and put my in pro ones on, i had instructions and just used an online translator. All works fine now.
  10. I'm really sorry but these are the only pics ive got at the moment, i cant pull my fuse box out any more. On this one there is nothing plugged into the slot marked 'C' Neil
  11. if i have a good shell of my 2ltr 16v is it worth putting the G60 engine into that? I like the later interior and i need to get a new exhaust for my car anyway, so id have to replace it if i was to sell it anyway. So say i have a later 2ltr 16v with okish body work and my boot install in(which can be changed over to another car) and An early G60 with bodywork that needs a little TLC what would you lot do with them both as in engine swap or sell the 16v? Neil
  12. ive got a late style 2ltr 16v, and my mate has a early style G60 he's just brought for pennies, it needs some work doing to body work but mechanicly its sound. If i could sell my Corrado for £2k would it be worth getting this G60 and getting it into shape? Is the hype of a G60 really worth getting rid of my 2ltr 16v for? Neil
  13. does it stay alive if you put your foot on throttle at all? I had a similar problem which ended up being a build up of carbon on the throttle body which was causing the butterfly to not alow any air through which starves the engine of air. So gave it a good clean with carb+clutch cleaner and its ok now. Just an idea mate.
  14. how much wider are the arches?
  15. this was my cake last year... excuse the car please....
  16. the cake is brilliant aint it!
  17. cheers guys, so happy now i've got decent lights! these were my old noes and people kept on nearly going into the back of me coz of the rubbish tint job the guy before me did, you couldnt see me indicate!
  18. well im 23 today (29th), heres what i got.... new rear lights.... and a birthday cake... well chuffed!
  19. cheers mate! there a post in general of what i go for my birthday!
  20. just a few pics and how much beter they make my car look, im so suprised!
  21. ah brill, halfords sell U-POL goods so i might pop into there! will keep you posted, now off to work :( thanks for all your help!
  22. ah right, well i might try some fine (1000 grade) wet n dry to see if it give sit a nice smooth look. If i want to laquer them ill prob have to get another set of alloys as mine will have to be off the car for a while, at the moment ive done the back two, and next i need to do the front two.
  23. sorry im a little cofused at the end, when you say dont polish it quite as 'high grade' do you mean 2000 of like 400? So i should try, 400, 800, then 1000, 1500 then 2000? will that provide a good finish?
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