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Everything posted by -Neil-

  1. Im going to return these products ive got as ive been told they'll be to harsh. Can anyone tell me exactly what i should get, Basically im thinking of 3 things, 1. Something like a T-cut(but harsher) 2. Something to bring a shine 3. and something protect the work i've just done. Can anyone help?
  2. brilliant, thanks mate, ill be doing a before and after shot so hopefully it'll look better!
  3. before you say i should leave it to the pro's, My car is very dull, no shine and im willing to have a go at it. Im only going to give it a gentle going over so i wont ruin the paint. Ok got myself a machine polisher, and a compound pad and a polishing pad. Some rubbing compound a wax and a protecting polish. Do i put the compound / wax / polish on the car and let it dry, or put on the pads? which order to i do the wax and polishing? And any tips apart from masking off the trim and not pushing too hard on the car with the machine???
  4. I bet it aint cheep, and a bitch to fit!
  5. tried to turn off the sound with the arming and disarming but it wont let me turn it off, it only flashes once after ive turned ignition on, opened door then pressed the arm/disarm button, it wont flace twice! grrrr!
  6. Got it and printed it off, thanks alot!
  7. i have a black shelf with 6x9's in you can have, i dont want it!
  8. Just brought a car with a laserline alarm on it and need some help.. No idea what model it is, its got those sensors in the car that sends waves so if u arm it whilest sat in it, then move your head or something it#ll go off Its linked upto the auto window closure, and has an imobiliser aswell All i know is that top button is the panic button and the bottom one locks/unlocks it. I dont know how to arm it silently or change the length of time it locks itself after shutting the door, or anything else? I was told that if i sit in the car, put the ignition on, then open the door then press the panic button it should take the beeps off, this DOESN'T work. Also on the dash near the alarm LED there is a wierd circle thing split into two halfs, top half is the LEd and bottom half has 3 pin holes in it, whats this for? All i got given with the car is one alarm fob with 2 buttons on it. Can anyone help me...PLEASE! Thanks, Neil
  9. as you look at the engine, on the right hand side, there is a mini coke can sized thing with 2 pipes going to it, there is a plug on one end too. thats it.
  10. Just found out that halfords are doing a 2 for 3 on the meguaires 1,2,3 stuff, will get some of that!
  11. i could of sworn this was an AFM, Air Flow Meter?
  12. seen this, would this be ok or wil it not be abrasive enough? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Meguiars-Step-1-2 ... dZViewItem
  13. My white corrado is very faded and has no shine what so ever, i need some really heavy duty hard working wax and polish stuff. But i have NO idea what i should be getting. Im thnking maybe t-cut then polish, but i dont think t-cut will be hard enough for it. I want it a really high shine, it has NONE at the moment. Anyone got any advice or and packs i can get?
  14. what difference would the MAF make and where woudl i find it?
  15. i just think that mine doesnt pull as good as it should, idle is little lumpy, judders whole car. But its alot of money.
  16. yeah i know about if u drive it hard it'll be less obviously. just neede da rough figure. hopefully ill get about 150-200.
  17. damn, £100 for leads! i kinda really need to make sure it them before i go spending £100! Think ill try n investigate more..
  18. so you rplaced the leads and it seems ok now? How much did the set of leads and plugs set you back, i think i need to change mine. and the TPS, where is it and how much are they and how easy are they to replace?
  19. maybe the answer would be better instead of asking why he's asking?
  20. After i thought mine was ok after fixing lamba wire, it gone back to its usual tricks, stalling at junctions, idle dipping. grrrrr im not sure where to start!
  21. I have heard that you need to change something within the lights to change them from left to right hand drive. there are a few people on here who have done this so hopefully someone will help!
  22. what do these differ the the standard ones, i need to replace mine and not sure what to go for?
  23. I have wiped the errors off once the lamba wire was fixed and their still showing up, i have also disconected the battery, the faults still show up!
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