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Everything posted by Andi

  1. That's what you get for having a 20th Century PS2 ;) I have the full review version for the Xbox. As I've been away all weekend, I haven't had the chance yet - but will take photos to prove it if I must! lol
  2. Surely it expires tomorrow anyhow? "30 days have September, April, June, and November...."
  3. I've already got it... I'll let you know the gist tonight once I've found the C! :)
  4. You'd be welcome to m8 if you wanted it that bad! (Bring a moonroof too though ;))
  5. In some vain attempt to get this thread back on topic..... HOW CHEAP??? For a damn-cheap runaround, 1.6, already LPG'd!!! Christ, I'd buy that for a very-cheap-to-run second car!
  6. I was on your doorstep, daves16v, but I've moved back down south now since it went a bit Pete Tong up there... Oh well. She's only really popped since the Milltek went on. So its all Pete M/16VG60's fault, since he fitted it :) And jimsG60, I got the local refugees at the hand car wash to do it... :lol: I have no idea what the pink liquid they use - but it does shine it up nicely! Even though the last time she was washed was probably before Inters!!! :oops:
  7. That's on the list to fix. They whirr, but no water anymore. I'll get round to that one day... And I have no idea about the protectors... I'll try and find a VW logo on them at some point when I next remember! I've not seen them before either, so maybe aftermarket.
  8. Yup, as far as I can work out, its all original. Receipts only go back to about 130k, but I'd be suprised if they had been done before that, I have the VW service records prior to that (just mileage and dates) and all seemed ok. She still pulls like a train and doesn't burn much oil at all. There's a small list of things I need to do at the mo (heater matrix is one! :() and it seems the trips on the RAC trucks are always something about £40 to fix. I should count myself lucky really.
  9. Well, 19 months on from the start of this thread, and here she is still.... Body work could do with a little TLC and the wheels have seen the side of the road a few too many times :oops: but I think she's not doing bad for knocking on the door of 200,000miles!
  10. Its all very well saying your alarm isn't working when it won't let you drive the car.... but there is of course the times when it might not be working and you think it is at the other extreme! There's no guarentee with alarms - but if I had a choice, I'd hope my car was immobilised completely, rather than "Here, steal me! Let me just start the engine for you too to make it easier!". Cliffords have a lifetime warranty if the ownership of the car doesn't change. Just get it fixed, it'd be free... The alarm is the most used part of the car, remember. I wish the whole car had a lifetime warranty!
  11. Hopefully yeah. If it'll get there.... :oops:
  12. I came out to the car this morning to find a motor/pump whining away under the bonnet. It remained when I started the car (yes, it was whirring away whilst parked and alarmed as it had been all night!), until I rolled backwards down the hill and tapped the brake. Big groan from whatever was whirring, brake pedal moving all over the place, then silence... ABS light stuck on (tried a restart, still there) but brakes seem fine...... Drove to where I had to drive, and all seemed fine, apart from one time I braked, the pedal pushed right back at me. Let go and rebraked.... fine.... ABS light still on. Got where I needed to go, restarted the car, ABS light went out..... WTF?!?! So what servo / cylinder / bit of the brakes was that? Was it just an electrical connection somewhere damp from last night's down-pour? My old Kenwood head-unit gave up the ghost last week. Here's the replacement. Alpine CDA-9833R, £319 from caraudiodirect.com - 'tis guud 8)
  13. Fireplace boot install? That would be... erm.... hot 8)
  14. The final design is undecided at the mo, we were gonna see what they came up with and go from there, really. But the blue/red is a little last year, m8......
  15. I'm up for one if you haven't counted me already ;)
  16. Is there an official VW document somewhere for the recall? I fancy having a go... ;)
  17. Interesting. When mine went, steam came pouring in, yet mine's a L-reg '94? Unfixed at present too....
  18. I run TomTom 2 on my ipaq 3630. Its a great system :) Yeah, go for it pal. Everyone's dead jealous you get full voice touch-screen satnav for £400, then you can take it from car-to-car too. C'est tres handy!
  19. I got the garage to soak mine overnight and they were re-used when I had all my brakes done too ;)
  20. That's cos THE Corrado Forum kicks ass Nice one, m8 :)
  21. Off the website.... I read that first of all as 'Welshman'. Blimey, detects Welsh on the roads? Now that is clever... :lol: I'll be up for one of these too. dtjames, How do you get the cable to link it up? I'd be interested in that too, especially as I want to intergrate my iPaq into the cubby hole in front of the gearstick ;)
  22. Andi

    *sigh* Again....

    I had a kip whilst waiting for mine to turn up :) I still haven't complained..... I will though! :offtopic1: Some top fire tips for, erm, some random reason: * Reduce fire hazards in your home. Children are the worst fire hazards; consider giving them up for adoption. * Fit and maintain smoke alarms - at least one on every floor. But if they go off every time you cook bacon, like ours do, just take the batteries out. * Most fire deaths and injuries occur while people are sleeping. Plan an escape route should a fire break out at night. Here's a hint: throw your children out of the window FIRST, then follow. * If there is a fire, get out, stay out and call 999. Not necessarily in that order, though. * Never use the lift. As if you have a lift in your house. Tell you what, though, if you have one of those Stannah Stairlifts? You're screwed. * If moving or trapped in smoke stay close to the floor where the air is cleaner. While you're there, do some hoovering by putting your mouth to the floor and sucking. * If a door feels hot, do not open it, as it probably means there is a hot hot disco party on the other side. (Taken from http://www.preparingforemergencies.co.uk/ )
  23. Andi

    *sigh* Again....

    Well, upon yesterday's inspection, thats what we concluded. Rotate the wheel, driveshaft doesn't move, and CV seems a little rattly.... However.... :| The CV joint seemed ok... We replaced it anyway, however we may have come across the real problem. The drive-shaft has almost a whole inch of lateral play - that isn't good! Although at the extremes it seems impossible for it to pop out now, could it be something as silly as a missing C-clip on the inner CV joint giving the play on the driveshaft? And the outer CV joint came with a boot and grease anyhow. £42 inc. VAT from ECP. No exchange-fee or anything either.
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