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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Andi

    *sigh* Again....

    I'm not too bothered about rocking the pricing boat - since I receive their Solution 4 for their 'Roadside' price :) Ant popped round last night and diagnosed a shattered CV joint. Picking up a new one from ECP for £35+VAT and hopefully fitting it later today. Thats the sort of Corrado bills I like!
  2. Andi

    *sigh* Again....

    He had a glance at the CV joints, but couldn't see anything wrong. He just wanted to get me home as I'd been waiting too long. One big-ass complaint to the RAC coming up! The guy he went to before me called up 45 mins after me! How is that fair? And he was stranded at work - not in the middle of no-where on a country lane!!
  3. Andi

    *sigh* Again....

    Indeed they normally are, m8........ Ne'ermind!!
  4. Andi

    *sigh* Again....

    Lost all gears - forward and back. Speedo moves with the rev counter. CV Boot was changed with the MoT at the beginning of June, so I'm hoping its just they didn't do it up right and it'll need 1hr and 6 bolts. We'll see.... During my 2.5 hour wait (!!!!!!) for the RAC, I took some pics... lol
  5. Andi

    Air con

    And hopefullly a cut-down kit for those of us lucky enough to have a/c already and just want the cool panel and better controls ;)
  6. Andi

    CV boot split

    Because a split CV boot is an MOT failure....
  7. Still looking good, mate! Only comment so far, it doesn't fit on 1024x768 - and it could quite easily. Just for those of us on 'normal' laptops. The forum is fine on 1024x768 :)
  8. Ah crap... :mad: Well, you can buy a set if you want, but your rev counter will be wrong unless you can get it adjusted somehow.....
  9. Right then, ladies and gentlemen, we're back on track with the dials group-buy. From the previous thread, it was narrowly decided that the dials will be black and black by night also, but glowing markers, numbers etc in the usual Indiglo style. I am hoping the actual design will be similar to this: http://www.dubdesignindustries.com/cata ... 0rings.jpg or this, but lighting up white, rather than blue: http://www.oichan.org/mods/gauge/gauge.htm There will be a couple of alterations though: -- Water temp in deg C -- Speedo in MPH, with small KM/H markings too (probably an inner-ring). Because of this, the 'Corrado' emblem will be moved to the rev counter, just like the original dials. -- Petrol guage will remain indiscriminate, so that they are compatible with 12 and 15 gallon tanks. -- Go upto 160mph, as per UK guages There are a couple of other considerations too: -- Again, you will be buying 2 sets. This just makes the group-buy simpler for the numbers, and the majority of us will be able to shift the other one - lets just not all flood ebay at once, eh?! -- Not suitable to 1.8 16v owners - your rev counter goes to 8k -- Needle illumination will be confirmed and sorted by Henny. We'll make sure its a complete package as possible so resale is not difficult. A small extra cost may be involved in this - but it should be minimal. -- If you want to buddy up with someone to go halves, do it privately. Don't bog up this thread with requests. -- Total dials available will be 50 exactly, so 25 sets. -- Prices will be confirmed nearer the time, but its likely to be the same as the original thread: about £40 gets your the pair. Money will be up-front before manufacture can proceed. We will be given designs, etc, beforehand though - don't worry. We might have to pay import tax too, so there might be a couple more quid to consider. Dick Dastardly is the front-man and doing the leg-work for me (I'm getting old... :lol:) however I'll still be handling the money-side of things, just as a familiarity point-of-view. Please PM Dick Dastardly to be placed on the list. Everybody from the old list will needs to reapply, as we need to assertain who's still interested since the dials are black. Again, please don't clog up the thread with 'add me please!'.
  10. My a/c gets suitably fridge-like, but surely its going to depend on the install and the components used?
  11. dinkus, let me know when you want to host that on the-corrado.net instead! I can also help with linking it in with the forum if you wanted.... Looks an excellent idea and would be a very welcome addition to the site!
  12. Heeee-heeeeee. Touch ma' bad self. corradootje powerrrrrrrr, I hope you enjoy the site...... And we'll have no sex-weeing in this establishment, thank you.
  13. Andi

    Mystery key

    If its anything like the company car parks I've used, a business card folded in half gets you in too... ;) (Handy tip for going out in Ashford, Kent... ;))
  14. Andi

    2.8 v 2.9

    HP is the same, its a standard. But its the corrected values you get off a rolling road. UK (SAE) rolling roads work on a higher standard and are stricter. US (STD) one's are notoriously more generous.
  15. What's your surname, Dan - can't find your payment yet :?: Thank you very much to all those who have donated so far! It is very much appreciated!
  16. Thanks for the recent little flux of donations, guys - it is very much appreciated! And I'm glad you like the error 404 page ;) She doesn't get much airing since forums don't normally generate 404s, but when she does pop out, my god is it good... hehe. P.S. Those who have donated and I haven't made a 'CF Donator' please drop me a mail, since sometimes its not possible to work out who is who when you don't have a name on your profile here and the email address I get the donation from isn't listed! Cheers :)
  17. Time to add my 2p. Got the Clifford 300 on mine, and its been fine. Its suprising the rep the Clifford has, and everytime someone goes wrong with the C and, say the ignition, or the doors, or the windows... the Clifford ALWAYS gets blamed, but not once has it actually been the culprit. I even had an RAC man leave me at the side of the road, as the fuel pump wasn't working. He said it was the alarm and not his problem. I rang the RAC, complained, got a more competant engineer out, who found a faulty earth on my fuel pump relay. The only problem I have had was the aerial to the alarm came out on like day 2, but just use the keypad to override the alarm and they fixed it in 5 mins when I went back to where I got it from. Nothing since, and its now 2 years old. As for the Toad, I thought I remember hearing they do bugger all when someone actually tries to nick your car? Remember Clifford will also pay your insurance excess if your car is stolen and the alarm is by-passed: they are that convinced it can't be done.
  18. raddo_g60, everyone else has asked, so I will as well: what is your location? And Darren's lead time at G-Werks is never that bad, I'm sure they could squeeze in a diagnostic soon enough for you. How many miles on the clock - do you have evidence/receipts of a charger rebuild? Should be done every 60k miles. No harm in trying the fuel filter firstly though. It smells a bit, but only takes 5 mins to do.
  19. I think we mostly decided on which design would look best, but the thing that concerns me with your site, zarman, is the cost.... Unless you can offer us an excellent deal with regards to ordering about 60 at once, it would still remain cheaper for us to go directly to the original manufacturers - although the time frame would probably signifcantly larger. I will have to have a talk with Dick Dastardly as I'm essentially handing over the leg-work to him ;)
  20. The garage charged me a total of £196. Thats including VAT, fitting of discs, pads, callipers, brake lines, rear bearings, new OSF CV boot and the rear plate lights fixing, and the MoT (only 24.95 - bargain!). They were actually working on it for 5 days in total. :shock: Henny, yeah, exactly what I thought. Though we'll see how they look in 3 months time when they start to oxidise!
  21. Hello all. Haven't really been online much recently as a few of you have noticed, but I am still alive and I do still own a Corrado 8) She's just back from getting through the MoT - failed first time round on the rear number plate lights not working. The garage found the spllit in the wire and soldered it up for me. All cool now. She's also been treated to new brakes all round, since 200,000 mile calipers and sliders tend to be a bit crap. Still on the original carriers though. Now have Mk4 Golf alloy rear callipers, new std.front calipers (which I painted red one boring evening, lol) and groove black diamond discs & pads all round, plus Goodridge hoses. The brakes are spongey at the mo, but thats expected with such a hard disc & pad setup. They do need warming up before use and have only done 500 metres of the 200 mile bed-in ;) (Very local garage!) Though apparently, once past the sponginess, the brake meter on the MoT tester flew round very strongly - so brakes are way over spec. Here's some cam-phone pics if you're that bothered.... ;)
  22. http://fastpurple.co.uk/corrado/vids/Bi ... 20meet.mpg Might need to right-click and Save Target As... Its 68mb. Some nice and some riced.
  23. Andi

    Inters fun and games

    Or..... we could do it during the day? Last Inters I was bored after 3-4hours, and if I've gotta be there for 2 days, I might as well make the most of it!! Seeing a C pulled apart would probably stir up some interest too!
  24. Andi

    Inters fun and games

    Well its probably going to be pissing it down, we're camping so we're not gonna get any sleep anyway - so why not just spend it doing something :) Whip the seats out, put them in a tent, then you can get about three people inside, 2 by the doors, and a couple under the bonnet...... so, no prob :lol: Shall I order a new matrix then?? I've got it all bypassed at the moment, so if it does go a bit wrong, I can still drive it. And anything that gets broken can just be bought the next day at bargain prices. :)
  25. Anyone fancy helping out with a Heater Matrix swap on my C on the Inters campsite Saturday night? With 6 of us doing it, it'd be a doddble :)
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