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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Why, wassup with the others? I know they smell a bit and can be a bit thick, but that's a bit harsh....... :lol:
  2. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15356 It's come up before on the forum ;) There are quite a few legal issues in Europe/UK with retrofitting them to cars. That thread is pretty comprehensive with its problems ;)
  3. I had a similar problem with mine a while back. The switching earth to the fuel pump relay had died, meaning that when the car started/tried to start, the earth wasn't made, meaning the circuit couldn't complete and no fuel pump. I cheated as a get-me-home by permnamently earthing the fuel pump relay, but it meant it whirred when the ignition was switched on rather than just at start and whilst the engine is running. (its gets the switching earth signal from the ECU. Its designed like that so in the event of a crash and the engine stopping, fuel isn't pumped everywhere!).
  4. C&R can't get 'em either - I've been looking too :(
  5. Andi

    switch leds

    Glad we were of service, lol :)
  6. Officially abandonned. Please refer to this topic instead: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16010
  7. Or: "CNUTs apply within: corrado-forum.net" But yeah - it is stomping on Guy's territory a bit. With the VR6 T-Shirts, get "29" in there somehow too. Don't wanna be associated with them inferior 2.8 VRs in Golfs ;)
  8. Or you could read the FAQ where a link is present on every Corrado Forum page... ;) http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/faq.php#39
  9. Just don't go parking in a low-ceiling'd multi-storey!
  10. Yes, very helpful and understanding, but no idea of anywhere that makes Corrado ones.
  11. Shit happens. They tried to get in, and failed. Hopefully they won't bother trying again. I'll pop round my alarm fitters at some point and quiz why someone wrenching out my door handle didn't even get a chirp out of the alarm! No dual-proximity fitted (due to large population of cats that like warm bonnets) but a "bip bip bip* would have been nice.
  12. P.S. They didn't get in. 8) The scum that is. I did let the police in. lol
  13. Its for me.... Sadly I got done Sunday morning by the local scum! Next door neighbours spotted them and rang the police. They came round pretty sharpish but were already gone. I also got woken up at 6am with *bang bang bang* "OPEN UP, ITS THE POLICE!" Yes, they do actually shout that.... lol Passat handles + mech coming tomorrow (£30 the lot from VW+Audi breakers in Nottingham), but with the damage, I was hoping there would be a nice plate I could cover it with :)
  14. Surely you guys have paid by credit card? Your company will refund it if the goods have not been delivered and they won't respond. All is not lost ;)
  15. Maybe that's my point..... hehehehe. Well, I think Liam might be. :lol:
  16. CF T-shirts should be generic really, not model-specific. Plus 'G-Unit' sounds like the sorta bars I don't go to! But knock ya'self out, lads... ;)
  17. No discount, they'll pay me instead! I'm looking into it ;)
  18. Yeah, John @ Brentacre gave me all the low-downs of their wonderful policy :) He also told me all about his 16v G60 Corrado and knew all about the forum ;) (Hello John if you're reading this!). I haven't had any probs with AF, but then I haven't had to make a claim... so....
  19. Well, just been doing mine: Currently with Adrian Flux, their renewal quote was £920 with 350xs. And these are all quotes for Fully Comp, 24yo, 5yrs NCD, 6 points (2xSP30s), all mods declared. Elephant: £945 250xs Greenlight: £797 300xs Priveledge: can't do it First Alternative: £1200 without mods, quote abandonned Brentacre: £734 450xs, but unlimited mods to 210bhp and 2nd car cover discount (might be important!) HIC: sounded like the cleaning lady answered and will pass on my message. Not impressed! So although the xs is a LOT better with Greenlight, I may go with Brentacre as the second car may be needed this year with all the work I intend getting done. Interestingly, Adrain Flux said if I got a hard copy of their quote they WILL beat it by £10 and give me a policy at a loss. But they don't do second car cover so I won't bother ;)
  20. Andi

    Milltec backfire

    Millteks do that - nothing to worry about ;) Mine pops religiously at 1500rpm. Entertains me a traffic lights every day 8)
  21. I love playing 'spot the photographer' in photos of shiney cars.. hehe. Looks nice m8! :)
  22. Agreed too - I want the original white illumination and black background, as we've done this pole already........ The great consensus wanted black-by-day-AND-nght. I don't want to Rice up 50 Corrado's at once, we're all grown-ups here who know better than to shop at Ripspeed in Halfords. And I never received the PM either... :roll:
  23. Correct! :) And plastic sheeting on your passenger seats for passengers like yourself ;)
  24. Now ya' just gotta learn how to drive, Furk, and you'd be sorted. Looking sweet mate - worth the wait!
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