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Everything posted by Andi

  1. http://www.highwaycode.gov.uk/23.shtml#242 I'm afraid it is.
  2. Currently on 196.1k and just done an oil+filter service on BananaMan's driveway. Heater matrix blew on Saturday, so I've by-passed that for now. Amazing how cold the car is without heat. That'll be fun.... :cry: 200k the car will get another oil+filter, plugs changed, injectors cleaned, induction cleaned, engine-bay tidied (maybe..) and some body work tidied so look all nice ;) Will be about summer time, so alloys will be refurb'd too.
  3. Normal rules for staying in the middle lane is if you would have to pull out again within 10 seconds, then staying there is ok. Problem is, everyone else stays there.. So, do you break another law and undertake them? M1 is a classic for MLMs. Makes me wanna install an LED sign on the back of the car, so I can undertake them, pull in front, cut them up, and flash up a rude message.... hehe. On the continent, its fine for you to flash people out of the way.... why do we have to be the stupid country where that's considered rude? So bloody british.
  4. Hiya people - I'd just like to bring an update to this group-buy. Prices will soon be following, and GW/PSD will be able to offer up pricing once its known how many people are seriously interested and with what. However, the down-pipe has been withdrawn from the group-buy. This is not available to agents from Milltek as it was not developed by them themselves, it is in the fact the baby of 16vG60 and he is the sole distrubutor of this item. If you are interested in this product, please feel free to drop John a line and he'll be more than happy to provide additional information and costs. :offtopic1: The rest of the group-buy still stands - but it'll only work if there is more interest! C'mon people - has winter not knackered your OEM exhaust yet? ;)
  5. You might have more luck in the less-Corrado-orientated http://www.dubforce.net Lots of Rallye nuts on there.
  6. Oh, and they're certainly not flat. They're a right bastid for curbing, as they are so sticky-outty. Alot better on 215s though.
  7. I didn't buy 'em to copy the RS4. I needed some alloys quick - had an accident and two buckled wheels, and they were dead cheap and in stock and fitted ;)
  8. I have replicas on mine - look..... (17s) Now sporting 215/40/17 Toyos which fit properly though ;)
  9. Becuase you did a duplicate thread, it screwed up the photos too. You'll have to edit the first post and upload them again.
  10. That cos you've got your yellow and red wires wired up correctly, Brian? ;)
  11. Gaz154, we're still ironing out problems with lighting and stuff so yes, I can add you to the list :)
  12. The dials are US-spec, therefore the speedo will be wrong. This is the point of the group-buy since we'll get them made up to UK-spec and for a lot cheaper ;)
  13. You would be referring to chrome surrounds - and yes, they are not part of the dials, they are part of the instrument binacle.
  14. Are you thinking of an illuminated circle in the centre of the faces that is covered by the needle centres, but illuminates the dials? Do C needles have prisms for this?
  15. Top tip: user the wonderful 'Search' button at the top of the forum. Will save you a lot of time..... http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3479
  16. Those'll be the dials I'll be copying in the group buy ;) Just need to sort the lighting out - like he hasn't.
  17. Andi

    100 mph no wipers!

    You had a look at the Lupo wiper mod? Worth it. "Use the search, Luke..."
  18. Andi

    100 mph no wipers!

    Sounds like your motors are getting old or you have far too much pressure of the blades on the windscreen (unlikely!).
  19. Yes, I had found those before and that is the general idea I'd like to end up with. I think they look more modern yet aren't detracting from the original-style we want. And will be significantly cheaper than those too. Still unsure about this lighting stuff though....... :x
  20. Andi

    C's in _snow_

    That's the pathetic amount of snow we had in Croydon. Not that brilliant.... c'mon you northerners, put my pics to shame! :)
  21. Most of the UK got at least a dusting of snow last night, and hopefully some more today. So post up piccies of your C covered in snow :) Almost like Christmas... hehe Apologies for the naff camera-phone pics, but better than nothing! 8) Drive carefully, guys.
  22. I haven't forgotten about this.... just 10 squillion other things to do at the moment, sorry!!
  23. Andi

    traction control

    Use over 50% throttle. It disables itself then.
  24. dubbprince - it's not an SLC, it's a G60. The SLC is the VR6 in the states. Tempest: very nice looking motor, there m8. Cruise control: now there's something I wish my C had. Got everything else... ;)
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