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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Click on the link in my sig - I've put them under Non-VW
  2. It's not like he had to try very hard though ;) Though 'lol'. I enjoy taking on Porsches, anything Jap and stuff. Sod the Nova's - they ain't worth a squirt. And fellow VR6s. As Mr. Modified VR6 Golf will confirm with me doing 145+ down the M1 ;) (I won, easily) *cough* Road was closed for my personal testing, of course... Was part of a TV show, erm, yeah, that's it.... *cough* :oops:
  3. Ah shuddit, you shat yourself m8 - be honest ;) For those of you who are wondering 'wtf?' - Furki was following me on the way back from No-Rice, and I managed to get my C on 3 wheels going round a sharp corner at about 55 ;) F thought I was a gonna.... hehehe. 'Tis my party trick 8)
  4. Drroooowwww psssssh. Not bad noise as Furki's mota came and picked me up from the station when I went down to G-Werks. Oh, and F, we got flashed a few times. Hope you don't mind the points...... :lol:
  5. I've had mine sideways in the wet, round an off-camber corner at about 70. Brought back happy MX5 memories....... and yeah, simple to straighten up and carry on. Passenger thought I'd handled it with style... don't tell 'em the truth, it was the car all on its own!!
  6. So when is the V-Werks 24vEatonVR6 coming out? ;)
  7. 'Cos I felt like it ;) Just my heater matrix to do now! Oh, and the sunroof. Then there's the body work... Ah, and the wheels....... Any offers? :lol:
  8. Well, she's back on the road, and not being towed for a change!! Darren and Liam have done a great job. Apparently the front of the car has been in bits 3 times, as they'd fix something, put it all back together, then find its still leaking... lol. And shock of all shocks from the g-man himself "they ain't bad those vr6s, are they". At least I know they've had some fun with the amount of miles they've racked up on her.... ;) Cheers G-Werks, you rule :) Maybe you need to rent the garage next door too and open V-Werks :idea:
  9. Cool, getting there :) Anyone got some of the metal dial faces spare? I'll need to send a set off to the states for them to copy 'em.
  10. Do you mean change the whole engine, or bolt a g-lader onto a vr6 engine? If its the latter..... would be quite cool if possible. Swap the starter & alternator for a combo unit, and slot the g-lader in.... ;) C'mon Darren / G-Werks - sort it out! Hehe. You've got my VR6 - I'll let you experiment....
  11. Had similar fun a couple of weeks ago in mine. Down hill, in the snow and ice, and someone at the end of a row of parked cars not leaving me enough room to get through (*cough* woman *cough*) so I had to stop. Easier said than done. Was doing about 15mph. Foot on brake - nothing. Still going down the hill, parked cars either side of the road and one at the end of the road - in the sodding way. So, yank with the handbrake. Hmmm. My left-rear caliper doesn't wanna work, locking my right rear wheel and spinning the car 90 degrees. Now heading down the hill sideways, parked cars about 1/2 metre in front and behind me. Slid to a stop with about 10cm before hitting a parked car in front of the car, and about a metre from this woman - who was still sat there (nothing behind her, or either side of her). Slow 5 point turn later and back down the road. Whizzed the window down and stopped by the woman who looked shocked. I said "Bit slippey up there!" 8)
  12. Had a bit of fun in the 'Kia Pride' aka 'Death Trap' running down the M1 yesterday night. The thing is so light, slip-streaming works a treat. Sat behind a Merc Sprinter van and he was doing 90 most the way. Pulling me all the way down the M1. Used about 10 quid petrol for a 170 mile trip ;) Got the old girl to the end of the clock too, 110. Hehe. She was shaking like a bitch! lol Get the C back Thursday.... yay :)
  13. Sadly, no Corrado.... Only my Dad's green Kia Pride (sorry, Kingfisher Blue) that I'm driving for the next week (he's driving my MX5) and some SNOW. So not all bad ;)
  14. Hehe... The poor thing. I do love it really.
  15. Yeah I know, its just seems to be one little thing after another! Off she goes... when she returns, nobody knows..... No bread-van for me to collect (slipping clutch, so no thanks) so its off on its own.
  16. The subject of the thread might give that away, m8...... ;)
  17. Yeah, would love the moonroof. Depends if I wanna spend money getting it all working.... or just get the sod on the road and flog it ;) I'm a bit undecided at the moment.
  18. Just thought I'd fill you all in on what's currently up with the admin's mota'! :: I think the main hose which comes out the water pump and goes to the block, has the sensors, etc, has split. So much so that any water in the system lasts about 30 seconds, then its dry again. Apparently, to get proper access, this in an inlet-manifold off job. Nice. :: Heater matrix blew last week. So that's currently by-passed. :: Slide doesn't work on the sunroof, only tilt. Been that way since about September. Don't really use it anyway, 'cos of the aircon. :: Rear number plate lights don't seem to work anymore. :: Air-to-feet hasn't worked for about a year... Stuff I've fixed recently: :: Handles were a bit stiff. Ant greased them up for me. A lot better. :: Driver's side mirror smashed - both the glass and plastic. Got replacement, sprayed, and like new now. :: Stereo was all bullet-connectored. Joined up an ISO block so its all standard now. :: Ignition barrell lost 'Start' position, so Push-button start installed in the cig-lighter hole. £1.49 from Maplins for the button. :) :: Aircon was a little unreliable. Replaced a relay and found a dodgy connection. Current plan of action: It's booked to be towed down to Darren's workshop tomorrow. I know he's a G60 man and doesn't touch VR6's with barge-poles, but I'll hide in the corner, nick his tools, and his knowledge, and pull the sodding thing apart and get it on the road again! When I get some time off work that is. I'll also pick up a £100 bread-van Polo from down there too, so at least I have 4 wheels (and a heater! :lol:) to shift my fat arse about. Happy days......
  19. Andi

    new glow dials

    I used a fork for prising the needles off. Works fine. You have to be careful with the water temp and fuel guage needles though as their mounts are just plastic and bend and get all screwey. (Can you tell I had a problem with this? ;)) And also make sure you pull the speedo over the stop needle and note where it rests. Normally the corner of the facia. But no, wouldn't say it was difficult.
  20. Searching for 'Corrado Forum' is generally more sucessful - we're ranked #2 at the moment. Welcome back m8. That grey wing mirror has finally been put on my car. Looks like new - and its blackberry now ;)
  21. Not sure yet - I'm waiting til the needles are sorted, then I'll approach SR. I don't see why not though.
  22. No need, ollyb, its only codecs that are missing.
  23. http://fastpurple.co.uk/corrado/vids/Codecs/
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