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Everything posted by Andi

  1. I haven't had the chance to sort any details out with the manufacturer yet, apologies for the delay but I don't have the time! Plus, we also need to make a decision on the design.... Mike16v: that'll be fine. Not just yet, though! :)
  2. Andi

    lupo wipers

    Topic locked. Please try searching before posting - this is very heavily discussed here! http://corrado.atx-hosting.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=153
  3. Andi


    Members should receive notification of all the changes soon as this can't be discussed on the forum.
  4. Andi

    Sun Roof Saga

    Mine died a couple of weeks ago. Think its more a melted motor though, since I trapped something in the roof and it wasn't too happy about it! Ah well, moonroof conv. in the spring then. P.S. Why are you opening the sunroof? Don't you need sun and heat for that? I still use the tilt, as its nice to have hot air blowing into the car and some fresh air venting too.
  5. That would be 'cos a VR6 Storm is Group 19. Might as well get a Skyline
  6. There is no need for hosting with pictures on the forum, as you can simply attach them to posts and they are automatically hosted with ATx Hosting. You've lowered your Polo 110mm? Do you use the front splitter as a snow plough in the winter? :shock: Have a look through the members gallery - you'll find some 1.8 16v's in there! Swapping cloth for leather interior - yes, direct swap more or less - remembering that there is a late and early style interior, so some bits like door cards need a little bit of work - but the seats are a straight swap. You'd need a wiring loom if you got electric heated recaros though. As for insurance.. yup, it is a bugger. I got my VR6 at 21, and insurance was £1575 fully comp. Last year was £1111, and just renewed for £950, again, fully comp. Thats now with 4yrs NCD and 6 points for speeding (not in the C, I might add!). So at 19, I doubt you'd have much problem insuring a 1.8 tpft... you may even be able to stretch to a G60 if you find the right insurance company!
  7. Well, funnily enough - when I was thinking what to get after my MX5 and before Corrado popped in my head, I found a mint, cheap, lovely example of a BMW 840... Man, I wish I had the money I had then!! (I paid for my C with cash and still own the MX5 - it's in the garage!) I dunno when I'll grow out of the C, but I'm having funny feelings towards a Nissan 300ZX TwinTurbo, or maybe calm down a bit and get a TDi 150 and tune it up. Doubt I could run the 300ZX along side the C, but maybe the TDi ;)
  8. I may be able to host it - just depends on how big it ends up ;) I have a few 10gig/month accounts lying about I could abuse!
  9. Yes, it will be going ahead..... eventually. Just far too busy to investigate further as of yet. Will get some ideas on designs, etc, and those who are involved in the group buy - if you can vote on the poll on the first page that would be good too!
  10. Isn't that just an alloy-wheel spacer?
  11. Andi

    How to join CCGB?

    Yup, the CCGB certainly does good shows :)
  12. Andi

    How to join CCGB?

    Please explain - I'm intruiged! Just expressing my point of view, which I am entitled to do. In my experience, being a CCGB member benefitted me in no way at all. This is probably not true for many other members, past present and future. However, I do know of other members who won't be renewing for the same reason. Also, the problems the club has had to fight through have left many members and to-be members weary of joining. Sadly, these going ons occur in a lot of owners clubs. One reason the Corrado Forum will never become an official club - the status just seems to jinx communities.
  13. Whereabouts round here are you, Bolster? Might be able to help, being a South London / Surrey boy myself.
  14. Andi

    How to join CCGB?

    Well, I was in the CCGB for just less than a year. Parts Club was next to useless - just over £2000 spent on the car (luckily £900 done under warranty) and I tried at every instance to use it. Either the part was still cheaper elsewhere (ECP, GSF, etc) or they didn't do it on the discount scheme. Received 1 and 1/2 sprinters, and endless, endless headaches, flames, nasty emails.... It got to the stage where my involvement in the CCGB was causing problems in my relationship with my girlf (late nights sorting out argumentative emails, etc), so I quit. There are far more important things in life. If you're in the CCGB, be a silent member. If you try to help out in any way, you'll wonder why you bothered. I'm sorry, but the CCGB isn't a patch on the MX5OC. Maybe 'cos its full of hairdressers instead of grumpy old men, eh? ;) Just my POV. Viva le forum de corrado! The CCGB has had a hard year. I just hope it has the cohesion to pull itself up from the ashes. P.S. My sticker wasn't sticky. It was the plastic lickable ones like the cheap tax-disc holders you can get.
  15. Andi

    How to join CCGB?

    You can get discounts on Insurance if you mention the Corrado Forum now.... (HIC do!) The sticker is alright, but its a lick-it-all-over-then-sorta-sticks-to-the-window jobby, so not as neat as our vinyl jobbies :)
  16. Andi

    How to join CCGB?

    Well, you get a sticker... Oh, and a bit of card.
  17. AFAIK, original head. But I hope the tensioners have been changed :shock:
  18. There is, however, one disadvantage of the uprated loom. You do lose the backup which is installed in most cars in that offside and nearside have their own fuses - so if one blows, you only lose one side. The main fuse on mine went last Saturday, whilst doing 75mph in the rain on a pitch-black road. I crapped myself!! Once I'd pulled over (I had to use the light from my indicators to judge wear the arnco barrier was!) I had the bright idea (lol...) to plonk the fogs on and they still worked (I didn't know at the time it was just a fuse - had no idea what it was!) so managed to get to my destination (was nearly there anyway). It may have been since I run 100w uprated bulbs too, or maybe a dodgy fuse, but I replaced the 20w with a 25w one and all is well. Since the high-beam is also uprated, I lost that too. Just some info to be added to the thread...
  19. Andi

    accelerater cable!!!!!

    Well, the engines are completely different, so I suspect the cable is too.
  20. I tend to agree... How can we get 160mph ones and deg. C instead though?
  21. Yeah, they look pretty cool - but how are they back-lit?
  22. I will speak with SR when the time comes about possible designs - maybe get them to do 2 or 3 for us to choose from? We'll see.. The white illumination ones did look pretty cool, but as far as I know, then indiglo dials have to be blue illuminescense, with patches of red for redline, etc. And yes, I plan on keeping Corrado on the rev. counter - and glow it in the dark too :)
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