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Everything posted by Andi

  1. A good point - I have white needles! - will they supply red ones also?? White needles do show up on white dials - but changing them is easy. You'll have to pull off all your needles anyway - whilst off, simply scratch off the paint at the back of the needle prism and paint on your own. Nail varnish works quite well (you need a gf for this, or lots of balls to walk into Boots and buy some lol). This is how I made the needles blue in my MX5. Took about 1 minute each. Easy peasey. The needles are front lit too.... this does pose a problem. If we have any lighting, the dials will appear, rather than the indiglow doing its stuff. But it does mean you can see the labelling at the bottom (handbrake, etc) and, of course the needles. Would more people be interested if it was original black dials with indiglow at night? Then lighting could remain (and changed to blue if you want) and wouldn't show up the dials... Just a thought. Will think further though.
  2. Corrado logo would be just as it is on the original dials. On the rev counter, same size, nothing else. KPH markings: when I made my white dials - it looks kinda sparse without them. Needles: actually, a good point. Will investigate.
  3. I would prefer singles x1000 too. I'll drop them a mail about the Corrado logo in a bit.
  4. But might be worth to see what they are like with mods, eh, Tom? Adrian Flux are cool with them. Mine due at the end of the month..... :shock:
  5. I was going to get Corrado on the rev counter like the current dials - if they will do it (Copyright issues). I have to send them the dials as a reference - anyone got a set? Mine are stuck underneath my white dials, so can't get at them!
  6. Cheapest is GPC, about £45 IIRC. http://www.gpcvwaudi.com/ (shite website, but you can get details from there)
  7. You replace the dials, as you would with normal white dials - the only different being you need to connect a 12v lights-on dependant feed and find a place to locate a brightness button. It is also recommended you remove the bulbs from the dash. Easy enough to do - I'll do photos and instructions when the time comes. I've done it enough times!
  8. Andi

    Backlit Instruments

    I'll start a new thread.
  9. Andi

    Backlit Instruments

    Ah good point.... Labelled as "Samples" get it through for nothing?
  10. Right, I've just got off the phone with SR, and here is the deal: They will do a run of 50 Reverse-style for us at $28 each. P&P of the finished product is $80 to the UK - but thats 1 parcel. I'd sort out distrubution within the UK. Total = $1480, and would be about a 1 month from order to ready-to-ship. That's £930 for the whole order. If we stick to '25 places', that is £37.20 per place - which includes 2 sets. I would need to add to that in order to cover Paypal costs (excluded if you send me cash) and P&P from me to you (again, if you want to collect, this can be waived). Price per place: £37.20 (which includes 2 reverse-style sets for Corrado). Paypal surcharge (per place): £1.50 P&P within UK: £2.50 (First-class Recorded) Whatcha think? If two people want to 'share a place' - sort that out amongst yourselves - but if we don't get 25 places filled, the deal won't go ahead. The dials will look similar to this, but for the Corrado, rev counter to 7 (redline at 6.5), speedo to 160mph, and fuel guage 1, 1/2, 0 - so compatible with 12 gallon and 15 gallon Cs. Only for the digital dash too. Night & day time (Golf versions pictured - so obviously slightly different) I can specify whatever options I want. I will get the "Unleaded fuel only" removed, and would people prefer the rev counter in tens or singles? Red notches on the speedo for each mark, or all blue? Before the run is made - I will be sent a final design to approve, so we will know what they will look like! Provisional Places ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Me (2 sets) VR6 CorradoVR6-n.o.s funky Henny dubboy ray_vr6 Supercharged Joe M Pau1 dan mark16v (maybe) ollie noby blown leavon ']['H3R4POR GringoG60 dubprince pimp stevemac DM willmason andyvlw leew Beetlebug_2001 jedi-knight83 Mike16v DEL VR6 anthonyg MADDUB Gaz154 anubis Shilakadaddy Places remaining: Complete! Though we can order more than 50, so other people are more than welcome! ;) Looks like it'll be classic-style black-n-black too. Current Status: On hold, since I have to move 'n' stuff. Someone else is more than welcome to take the reigns though. This is a zero-profit group-buy from the organisers' point-of-view, but what you buy you will be able to make a profit on. I don't have any specific ties with SR Racing, so someone else could easily help me out here.
  11. Andi

    Backlit Instruments

    Agreed 0, 1/2, 1 for the fuel, so compatible with 12 gallon and 15 gallon C's - and yes, would be upto 7k revs so for the most users on here - G60 and VR6 owners. So, if we have "25 places", people can take 2 or 3 places if they wish to order more for resale. As for the halo/reverse choice - it depends how it comes out. I'll drop them a mail and see if they could draw up a design so we know how it would look.
  12. Andi

    Backlit Instruments

    http://www.streetracerparts.com/models/ ... gauges.htm However, they are US-spec dials, so only goto 140mph. The company would produce 160mph dials, but we'd need to arrange quite a group buy!!... :shock: Anyone fancy going in for this? If 25 people all give $55 each, each party would receive 2 sets - one to keep, then one to sell for about $55... :)
  13. Yup. Left and right are the same. £138.91+VAT each from VW. Bearings are £30 each and code is v1h0 498 625 - if they're needed too.
  14. Only VR6's are 5-stud. All other models of Corrado - any age, are 4-stud.
  15. Andi

    Red or Bling ?

    http://www.silverfusion.co.uk/ Dunno how they fair with other company's though - just a company that emailed me a few months ago.
  16. Andi

    VR6 Rad blown.

    Some people may not have the space to drop the front-end though - e.g. if the job has to be done roadside (no driveway or garage or whatever). I suspect both methods take the same time and Jonathan was incredably slow - I can't see how it took him that long! And remember, you have his instructions - he was figuring it all out. I can do a rad-change on the MX5 in 15 mins... lol.
  17. Andi

    VR6 Rad blown.

    Taken from the eGroup:
  18. Agreed, pinking generally occurs at range of revs, but just one very specific point. And re-reading the first post - pinking should only occur under load - and the rattle is when not-moving too.
  19. Ant and Darren are going, since I'm going with them!
  20. Yes, the distributor controls the ignition timing AFAIK. Or at least, it can be altered there.
  21. Have you had the cam belt changed or any performance work done recently?
  22. Sounds like you need your ignition timing checked. Can be done DIY if you know someone with the timing light. (P.S. I think it's ignition timing, not cam timing that needs checking. Apologies if I'm wrong, but I have a stinking cold and details aren't my forté at the moment!)
  23. If the sound is like metal bearings being shook in a metal can, it could be your timing and the engine is pinking. If it is just a rattle - sounds more like a loose heat-shield and the vibrations at 2,500rpm just happen to make the metal resonate, and would be solved by some tightening, if you can find it!
  24. Andi


    The account Andy90 is Inactive, because you never validated the account - when you join up, an email is sent to the email address you supplied, which contains a link and activates the account - as you should know from creating your newer account. I notice you changed your email address by one digit from the 90 to 91 account - how many Hotmail accounts do you have? :lol: Simplest method will probably be for me to delete the 90 account, then you can rename the 91 account to Andy90. Let me know what you want to do.
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