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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Surely a 'fridge' system would be too slow and would have little or no effect on air rushing into the car. You would need an adapted aircon system - but then running aircon draws power so the gains you would see you would immediately lose from running the system in the first place. Unless you wanna just run it to keep things cool... Or are they just developing an 'intercooler'? Could've sworn I've seen them around somewhere before... I can't quite work out what this project is meant to achieve!
  2. Mike, that is a picture from my car - and it is plugged - you can clearly see the brass plug in the tubing.
  3. Agreed. My last visit to VW, they commented on my ATE Powerdiscs (which are grooved) and they made comments about hairline fractures on drilled discs on Audi's... and the result. :shock: I'll stick with grooved, thanks! :D
  4. Spoke to Kevin: Full installs - nope - not really worth his while since companies that sell kits can normally install it cheaper. As for the regas, £75+VAT is the official price, but the Corrado-forum.net discount (*cough* ca$h *cough*) is £50.
  5. The carbon canister pipe is capped in the centre of this picture:
  6. You'd have to ring and ask, but you might have to source the system yourself first.
  7. ...not quite the same as the new Seat Ibizia Turbo Diesel where you can get a further 50bhp from a rechip... ;) And a wicked increase in torque! But then that does involve a turbo!
  8. A rechip might get you 12-15bhp - but its more likely to do that if you have the air filter, exhaust, decat done and the chip is setup in order to benefit from these. On their own you won't see much difference - all together, you might see ~15-20bhp. The exhaust isn't that restrictive for the standard engine, the CAT is a sport's cat anyway, and the air box isn't that bad... so altering all that doesn't normally bring anywhere near the normal benefits you would expect of 'lesser' cars (that better? ;)) and the mod's manufacturer's claims. I would predict the following: decat = 2bhp (if your lucky - some find a decrease) air filter = 1bhp exhaust = 2bhp rechip = 10bhp (again, depends on a lot of the engine's charactistics). corrado-forum.net sticker = 40bhp (well, might have exaggerated that one...)
  9. Andi

    Zeroed mileage !

    This is pure guess-work..... How about if the cluster contains both OTP EEPROM and a Flash EEPROM. The base mileage is stored in the OTP, and the accumulated mileage is added bit-by-bit (incremental bits - simplest of computer code) to the Flash EEPROM, using 'special application software routines'. The display cluster takes the value of both, adds them together, then displays it on the LCD (don't get me started on the physics of LCDs - fascinating stuff!). Due to the special programming required to alter the Flash EEPROM, the cluster is left to do the workings on this - but VW had ONE chance to alter the mileage by doing their only write to the OTP. So with Steve's cluster, I would assume the Flash EEPROM has wiped itself, resulting in zero being displayed. Which would suggest the single-write to the OTP is still feasible.. and maybe the answer. How you do that... pfff, I dunno!
  10. Andi

    Zeroed mileage !

    Compact Flash is not Flash EEPROM. It's a different type of non-volatile memory. Flash EEPROMs are like the BIOS in your PC, and generally about 128kbytes (depending on what it has to control). Compact Flash can now reach 2gigabytes in storage. The access methods of Flash EEPROM wouldn't be able to accomodate this capacity. No idea. Maybe there's a hamster in there?? ;) Steve - did you forget to feed the hamster? Don't do it on a day like today with your car parked in direct sunlight. I am now sporting burns on my fingers from the temperature of the metal clips that hold the cluster in. It's a tad warm in there!! :shock:
  11. The Corrado is already a sports coupé - so chipping/decatting/exhausts/filters won't give you the same results as a Corsa ;) You might see 15bhp if you're lucky with that lot.
  12. Indeed, m8, it's no prob! :) And, tbh, I was guessing his regas price.. that's what he said to a customer on the phone whilst I was there - but that could've been for a Beamer 8-series or something ;)
  13. Andi

    0-60 times

    And that was with 3 people in the car. When you're on your own, it's even more fun! Just no-one to show it off to... I'll take you out for a spin on the motorway one day... ;) Just fixed my water temp guage and now have verrry cold aircon working too! :D
  14. For anyone like me who has aircon - and lives south of the Thames (I'm not sure if he goes any further north) I can highly recommend Southern Aircon. Kevin (he's a sole trader) has just sorted the aircon on my C which has been faulty for the past year. It didn't need a regas - it was relay trouble. He'd been sourcing a Daviair relay for me for the past month, and it finally arrived, and cost him £30 inc. VAT, so I got it at his cost, plus another, more standard, relay, which cost a fiver - and the total bill came to £45 after being with me for just over an hour! He's mobile, so he comes to you at work, home, weekends, whatever, and his lead time at the moment is about 7-8 days. Full regas costs about £70-80 and he's a top bloke! Southern Aircon Office: 020 8296 0859
  15. Andi

    Zeroed mileage !

    So, let us assume the VW cluster contains a OTP EPROM - how can Steve reprogram his mileage back in (I assume you'd like to.. though personally I'd lose a couple of thou.. :mrgreen:) :?:
  16. Andi


    From their website.... Q: Will the insurance company recognise and accept what has been fitted? A: If you use GAP Security then the answer is yes. GAP Security is MESF accredited, which means that their engineers are approved by the insurance industry to install security devices. In addition, the products we fit are Thatcham approved, meaning that the Motor Industry Repair and Research Centre have tested them.
  17. Andi


    My neighbour had GAP Security install a Clifford Sigma in his Celica GT4 a couple of weeks ago. The installer was a nice bloke, and the quality of the install looked tidy enough to me! I now know when my neighbour's going out, as he starts the car from his bedroom about 2-3 minutes before... ;)
  18. Andi

    Zeroed mileage !

    I thought EEPROMs where wiped by ultra-violet light, not voltage mismatches. I doubt very very much if disconnecting, shorting, rewiring your battery in ANY way would affect your mileage. There are capaciters, diodes, resistors and fuses all in the way in order to prevent this. If this was so, it would be a pathetically weak design by VW, and I'm sure we would have heard of many more zero'd cars from budding ICE Installers. I would guess that the EEPROM has developed a fault since the winter, and finally losing its permnament live has caused it to reset. There could be a million in one reasons... Did you do any work near the dash with your ICE install? Splice into any looms? I bet the faces of the mechanics that do your next service will be a picture when they check the mileage.... "Yes, the car is currently at 900miles, when do I finish running it in?" :)
  19. I've fixed this post. Will people please put proper subjects that let other users know the content of the thread as opposed to "Does anybody know...." Thanks :)
  20. Andi

    VR6 chip?

    What's the first thing you'd do?
  21. Andi

    Window Tinting

    I normally have the newspaper up against the steering wheel whilst driving and reading....... .....Joking! Ok, might try that. 'Cos I think my tints are 'medium' so I would be interested if that is too dark or not.
  22. Andi

    Window Tinting

    Newspaper on the inside and read from the outside, or vice versa? The paper would be less readable if its on the outside, looking from inside the car, as there would be less light to reflect. Erm, I think. Interesting test, though!
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