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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Andi

    its too damn hot

    No, I think its a later Passat, but the panel fits perfectly replacing the Corrado controls. And didn't look out of place at all. Will see what I can find for you.
  2. Andi

    its too damn hot

    Ahhhhhhhh cool in mine... Passat aircon systems are possible - or even their full climate control system. Most aircon systems can be retrofitted, tbh, just depends on the skill of the fitter. I have a Daviair system in mine - hardly high quality, but works, and bloody cold, so does me fine :)
  3. Hans already has a 3rd brake light in the window IIRC, so I doubt your pics are needed, m8. :)
  4. Mine should pull like a b**** then - will clock over to 189k miles today...
  5. Andi

    clifford alarm

    Ooh I was right ;) That worth a donation? :lol: Glad it sorted, m8.
  6. Around, briefly. Yes, by all means, use the name and sell the stickers. Not sure if I can come - will find out during the week...
  7. Andi

    Dial-face template

    Is it still accurate, or is it 10mph out? If still accurate, you may have pressed it too hard and it's just the friction of the needle and the paper stopping it. If 10mph out, get to the dials - pop off the needle, and replace it pointing at the bottom corner of the dial - if you sort of imagine it, its about 0mph. Make sure its firm, then bend it over the needle-stop. HTH.
  8. Andi

    ecotek valve

    ...and asked him how much he got for his 'endorsement'? ;)
  9. The rolling up of windows on the Corrado is done by the Corrado central locking - NOT the Clifford. The Clifford simply sends a live to the central locking unit. You may find your Clifford is not at fault, and, as per usual, its the VW.
  10. Andi

    clifford alarm

    Had similar problem with mine - and the aerial had come loose from the alarm's brain - took 2 mins to fix. I hope this is the same for you and is a quick, cheap fix! Agreed, if you didn't get the alarm fitted yourself, they are annoying and might be costly, but I had it fitted, and the lifetime warranty means even if it does go wrong - which I'm sure it will - I don't mind :) And yes, the 300 is CAT1.
  11. Andi

    Dial-face template

    Nice one, Dazzy. But read the rules - you gotta post a pic of it now! ;) Hehe.
  12. Is there a specific cut-off point for OBD II and I equipped Cs? Without popping up the gear surround, is there any way to tell? i.e. Coil pack VR6s definately have OBDII or something. Just pondering, as I'm lazy... hehe
  13. Ah ok, but maybe it will give Nige an idea - even if the space behind his strut brace is probably a lot less.
  14. Agreed. Stealth is always a good way to go. A couple of weeks ago my neighbour had ~£3k worth of ICE equipment stolen from his Celica GT4. We started again from scratch but concentrated on stealth and making it very hard to remove. I'd like to see them try now - the boot is almost fully enclosed, and they'd have a very hard time getting to the amps and/or subs - you'd have to see it to believe it ;)
  15. I bought mine from Amazon US - with cross-atlantic shipping, tax and everything, ended up at £70. A lot cheaper than Amazon UK. Not sure what the prices are now though... might be worth a look?
  16. Andi

    2l g6o

    Well, I admin that too, so I'll let it slide... hehe.
  17. Nope, not changed it myself. Just know how to use the Maplins website ;)
  18. I ain't that way inclined, m8 - but no problem.
  19. Well, you didn't try very hard: RA19V Thermal Fuse 184C 79p from Maplins. In stock too.
  20. Try Maplins. http://www.maplin.co.uk
  21. The VR6 runs the same plugs as a Toyota Celica GT4, so I would presume Jap stuff is fine... They're also the same 5-stud hubs too, since my neighbour has 15inch Speedlines off a VR6 on his GT4 :)
  22. What about 5-stud though? Can we use the calipers, pads, carriers, etc but find a 5-stud 305mm disc?
  23. You'd need to mod the rear axle a fair amount to fit 'em. And watch that rear-lock-up with 305mms rears!!
  24. Nice one, D. With 305mm discs I presume 16s would be the minimum? And Jim, I think you'll find thats for the fronts only, unless you have 4 brake discs at the front of your car.. ;) £356 inc VAT for brand new 305mm disc front-system with 4-pot calipers? Sounds yum to me.
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