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Everything posted by Andi

  1. The Corrado only requires the 2 front wheels aligning. AFAIK, the rear wheels are fixed and alignment is not possible. VW do perform a full geometry, as I had this done with mine after an accident (and I sneaked it under some warranty work!), and the rear was fine - was just the front that needed a little alteration. Plus, any competant garage should put the appropriate balast in the driver's seat when doing the alignment.
  2. Andi


    Normally saving the image to the correct dimensions, and either as a jpg or gif makes it less than 20kb. I have a 2 page animated gif, admittedly it's not full size (which is 150x150 pixels), but its only 13kb. But if you do need a hand, you can always contact me via email and I'll sort your avatar for you.
  3. And I think you'd wanna reset your odometer, not the mileometer ;)
  4. Indeed you are. Subscriber's can rule over the Mods, and even me, with their manly 6 stars.
  5. Andi

    car bras!!

    Hmmm, if I didn't read the rest of the thread, you'd think that belonged in some Men's Health Issues' forum... :lol:
  6. Andi

    Kamei Eyebrow

    That be proper bo, I tell thy!
  7. It is aftermarket, and wasn't a VW option, but some dealers had it fitted to the car at the buyer's request. The irony, I'd love a black VR... Good luck with your search.
  8. Sounds a bit like if we called our Corrado's "AMD Corrado". Could be 275bhp supercharged-VR6 beast with bodykit...... or you might have had your clutch done there.. ;)
  9. I think you'll find its a name thrown about a bit too much now... [web]http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/detail ... DYGT&s=177[/web] Doesn't sound too tuned to me.
  10. I'll be at no-rice this week, so I'll finally get to catch up with you, John, and meet some other forum people.
  11. Is it an insurance-repair place? If so, cash work is done in free breaks, after hours, etc, hence the 4 days wait.
  12. Andi

    white paint

    Not a very good list, though, as mine wasn't there! I found it as "Brombeer" under the Audi section.
  13. Andi

    white paint

    You should also have a sticker on the inside of the driver's side front wing. You may have to remove the airbox to see it. Bright orange sticker with the name of the paint and a barcode IIRC.
  14. I think the subject of this thread answers that, m8 ;)
  15. Andi


    Jesus, are you sure you two are old enough to drive? You don't act it. Comedy though, keep it up ;)
  16. It is a criminal offence to leave the scene of an accident, so sometimes worth seeing if any CCTV has caught the fleeing scum. Whether they'll let you or you'd be able to see the plates is another matter. However, if you get evidence by your own means, the Police cannot act on it - the gulity party has to own up. Nothing saying you can't be a bit persuasive though.... ;) What a wonderful world we live in.
  17. I need to redo my sub enclosure, its about 3 years old and originally from my MX5! Hans, could you send me the details for the enclosure on the left of the boot? I need 28 litres (1 cubic foot) for my 10inch sub.
  18. You're always welcome for a spin in mine someday, I'll scare ya'... lol Got her airborne 2 days ago, I was impressed :)
  19. That's how they were when I got the car. Either its had a wee accident, or a previous owner just replaced them with open G60 vents. Its still a VR bumper though. Open slatted grill too, so maybe the previous motorway tourer to me wanted to help airflow as much as possible. The car certainly hasn't had cash spared on it from the history it has. But yes, OT now - sorry, my fault. *Mods self*
  20. Campaign interior and a Storm badge on the gearshift. Hmmm...
  21. Andi

    Dial-face template

    I was gonna say insufficient markings on the speedo, and no "MPH" printed. So technically a fail for an MOT. Whether it would or not is another matter. However, I've just noticed there are tiny markings for the non-labelled tens, so that should be ok. Still no "MPH" label though :lol: I am warming to them though, do look quite trick ;) Intruiged to see them in the dark though! The polished section should be a brighter green - could be a really cool effect.
  22. Lucky my slats are open under the bumper. I've rigged up some tubing with the aid of wonderful cable-ties. VR6 ones are normally closed, IIRC. And yes, it does make a very noticeable difference. The car is a bit more perky when its hot, and even quicker in the cold than before.
  23. Andi


    *pulls up a seat* Round 1 *ding ding*
  24. Just fill out the fixed penalty notice, but don't sign it... ;)
  25. I have a Bel Euro 550 myself, then my SatNav has all the GATSOs and Red-Light cameras in its database, warning me 30 seconds (no matter what speed I'm going) and then 10 seconds before I hit it. Very handy! But not the cheapest option ;)
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